Thursday, July 07, 2011

CLAP YOUR HANDS IN GROUPS IN FRONT OF regime UMNO tools like FRU, POLICE, RELA, ARMY, MACC, UMNO-BN, SULTAN, AGONG ON BERSIH - 9 JULY, 2011 - MAKE History!! AMAR MAKRUF, NAHI MUNKAR. Wear Black on Merdeka 2011 & Clap Hands to show open DEFIANCE and Freedom to voice & Rally & March!!


From today we need to follow Belarus and clap hands in public at Authorities of Ruling Elite like Police, Army, MACC, Judiciary, EC/SPR, rempit, perkasa, SB, Agong, Sultan UMNO-BN cronies, mufti, pastor, priest & any ruling elite!! Let their EVIL be heard in public + ILLUSION that they are supported!.....ha ha ha ha ha!!!

This is a beautiful manner to voice defiance as one against the ruling elite. What next arrest people who clap their hands? I have directed my team to spread this HANDS CLAPPING message Today All over Malaysia. If you are caught in an UMNO Police/FRU/Army created traffic jam, walk out of your car, stand on your car and clap your hands!! Each day Good and Bad is becoming clearer like black and white. I pity the Sultan that side with the wrong side like in Middle East or anywhere in this world. One day they can be made Orang Biasa like one time in history. We are just seeking AMAR MAKRUF, NAHI MUNKAR i.e do good and forbid other way to make Malaysia Better!

I will NOT Be OBEDIENT to EVIL and those involved in EVIL or submit to royal prejudice protocol that UPHOLD EVIL!!

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