Monday, September 23, 2013

Selagi orang melayu tak ceraikan gabugan Islam dan bangsa melayu...maka ideologi sesak UMNO Islam cult akan berterusan.

Penindasan minda masih berlaku kat malaysia.....terutama orang melayu.

Selagi orang melayu tak ceraikan gabugan Islam dan bangsa melayu...maka ideologi sesak UMNO Islam cult akan berterusan.  Adalah perkara yang tidak senang untuk ceraikan penindasan minda ini kerana ia melambangkan fikiran waras dan bertengtangan dengan permainan minda dan ajaran sesak islam UMNO dan Perkakas UMNO racist islam Cult yang berterusan 60 tahun.

Sekarang Orang melayu agak susah nak buat pilihan kerana semua pilihan ada nasib dan Balasan.  Takut pilih kerana nak duduk atas pagar.....inilah manusia yang Allah paling benci!!  Kerana manusia begini nak cari rezeki dari 2 pihak tapi takut  kedua-dua pihak.  Sampai nyawa awak diTakluk/Jajah ideologi 2 pihak...maka hidup awak bukan hidup yang bebas......yang dikurniakan Allah....tapi mengikut kehendak orang lain...Ideologi sesak.

Begitulah dunia hari ini.  Macam kat Mesir/Egypt.....nak sokong brotherhood of Islam tapi takut digelar terrorist....nak sokong tentera...takut digelar pengyokong Mubarak Korrupt....  Macam Kat Syria.....juga...satu sokong Diktotor...yang lain sokong pengikut gila al qeada bunuh sesiapa yang tak tunduk kepada kegilaan mereka macam Kat shabab.

Kalau begitu lebih baik cerai dan PECAHKAN gabungan Negara.......buat saja negara baru macam Sudan Utara dan Selatan....Buat apa perang sampai mati??  Bukankan kita hendak hidup aje??  Siapa yang rajin negara akan maju macam Singapura, Taiwan, Austalia.....Siapa yang malas dan terus hidup macam hamba kepada alasan...maka jadilah negara macam Zimbabwe, Korea utara, Syria, Lebanon.  Jangan ingat Negara Malaysia tak boleh agihkan Sempadan sekali lagi.....apa gunanya gabugan Malaysia semata-mata untuk menyara kehidupan Kroni2 UMNO-BN + Sultan-Agong.  Di depan Allah semua pun adalah Manusia biasa.....suatu realiti yang Sultan UMNO-BN tak boleh terima macam Gadaffi, Assad, Sheik Saudi...dll

Sabah/Sarawak Pecat Malaysia, Bebaskan diri dari Kezaliman UMNO-BN + Sultan-Agong yang terus nak miskinkan dan hamba abdikan awak!!!

Friday, September 20, 2013

What is so Bloody good about UMNO Islam Cult Approved by Sultan-Agaong Racist Bigots Sham....Even Dead people want to play...these Bigots Bully...

So Chin Peng big deal.....Until these racist bigots UMNO Islam Cult have some agenda in the background....trying to keep the temperature of potential Racial violence on the fore front of their UMNO style Gadaffi-Assad of Rule Forever. 

What sickness in this Glorifying Nordin Top ...the bugger of Islam UMNO Cult member...Killer of innocent people in Bali bomb, Marriot....etc....Educated with Malaysian tax payers funded education to Australia.  His body was specially brought back to Malaysia under UMNO Islam Cult-with Sultan-Agong Approval to be buried & Glorified in Malaysia...with UMNO Islam Cult message of "If he did Bad, Allah forgive him, If he did good Allah Bless him"......nice of UMNO Islam Cult - Approved by Sultan-Agong@#$%^&!

But Chin Peng.....the Racism of Sultan-Agong Approved UMNO Islam Cult is played for all to see.........but try to look at the agenda behind ALL their decision and you will know why these SCUM sack Singapore.......its all about UMNO Islam cult Racism Ideology approved by Sultan-Agong...nothing has changed 50 years later!!

So people of  Sabah & Sarawak....Just take power with People, Sack Malaya and the UMNO-Sulu-Moro terrorist that UMNO use as their backup police, army to carry up their EVIL.....  This is the EVIL of the UMNO-BN Regime Approved by Sultan Agong......  Leave Malaya with $1 Trillion Ponzi Debt...and let their own types of Islam give them a Gadaffi and Assad Lesson....

We need to create a new place to migrate without this RUBBISH of dumbing down, making us slaves to UMNO-Sultan Approved misery agenda...while they enjoy the Rich and High Life.

You are buying yourself a law suit, dissapointment and hardship if you believe and trust UMNO-BN + Sultan Agong racist agenda.......and meanwhile bombs and battle still going on with UMNO-Sulu-Moro terrorist in Sabah but coverage by local media peace in Syria and Egypt!!...wake up Sabahans...Sarawakians....

Don't wait another year to first have the mind set.....then the plan and then the Sudden take power, take insurance of UMNO goons and SACK Malaya......Agenda Freedom has Begun!!!  Sack UMNO Malaya....and watch malaya rot......let those Highly educated UMNO+Sultan-Agong....overseas trained leaders deal with the anger and hunger of malaya people......UMNO-BN MUST Be Obliterated Now...the party, the racist bigots agenda and their Ideology of Racist evil Islam Cult Sickness...

UMNO Islam Cult is Lies, Sham, injustice, racist, stupid, murderer, killers type ideology....Approved by Sultan - Agong.......50+ years and counting....Not one spoke for the people......remember this!!...50 years and counting!!....Sack Malaya!!

Sunday, September 15, 2013

Happy Malaysia DAY....16 September......

...and go to Hell to 31 August Hari Malaya racist Day....

Lets hope next 16 September 2014 WE SACK Malaya  and Segregate and Autonomy......

Lets face it UMNO+Sultan are there to just RIP Off Malaysian, Steal your Life and make you a slave.......using guns like Gadaffi and Assad.....and UMNO-Sulu-Moro Terrorist.....

These UMNO-Suulu-Moro+ Sultan Terrorist use their power to just make Malaysian a Living Misery slaves.....  Time to rise up and Defend your Dignity and Send them to their Islam Cult HELL!! to Assad and Gadaffi.  There is NO MORE Religion of Peace ISLAM.....   There is Islam Cult, Sunni, Shia, Allawite, Taliban, Terrorism and Multiple types of CULTS HIDING in the NAME of Good ISLAM......  Time to decide the Type to Help and the type to Avoid....If Support UMNO-BN + Sultan/Agong.......AVOID!!

Make them Orang Biasa with a Sack Malaya Agenda.......take power Via People Power.....nothing else matter anymore....

Stupid for now to have Pass in English for SPM in 2016...when in 1972...All Sabahans / Sarawakians were in English ....even the parliament....then the Racist, bigots malay islam UMNO Cult took over and DUMB down Sabahans and the name of Racism..........

Do we have to wait 50 years to see the SHAM and EVIL done 50 years later......  Now Malaysia is bankrupt and watch the Obliteration of your Resources and Bankrupted Sabah/Sarawak.....  Sack Malaya before you look back from 2050 and say......  We should have sacked malaya in 2013.......  Malaysia economic crisis in 2014 onwards will be devastating........and Padan muka if Rakyat Catch and hang those UMNO-BN cult Misery making leaders.......

Don't be a ROMANTICS to UMNO+ sultan Agong EVIL Agenda to make you their Slaves ....Stand up be strong.....and Fight for your own Turf......Under God...ALL are MERE humans ASKED TO DO GOOD!!

So Trengganu Palace = $1 Billion...+ all 9 Sultan Palaces + Agong palace + UMNO Palace + all this SHAM buildings = $20 Billions over the years......+ those $400 billions to enrich, buy guns and make you their slaves....Racist-Bigots-Islam Cult Agenda!!

SACK Malaya on the FUTURE SEPTEMBER 16........  Its Useless to keep UMNO-BN + Sultan for another day....Unless you like misery and slavery and illogical justice and EVIL Justice agenda.....Curses on Malaya and those Racist - Bigots - islam cults and insulters Scums!!

Remember...time to LABEL UMNO + Sultan Approved Islam as ISLAM CULT of Malaysia.......Theirs is Religion of Islam Cult ....... One build on corruption, racism, stupidity(demolish surau due to buddist worship for 3 hours)...yet use corruption money to build Mosque....this all Approved by Sultan defender of Islam Cult!!

Thursday, September 12, 2013

After knowledge of Racism...time to Learn Knowledge of SEGREGATION - AUTONOMY!!

Make no mistake we are not ROMANTICS to Islam Atrocities and their Unjust Law and Order and Sickness......  Theirs is Follow or Death like those Syrians Fighting Assad......On the one side you have the Al-qeada sickness ideology to kill and wipe out minorities like christians, non Shia supporters....on the other side you have this Scum Dictator that will use whatever it takes to wipe out the sunnis, al-qeada islamic cults rebels.........  THERE ARE ALL TYPES OF ISLAMIC CULTS...including UMNO-PAS-Sulu-Moro.....  Break their unity in Islam Cults and decide which is the Main stream.....

No wonder no one wants to help islam-muslim dispute because you get bitten by both snake.....Remember Egypt muslim brotherhood and their Syriah Sham and wanting to change Egypt constitution....Serve them right for the way they were removed and Sabah/Sarawakians needs to dream the dream to remove Malaya.

The power is within your constitution to SACK Malaya together lock, stock and Barrel with the Sultan-Agong UMNO Sulu terrorist.  No need referendrum....the day you kick UMNO-BN out of State governement....SACK Malaya....WAIT NOT A MOMENT!!

Put aside Islam, religion.....etc and stop this rubbish of unity in Islam SHAM.....there is none...none in Libya, none in Sudan-dafur million genocide, none in Egypt, none in Syria, Lebanon, Jordan, Gaza, Turkey.......Islam Cult only unity is for BULLY.... like in Malaysia.  Stand up and time to THINK ABOUT LIFE without this SHAM!! Don't be romantics to Malaya Cult Islam cult ideology .....children in toilet eating ramadan excuses, accidently punish your non muslim children for eating in the end of the day they are ALL like Assad, Gadaffi, Morsi......etc....UMNO+ Sultan/Agong defender of Islam Cult want to live and enjoy the Highly Priveledge life and Punish you with racism, bigots logic Suffering in Misery and Injustice.
Sabah/Sarawak....wake up from Slumber and Sack Malaya....Lets ALL migrate, corner those swinging state seats and take power.....time to change the demographics and Bring an end to Tun Bapa Kemerosotan Malaysia Mahathir Project Racist IC ponzi SCAM and SACK Malaya.....leave Malaya with $1Trillion debt and let the Agong-Sultan Change their lifestyle to cope with People's Anger there....Why Wait??  UMNO-BN + Sultan-Agong are FULL OF DECEIT - this is Hypocrisy of their Evil Islam cult ideology.  Again ....Why sack Singapore and not Sabah/Sarawak.....  Was Sabah / Sarawak leaders easier to bribe and cheat and lie to...possibly so.  So we need to Sack the Currect UMNO-BN crop of leaders and PKR from Sabah/Sarawak.and RESTART, INITIALISE, ReFormat the Sham and Start new!  Believe me it WILL be 100% Better....go ask Singapore.....

Sabah/Sarawak with THE POWER of your resources, state should be like Kuala Lumpur infrastructure at worst Best like Singapore/Taiwan/Japan....that is the measure of WHY the NEED to Sack Malaya.

Of course Sunni Malaysia wants Shia Assad Gadaffi.......and of course these UMNO-Sunni+ Sultan Agong Cult would stand by Shia Hamas-Hezbollah or Morsi and brotherhood of Islam against the West/Isreal...But there goes all their CREDIBILITY and Ideology.  Its ok to take up arms like these terrorist for one reason and not ok for another...what type of Cult Ideology is this...  TIME FOR ISLAM to DISARM or Hang those UMNO-Sulu Terrorist holding high powered guns rather than Hang a Malaysia carrying a pistol.....where is the Justice in THIS??...Either Hang Both or Bincang with both crime.......#$%^&!...But because its the  UMNO-BN + Sultan Approved Islam Cult Sham... Insult Islam/Allah for their own benefit is ALWAYS OK.......hope they die and rot away!! !@#$%!

Disrupt...disrupt...Disrupt....ALL UMNO-BN Infrastructure, business and PDRM-Army and all those supporting UMNO Racist bigots PONZI regime that use Guns to Kill PENANS of Sarawak and citizen of Sabah!! ...Mind set changing time is ahead!!

Time to Get smart....Make yourself and your community better and Obliterate those UMNO-BN Scums who thinks they can make you their Slaves and your human host for their LEECHES!!

Wake up...because the UMNO-BN + Sultan is using Sabah/Sarawak like a PONZI to live the good life ...while you live in Misery......  After your WELL of Water $$$$$ dries up...the UMNO-BN + Sultan Approved Ponzi Scheme will Abandon and SACK you like Singapore......Don't give them one more cent or DAY of Running Sabah/Sarawak...SACK MALAYA and end the Racist bigots UMNO-BN + sultan-Agong PONZI Agenda!!...

Monday, September 09, 2013

Malaysia Racist Bigots Sickness of UMNO-BN Islam Cult Logic Approved by Sultan-Agong....

A shrine on a building the size of a small shop lot is not a Temple....BUT a SURAU used by Buddist is a Mosque and must be Demolished for it have WEAKEN the Faith of Malaysia UMNO Islam Cult of Agong-Sultan Approval.???  #$%^&!

That is the logic on the manner of the Mullah, Taliban, UMNO-Sulu-Moro Islam cult terrorist treat Malaysian.....

That is a Shrine....Demolish.....If that was a Surau and you demolish it.....the hue and cry would be 100 times...but who cares.....  Just go to a Surau and Mosque and do your Prayer and YOUTUBE it that these CULT Islam Racist Bigots UMNO-Sulu + Sultan Approved Ideology  would Demolish their OWN SURAU and Mosque.  I like IT....JUST DO IT!!  We need to rid Malaysia of these Sickness of Islam UMNO-Cult ideology and RESTART.....

How about that Indian school kid that was BASHED and ABUSED by the teacher..approved by headmaster-UMNO-BN + Sultan Islam Cult of Malaysia??.......and you think that Headmaster is none other than the UMNO ISLAM - MALAY - Cult followers.??....  Suprise anymore?  Why name an indian boy minor but HIDE THE NAMING OF THE SCHOOL and TEACHER/ABUSER Name and Headmaster?? !@#$%!...

Obviously trying to hide and protect the teacher and Headmaster like the two MURDERER of Altantuya....  Lets hope the moment these 2 Scums ( Azilah Hadri and Sirul Azhar Umar) are released they MEET an ACCIDENT and DIE!!...Appropriate Justice...

This is CHILD ABUSE....HELLO PERMATA...Rosmah....Najib you enjoy seeing children ABUSED by those in position of power under CULT ISLAM UMNO-with Agong-Sultan Approval??......@#$%^&*!....  Is this the UMNO-BN+ Sultan Agong early age method of Brain washing, Mentoring and DUMBING down and CONTINUOUS INTIMIDATION Daily!!??
Teacher Used chair to Hit School Kid in malaysia

Please someone Name the teacher, Headmaster and the school and Charge these child ABUSER for SEDITION, Racism and CHILD ABUSE!!....before any police actions is taken against you for sedition for highlighting the CRIME.  Like the parents of children who reported about eating in Toilet in Sekolah Pristina during Ramadan.   Take against these teachers for their CRIME and also lodge a Sedition Charge because the teacher and headmaster and Muhiddin as Education Minister is trying to incite the people to Violence......Hello....VIOLENT CRIME ALREADY Done.......STOP the VIOLENT CRIMINALS of Headmaster, Teachers and those who Force your children to eat in Toilet, beat them in Ramadan for eating...even though you are not Muslim...and teach these Malaysia Islam Cult SCUM a few lessons of Freedom..

What is New these days as Sabah at War now  ESCALATING   Sabah coming Terrorism   with VARIOUS Muslim UMNO MORO terrorist war....If Sabahans don't Eliminate and Obliterate these UMNO-MORO-SULU Islamic terrorist Cult...>FAST...Syria is at your Peaceful Door step.....Sack malaya and Restart NOW.

Lets start Migrating to Sabah, and Clear these scums out and Create a NEW Nation away from all these UMNO-Sulu-Moro-BN with Sultan Agong Approval Racist Bigots Ideological Sham...

UMNO-BN Becoming Famous with FALSE NARRATIVE.......Telling Lies to suit their Racist End Game and ideology and APPROVED by Sultan-Agong......then why sack Singapore if its not due to Racist Bigots Agenda??   Malaysia need to rise, migrate to Sabah/Sarawak and sack Malaya....leave Malaya with $1 Trillion debt to fix while Sabah/Sarawak ZERO DEBT!!

Wednesday, September 04, 2013

What use if you have Rights BUT NO RESPONSIBILITY!!.....

That is problem with Malaysia......  What use the Mythical Sultan, Malay, Islam rights...when there is no responsibility to govern with INTEGRITY, HONESTY and JUSTLY........this is called the Allah blessing Factor!!  No wonder Malaysia is in CRAP state and Singapore in Cloud 9.

Free the Altantuya Murderers of Kpl Sirul Azhar Umar and C/Insp Azilah Hadri even after Admitting to the crime the Stupid UMNO-BN + Sultan-Agong AG, Judges cannot find them guilty...@$%#!

When the UMNO-SULU Islamic terrorist keeps attacking Sabahans its intrusion and UMNO-BN + Sultan take the path of discuss and diplomacy......but any suspect of other race and religion in any crime is shot dead or pushed from a tall building like MACC did to innocent people!! @#$%!

If the headmaster force your children like in Pristina School at Sg Buloh to eat in Toilet area instead of the canteen for fear of insulting the muslim kids .....  those parents of kids who complained are charged in cours for SEDITION!!!....#$%^&*.....  Is this type of justice sickening??

When you eat Bak kut teh and greet someone in youtube during muslim fasting is the greatest insult and the person is charged in courts......  but a minister involved in constant corruption is Not..

When some buddist monks used a surau....a small room where employees are allow to pray as their prayer room...the IMBERCILE Council+UMNO-BN + Sultan demolish that building and use tax payers corruption money to rebuild it.... This kind of sicknees is a sign of a country in Distress... $%^&*

No wonder the world don't want to care about the Syria or Egypt problem....The more these muslim kill each other the better perhaps the world would be.....  The moment we give the Muslim brotherhood some power they want to implement Syriah and Islamic Draconian laws......No doubt Malaysia is trying to go this path and for the sake of a better Malaysia...Time we start Migrating to Sabah/Sarawak...>SAck the UMNO-BN leaders there, take them captive and then Declare AUTONOMY and Sack Malaya.

Then Open doors to those who want a new country to come to Sabah/Sarawak.....away from the UMNO-Sultan-Agong Racist bigots agenda of making their own race stupid and their slaves.

We will use the Responsibility of governing a New Malaysia properly....Not one steep in corruption, racism, Stupidity like the UMNO-BN + Sultan-Agong Approval.  Time to divorce have come.  Time also for Syria, Egypt to Divorce and RE-DRAW your Boundaries......those who wants muslim brotherhood style management....EAST...the other..WEST.....  Those who wants President Assad....North and those oppose South....  a simple solution and Let the people make a SHOW of IT......  Like Singapore did to Malaya......

Now Sabah/Sarawak can do that too....It is in the POWER OF YOUR CONSTITUTION TO SACK MALAYA WITHOUT CONSULTATION WITH UMNO-BN, PEOPLE OR SULTAN -AGONG........give them a taste of Singapore sacking from Malaysia!!

Tuesday, September 03, 2013

BN = Equals Barang Naik..... Now you know why Sabah-Sarawak must Sack Malaya....

No need for need to consult Rakyat or Sultan Agong as long as we have leaders of Courage to take People Power Path and Sack the entire UMNO-BN Leadership and keep them for Insurance.  This is the path we need to seek to avoid bloodshed like Libya, Syria, Sudan and SEPARATE.......  Take the FREEDOM to END the RACISM and BIGOTS Ideology OF UMNO-BN + Sultan Agong approval.  After all they Sacked Singapore for RACE Power.

Imagine your backyard have Durian/Oil and you used to eat it for free or allow other in your area to buy it very cheaply even though in USA or Australia it is like 15 times the cost..........Now you are paying about the same price as USA or Australia or Even More because YOUR STANDARD of LIVING is NO WHERE NEAR those Advance Country........and you accept the Stupidity of your economic logic and keep voting UMNO-BN + Sultan-Agong Approval........  AS UMNO Says....go change your poverty living standard to improve your living standard!! @#$%^&*(.....while UMNO-BN + Sultan-Agong continue to wine and dine on what you would earn a MONTH........DAILY!!. 

Now the Malay Race power is DISILLUSIONED with why they are still lingering and suffering misery after the racist Bigots Act of UMNO+ Sultan and starting to realise that the CURSE of ALLAH must end with UMNO-BN Obliteration.......  Sultan-Agong welcome to defend UMNO-BN Evils to the end like Gadaffi or Assad.  In the end we need a NEW MALAYSIA and ERA .....this EVIL lies and Misery making UMNO must END!!

So all those Demolition of Surau, Forcing kids to eat in Toilet, Freeing of C/Insp Azilah Hadri and Kpl Sirul Azhar Umar, allowing the Sabah muslim malay child Rapist to marry the underage girl he raped, Bak Kut Teh insult on Ramadan, students with better result not getting into course of their choice while other race allowed...................IS TO MAKE IT LESS ANGRY WHEN YOU HAVE TO PAY HIGHER PETROL, electricity, GST TO UMNO - PETRON, PETRONAS......corruption cronies!!

Serve those 40% UMNO-BN supporters right for more misery....and flood and whatever suffering you are in......60% of Malaysia wants to end UMNO-BN rule BY HOOK OR CROOK NOW.  Next GST and Higher interest rate........  Get ready for more mosque insult, islam insult, Sultan Insult, Agong Insult, Flag insult, ....for the NEXT INCREASE OF BARANG NAIK.....GST,,TOL,....ELECTRICITY.... ,,,Padan Muka...serve you right for voting and NOT WANTING to Gadaffikan or Syriakan or Turkey-kan UMNO-BN by PEOPLE POWER.....

You said you wanted peaceful you voted UMNO-BN....Now UMNO-BN is making a FOOL of you and Insulting you for ANOTHER 5 YEARS for a ONE DAY Job.......No wonder Malaysia is going down the economic tube.....this TIME WE CRASH AND CRUSH the EVIL Racist BIGOTS UMNO-BN + Sultan Racist Agenda going on for 60 years....

Sabah/Sarawak...Wait NOT a day more to SACK Malaya......Sackingis better than BLOOD Shed like Syria and Libya!!

What the Crap....having to stand up in cinema for negaraku...which Imbercile thought of that force loyalty MADNESS...what next ...force to SWEAR alligence to UMNO-BN and the Malaysia football, hockey team....GO TO H****@#$%^&*(!  UMNO-BN becoming creepy Sick with Sultan -Agong Approval....Remove their EVIL Ideology...Sack Malaya and lets Start MIGRATING to Sabah/ for thought!

Sunday, September 01, 2013

Better Remember the Ideals of 28 August rather than 31 August Malaysia Racist Bigots Day!!

On the 28 August ....  I HAVE A DREAM  ...

I Have a Dream
Martin Luther King Jr.    August 28, 1963
I say to you today, my friends, even though we face the difficulties of today and tomorrow, I still have a dream. It is a dream deeply rooted in the American Dream.

I have a dream that one day this nation will rise up and live out the true meaning of its creed: "We hold these truths to be self-evident; that all men are created equal".

I have a dream that one day even the state of Mississippi, a state sweltering with the heat of injustice, sweltering with the heat of oppression, will be transformed into an oasis of freedom and justice.

I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character.
I have a dream today.

I have a dream that one day down in Alabama with its vicious racists, with its governor having his lips dripping with the words of interposition and nullification one day right there in Alabama little black boys and black girls will be able to join hands with little white boys and little white girls as sisters and brothers.
I have a dream today.

I have a dream that one day every valley shall be exalted, every hill and mountain shall be made low, the rough places will be made plains, and the crooked places will be made straight, and the glory of the Lord shall be revealed, and all the flesh shall see it together.
This is our hope. This is the faith that I go back to the South with.
With this faith we will be able to hew out of the mountain of despair a stone of hope.

Sabah/Sarawakians....time to set the stage for Malaysian to migrate and SACK malaya.......  I have a Dream...