Wednesday, March 26, 2014

After 20 days....Not a Word of THANKS from the Scumbag UMNO-BN in cahoots with Sultan-Agong.....

That is the moral, lacking dignity, rude, ARROGANT, uncultured nature of UMNO-BN in cahoots with Sultan./Agong MUNFIQ Islam Cult of malaysia.  After all so many countries SPENDING Millions in search for MH370 and that racist son of Razak, Najib wants to only take centre state to announce the regret of debries but not taking any questions from reporters or thanking the international efforts.  That is the Arrogance, Rude, lacking moral fibre of the Islam cult and racsim of UMNO-BN in cahoots with sultan agong....  These UMNO-BN & Sultan-Agong are only interested on their share of the wealth and power, while citizen Malaysian remain impoverish, intimidated and tortured with Slavery

Sultan rapist of Pahang fly flag 1/2 mast...for MH370 so what??  Learn to say Thank you first to the international effort before deciding on mourning.  The sandiwara, the sham, the FAKE regret....all a cover up for INEPT and Incompetent handling of MH370.  Why the delay in flight details??  Why the non-Release of cockpit and tower you bow to FBI and CIA, KGB and Chinese intelligence pressure rather than the WILL of the PEOPLE??

RELEASE THE 50 minutes of conversation between cockpit and tower if you dare ...otherwise.... UMNO was Negotiating with TERRORIST in Plane and the Negotiation went wrong and UMNO now trying to cover up their  SHAM and Scam.  You see we can speculate, ponder because UMNO-BN in cahoots with Sultan-Agong now knows what really happen and the only thing UMNO-BN hopes is that the Black Box is not found....Just like Altantuya body that was blown to peices by Najib's police UTK body guard(who incidently could be in the plane under a different name)....Sirul Azhar Omar and  Chief Inspektor Azilah Hadri... recognise their FACE  anybody on the day MH370 disappeared ??  Malaysia Credibility at stake...cover up while UMNO-BN in cahoots with Sultan-Agong can.  The truth will send Malaysia ECONOMY Reeling and to the DUMPS!!  Sell out from malaysia economy before its too late....get out of Malaysia foreign investor before the Ringgit is Zimbabwe Ringgit!!  UMNO-BN needs to be Obliterated or malaya SACKED by Sabah-Sarawak!!

Perhaps Najib wanted the plane lost for the ULTIMATE cover up of his murder of Altantuya.......sending the 2 UTK Officer(who admitted to the Altantuya c4) on an errand to deliver Lii on Battery but packed with c4 to China??  Does China need Li ion when it produces tons for export.....there lies the coverup and more questions.  Who was all the Cargo intended for......and who was the sender....  List all the Sender and the Receiver of the Cargo so we Citizen BILLIONS can investigate....  Leaving it to UMNO-BN in cahoots with Police - Army and Sultan-Agong , judges is like giving a drug addict more drugs and hope he reveal his BAD habits....

Say Thank you to the world/international efforts on bended knees....and ask for FORGIVENESS  for UMNO-BN in cahoots with Sultan-Agong inept and incompetence....

Yet the Racit bigots malay islam CULT UMNO-in cahoots with Sultan Agong demands their citizen to wear songkok and askfor forgiveness/Sorry/Pardon  from Sultan-Agong when YOU DID NO WRONG.  Just think why when approaching the Sultan-Agong one needs to ask for forgiveness or sorry or Pardon?  Ampun Tuanku...beribu-ribu ampun....@#$%^ translated Sorry (forgive me)King, a thousand sorry/forgiveness....  THIS IS SICK!!  Even when one goes to church, temple, place of worship, no one keeps saying the same levels and strength of words to their what RIGHT have the Sultan-Agong under the brain-washing of the Islamic UMNO Cults done to Malaysian...especially malays??  Sickness needs to END Today.... UN-Brainwash!!  End the slavery ideology to UMNO-BN and Sultan-Agong LIES and SHAM!!  In front of God all are MERE HUMANS....!!

Better ask God for Forgiveness and be Sorry.....  UNNECESSARY, STUPID and insulting to GOD/ALLAH to be directed to Sultan-Agong or any SICK Islam Cult Royalty in Malaysia under the instruction of UMNO-BN Sick ideology!!

....and Raja Petra talking about Referendrum in Sabah-Sarawak....what a Joke...No one talking referendrum in Sabah-Sarawak...  EVERYONE TALKING SABAH-SARAWAK SACKING Malaya in time.......Juat like malaya sacked Singapore.....  No need referendrum....just migrate there first....Kick the UMNO out of Sabah-Sarawak Legislative Assembly.... catch the UMNO-BN corrupted leaders Governor and SACK Malaya....then provide free transport to the UMNO-Sulu-Abu Sayaf islamic terrorist to malaya..

..... and Najib flying off to witness the signing of  agreement between MORO and Phillipines government...for show??  Chief negotiated with Islamic terrorist in Phillipines??  MH370....  don't hold your breath.....anotehr war will break out with these UMNO- Islamic terrorist like in Thailand, Sabah....there will be no Peace in Phillipines...just a show to REGROUP, Re-ARM like Hamas, Hezbollah, Taliban and brotherhood of Islam...

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