Tuesday, October 01, 2013

Everybody who converts to Buddist, Hinduism and Christianity in Sabah / Sarawak will be Called Bumiputera...

That is the respond to the Scum UMNO Mufti-Mullah-JAIS-MAIS-JAKIM Islam Cult racist bigots ideology....who approve the Sama Suka Sama Rape then Marriage in Sabah......who now dare suggest every muslim convert and therefore muslim and Get all the Tax payer HARAM funded benefits.

How is it that these mufti, mullah, UMNO-terrorist can get away with sedition but parents who complain of children eating in bathroom in a school in Sg Buloh, get charge with SEDITION??  @#$%^&  Bangsat...really Bangsat these UMNO-BN+ sultan/agong approve authoraties, Crap laws, ISA/PCA .......hope they rot Hell for all their Sickness and Evil Cult islam ideology.

We Malaysian need to Obliterate thes Islamic Lunatic Cults of UMNO Sultan Approve ideology once and for all.  We need to Time a migration to Sabah/Sarawak ...then SACK Malaya with all those Trillion $$$ Debt and useless Ringgit in a few more years....

Why after centuries of British English Education, these UMNO scums with Sultan Agong Approval reverted back to Racist language to make slaves of malays??  Then use their failed agenda to promote Affirmative action to progress.....then 60 years later and $1 Trillion dollar of UMNO+ Sultan Agong Malaysia debt expect WHO to pay it off???......  I think Even UMNO-BN Leaders Death is insufficient to pay off the Crime against Humanity they have created for Malaysian.....

Make sure No one is brought up to be Romantics to UMNO-BN + Sultan-Agong Racist bigots Islamic Cult Agenda......Migrate to Sabah/Sarawak....Toss out UMNO-BN and SACK Malaya.....like Malaya did to Singapore....and see if Malaya can be like Singapore with all their racist bigots EVIL Agenda!! 

If we do not plan now its suffering forever......like these Qatar Development that takes your passport and make you slave in their building while earning nothing good for your children, dream and vision......Why must these Islamic Cult Scum countries take your passport to Own you......Be no Romantics to their EVIL and NEVER Work in ANY Islamic Nation for your own life and Dignity......Don't be a Romantics to Slavery & Evil!! ...BOYCOTT EVERYTHING UMNO-BN Related!!

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