Thursday, May 02, 2013

Start MAT KILAU Disrupt, Disrupt, Disrupt...Change We Must...

Indelible Ink SHAM should render the UMNO-BN victory Null and Void.  But Judges are UMNO Goons....Bombs in Jinjang...more in Sabah...why bother hiring UMNO-Sulu Security systems..>ABU and UBAH!!


To all PAS, DAP, PKR get ready to storm Johor, Perak, Negeri 9 and Malacca, Sabah ADUN Parliamen to STOP UMNO From Burning Information!!  Turun Padang Ramai-ramai!  Protect the PAS,DAP, PKR Adun.! Surround Govenor House in Sabah and Malacca in case they to do Project Perak Sham.  Demand to be made MB like TAIB did at Midnight to be sworn in.  Storm the building and Take over!!

Get ready for Putra jaya too....  INI KALI LAH!!

Take and burn down all UMNO-BN Dacing posters and keep doing it everyday and night until Sunday.

DDOS All local print and media outlet until they Crap out.

Burn all ballot boxes near UMNO strong outlets when the opportunity arrive.

We have to deal with 500,000 phantom votes of UMNO-BN-PBS-PBB....macam mana??

Fight those Perkakas UMNO scumbag to submission and never to come out again.  3 Line & Silat UMNO I tunggu kau semua sekali lagi.  Ini kali, rasa kepahitan sokong UMNO Celaka.  Awak akan diCELAKA-Kan!!

Sometimes need to leave things for GOD/Allah to Frustrate...

UBAH Kerajaan adalah satu amalan yang baik. Penang, selangor, kelantan, ...dll ... berapa Juta Melayu Islam mati kerana penukaran Kerajaan ADUN negeri?  Bukalah mata...harga minyak turun + takde Tol...saya jimat $5,000 setahun.....Batalkan AP, kereta Baru lagi turun..Jimat lagi $30,000 ringgit....tak payah bayar kos sekolah ....jimat $1500.....

Berapa kali x 1BRM kita sudah rakyat dapat dengan SATU ABU - UBAH??   Sangat bodoh kalau rakyat Malaysia Lepaskan peluang Ke-Emasan untuk Pahatkan ERA Baru!  Change the Government to make UMNO live in MISERY!!

Sabahans vote DAP-STAR for State control and PAS, PAS, DAP for Federal Control opportunity.  Win-win and create a new Country for Malaysian to Migrate!!...end the UMNo+Sultan Racist agenda SHAM like when they sacked Singapore!!  WHY?? Why did these SCUMs of UMNO-Sultan do it!!!?? 

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