Sunday, January 27, 2013

Haram tetap haram, dan jangan haramkan yang halal"

Make a Polis Report EVERYDAY!!

We know the PDRM (Police Doing Rotten Murder, Polis Di Rasuah Mahathir...etc) will always discourage you from filing a report over petty crime.  Each less report means Crime Statistic is Falling. ..>@#$%^&  What Crap is this.  Crime of all sorts increasing and yet Home Sinister Hissapuddin says crime falling in Malaysia.

Crime does not mean Murder, Kidnap, Stealing, Liwat, Hasutan/ is also cheating, robbing, break and enter home, cars, snatch thief, illegal dumping......and all sort of petty crime is also a crime rate statistic.  You don't nip it in the bud and UMNO-BN Champion of Munafiq Islam, spin doctoring will say crime rate is dropping due to fewer people reporting crime.  Malaysia safest country..#$%^*%.  So next time, any small petty crime you "kena",  go to police station, sit for 2 hours and make the report and give these tax funded profession some work to do.  Don't be put off, motivate and lecture the police on "kecil-kecil api jadi kawan, sudah besar jadi lawan".  Malaysia is in FIRESTORM mode as far as crime is concern, but UMNO PDRM thinks its just lalang fire.

If they cannot take it, can resign and look for jaga kereta job.  I don't mean to insult those good police but Malaysia need to stop this nonsense of listening to the IGP, top brass.  Their KPI look good and they get $300,000 a year or $25,000 a mata-mata $1500-$2000.  You have to either make this gap narrower or FOREVER be slave to triads and scums of UMNO policy of making you poor and slave to their whims and fancy.  Just as UMNO Malays (melayu tak malu curi hak istimewah orang asli)are like 1000 times richer than poor Malaysian malays.  If compared to Orang Asli (bumiputera tulin), then its like 10,000 richer.  Jurang perbezaaan antara orang melayu UMNO dan melayu tak sepatutnya bagaikan bumi dan langit.

Bila buat bagi hamper kat TV3, RTM, Surat Khabar....UMNO tahu sandiwara begini adalah untuk orang yang kurang berfikir/waras.  UMNO ingat buat upacara untuk 100 orang, maka 1,000,000 dapat hamper.  Tapi Rakyat dah bangkit dari PENIPUAN BEGINI......hidup sengsara mereka, cari rezeki susah, macam macam kesusahan, tak ada orang dengar.   Awak cari $50 ringgit sehari, ketua UMNO makan sehari dengan 10 lagi tokoh UMNO Kat Hotel mewah $5,000-10,000 guna wang yang sepatutnya wang anda/rakyat  UMNO buat awak miskin kerana rakyat tak soal macam mana Ketua Polis dapat $300,000 setahun, polis biasa dapat $24,000 setahun.......jangan lupa duit RASUAH belum dikira!!

Malaysia harus bangun dan hapuskan jenayah serta Korrupsi UMNO Munafiq. Ideologi UMNO adalah Miskinkan semua orang supaya dapat KONTROL mereka dengan duit manis/upah buat awak Diam.  Masa dah sampai untuk Jerit - TAK ADIL, MUNAFIQ UMNO, IGP, Sultan.  Masa dah sampai untuk HIDUP IMPIAN AWAK dan bukan impian UMNO munafiq Islam!

Hanya ABCD sahaja dapat ubah corak hidup awak -
Asalkan Bukan Cap Dacing = A B C D !!!!

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