Monday, February 11, 2013

Are we ready for PSY = Ready for BN...najib lame act?????

NOW to REJECT CAP Dacing in the coming General Election!!  ABCD - Asalkan BUKAN Cap Dacing

Rakyat have REJECTED YOU Publically and MCA + MIC leaders now trying to find excuse and reason why the rakyat said NO to UMNO-BN King Najib in a Public Shame.  All pretending to have not heard the NOOOOOOO!!!!  This is what Tun Dr. Munafiq, Perkakas UMNO, cronies of UMNO-BN will get when Pakatan takes over.
One cannot but laugh at the Sham of Najib Failed Brain Washing attempt in Penang during the Stupid Tax payer Paid $7 Million Gangnam Style Sham rip off.  If UMNO-BN racist thinks this is money well spent, brace yourself for another 5 years of UMNO-BN....trying the listen..listen...listen tactic...EPIC FAIL!!!

Be prepared to be poor, hungry, angry, constant stress and suffering if UMNO-BN wins GE13 again.  Here is where we need malays to RIGHT the wrong and vote Pakatan.  80% Kaum melayu perlu undi Pakatan (ABCD - asalkan BUKAN Cap Dacing) untuk lihat ERA BARU Malaysia.  UNTUK NEUTRALISE-kan Projek EC/SPR!!.....  Kononya dah dapat 500,000 undi postal luar negeri.....500,000 undi Project IC tak boleh dipercaya lagi...jadi UMNO-BN dengan SPR berkerja keras setaip hari.  Bakar itu IBU Pejabat SPR dan RTM 3 hari sebelum pilihanraya.  INI kerja Mat Kilau - jenayah hari ini, Wira Esok!!

Dah dapat Maklumat sulit Bahawa Projek EC/SPR macam Projek IC kat Sabah Dulu.  Kali ini lagi hebat.  Walaupun Calon PAS menang satu kerusi dengan majoriti 3,500.....dalam 1 minggu dia akan kehilangan kerusinya SEBAB Projek EC/SPR akan kata ada 5,000 POS undi belum dikira untuk kerusi itu.

Kalau begini, 15-29 Kerusi majority ADUN Pakatan akan secara AJAIB menjadi Kerusi UMNO-BN dengan logic ini.  Pakatan akan rasa macam Projek Sultan PERAK, Gamuda, sekali lagi.

Project EC/SPR will give Najib another 5 years......How is rakyat going to react.  Last time easy to hire crowd to any function and say Hidup UMNO, Mahathir Munafiq....etc.....Sekarang rakayt bukan Hamba Awak lagi.  Semua Rakyat nak kerja Kira LEMBU macam NFC dan dapat $240,000 gaji setahun!!

Every malaysian wants a job to count cattle that pays $240,000 a year.....

We STOP UMNO-BN by DEFYING him in Public!!!  Get ready to Claim your PIECE in History.  Take UMNO Leaders Family as Insurance!!!  They better run while they can.....2 more months to plan escape for UMNO-BN racist family...airfare very cheap now.........You have been warned!!  UMNO BN Leaders are going to live their NIGHTMARE Soon!!!!....Sleep well in Hotel Bamboo River!!....


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