Friday, September 20, 2013

What is so Bloody good about UMNO Islam Cult Approved by Sultan-Agaong Racist Bigots Sham....Even Dead people want to play...these Bigots Bully...

So Chin Peng big deal.....Until these racist bigots UMNO Islam Cult have some agenda in the background....trying to keep the temperature of potential Racial violence on the fore front of their UMNO style Gadaffi-Assad of Rule Forever. 

What sickness in this Glorifying Nordin Top ...the bugger of Islam UMNO Cult member...Killer of innocent people in Bali bomb, Marriot....etc....Educated with Malaysian tax payers funded education to Australia.  His body was specially brought back to Malaysia under UMNO Islam Cult-with Sultan-Agong Approval to be buried & Glorified in Malaysia...with UMNO Islam Cult message of "If he did Bad, Allah forgive him, If he did good Allah Bless him"......nice of UMNO Islam Cult - Approved by Sultan-Agong@#$%^&!

But Chin Peng.....the Racism of Sultan-Agong Approved UMNO Islam Cult is played for all to see.........but try to look at the agenda behind ALL their decision and you will know why these SCUM sack Singapore.......its all about UMNO Islam cult Racism Ideology approved by Sultan-Agong...nothing has changed 50 years later!!

So people of  Sabah & Sarawak....Just take power with People, Sack Malaya and the UMNO-Sulu-Moro terrorist that UMNO use as their backup police, army to carry up their EVIL.....  This is the EVIL of the UMNO-BN Regime Approved by Sultan Agong......  Leave Malaya with $1 Trillion Ponzi Debt...and let their own types of Islam give them a Gadaffi and Assad Lesson....

We need to create a new place to migrate without this RUBBISH of dumbing down, making us slaves to UMNO-Sultan Approved misery agenda...while they enjoy the Rich and High Life.

You are buying yourself a law suit, dissapointment and hardship if you believe and trust UMNO-BN + Sultan Agong racist agenda.......and meanwhile bombs and battle still going on with UMNO-Sulu-Moro terrorist in Sabah but coverage by local media peace in Syria and Egypt!!...wake up Sabahans...Sarawakians....

Don't wait another year to first have the mind set.....then the plan and then the Sudden take power, take insurance of UMNO goons and SACK Malaya......Agenda Freedom has Begun!!!  Sack UMNO Malaya....and watch malaya rot......let those Highly educated UMNO+Sultan-Agong....overseas trained leaders deal with the anger and hunger of malaya people......UMNO-BN MUST Be Obliterated Now...the party, the racist bigots agenda and their Ideology of Racist evil Islam Cult Sickness...

UMNO Islam Cult is Lies, Sham, injustice, racist, stupid, murderer, killers type ideology....Approved by Sultan - Agong.......50+ years and counting....Not one spoke for the people......remember this!!...50 years and counting!!....Sack Malaya!!

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