Monday, April 15, 2013

Ding Dong the witch is Dead??

So if Margaret T funeral will cost taxpayers $14 Million pounds.......wonder how much Khairy did when Badawi wife passed on.... or should Rosmah aka najib's wife die of cancer....should we sing this song too??

Anyway on a sombre day in Boston Marathon, still no one wanted to link it to Bin Ladin Death.  Same time meh!!  Terrorism associated with Islam religion cult would not end until these Scums are Obliterated.  Pointless really to Bincang like in Sulu War on Sabah.  So Najib thinks he can provide security to Sabahans if you voted UMNO-BN Terrorist in?? #%^&*#

Bumi non malay will show you what is security when you Obliterate UMNO-BN-PBS from Sabah, vote STAR, take Sabah/Sarawak out of Malaysia, start a new country.  UMNO-BN is terrorist to Sabahans.  They take your dignity, money, resources, land, make a foreigners your Masters politically, socially, in every asspect of your life and those SCUMS from PBS-BN Ongkili, Pairin K, Dompok Kurap...etc are also Christian Terrorist.  They are not Foreigners that make a better SABAH, improve things, make your life better.  UMNO-BN is Foreigners!! 

They have set you on the path of misery dressed up as progress.  Set you on the path of Death dress up as Heaven Utopia.  Set themselves up in Rich and Famous lifestyle, while you struggle to aspire to be like them from poor dirty area.  Come May 6, take them to the Top of Mulu and Kinabalu and push them down like MACC did to Teoh Beng Hock.  When Scums Christians like that don't know what they are doing are EVIL like these Scums Islamic Terrorist, there is no room for Bincang, discuss or be rational.  These scums have a mind set of Making your life a Misery and theirs GENERATION of  Privilege UPPER CLASS.

They are witches, demons, toyol, anti-christ....etc in earthly form.  Make no mistake about 55 years of suffering.  Free English Education becomes useless Bahasa Melayu medium of Instruction.  Now we have to pay millions to be educated in private schools and to be sent overseas without being disadvantage.  Now they make English private schools for those Ruling elite, rich, famous, sultans, umno-bn generation.  Why live in their planned Deception?? #$%#  making rakyat Stupid, useless and live in misery.  Thi is not an act of Angels, Gods, Greatness.  That is an EVIL ACT!!


Sabah / Sarawak you have the CONSTITUTION power to just SACK Malaya. Start afresh and give Malaysia an option to migrate.  Create Singapore/Taiwan/South Korea 2 & 3 rather than a Zimbabwe, Burma, Sudan 2 & 3 under UMNO-BN Malaya.  Take the God Given power you have and leave the Trillion dollar DEBT to UMNO-BN.  make MB Taib of Sarawak Billions WORTHLESS in ONE DAY!! Allow Malaysia & Foreigners that would make Sabah richer and Better and in English!!

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