Friday, April 11, 2014

China DONT SEND PANDA to MALAYSIA.....The COMING DEATH will be Covered up like MH370....

What is Malaysia trying to prove??  Cannot feed the Ketuanan UMNO fake bumiputra poor and want to spend yearly about $20 Million Ringgit just to keep the Panda alive??   All food needs to be imported....aircon living.....  that is the UMNO-BN scumbags ideology in cahoots with Sultan-Agong Coninuous Stupidity and lets hope China Wise up.

Serve you right for those uncontrolled and poor infrastructure development......Now the Water Ration and shortage is coming home to Roast.....I hope the houses of those UMNO-BN terrorist Leaders and Sultan-Agong also get a taste of water ration for mnay...many more years.  You see these scumbags just RAPE the State and collected all those tanah melayu (fake Malay reserve Land) and on-sold to developers for Billions....not knowing the NATURAL FLOW of water and river to the DAM have been disrupted over the years.....Now only 90 days of water left is serve you right for Voting UMNO-BN for Federal government for PEACE sake and Fear Sake(those Chinese, Indians and malays).....Even if Selangor is now realise that "Tai Kor" Big brother have BIG say is so many infrastructure development like the NEVER given much thought!!  Now is the suffering pay back.......just like English education, freedom of religion and freedom of press...

Everything is breaking down in Malaysia....Law and Order like war in Sabah with UMNO sponsored SULU-Abu Sayaf insurance terrorist.  Water, transport, judiciary education, mosquito, aedes in Agong/Sultan palace but not fined...

How about the Indian Divorce/conversion/ Child Custody right case where the Police have no clue as to which authority have power.  One Syriah...the other the High Court.  Stupid UMNO Syriah-JAIS rubbish Justice system......and the Munafiq Defender of Islam says nothing means nothing to society ....its a mess this case.  High Court have declared the children 6 &  9 cannot be converted to the father islamic move....Who the Hell gave him the right to convert the children and take cusotdy?  What the Hell is the IGP saying cannot do anything...He broke a Civil Court Law....  If you want to be a Islamic Cop ...go Join JAIS, JAKIM and catch your Islamic Crooks in Khalwat...especially those Rulers, Royalty and their children + UMNO Muslim Khalwat leaders...@#$%^&  So now Islamic terrorist are used to provide cover and shelter for this Indian convert to islam scumbag.  We have to retaliate and kidnap the child back to the parents and hide the child.  We must start planning to defend turf...the Law in Malaysia is the Law of the Jungle...and that is why Sabahans needs to take up arms and start defending your state from the UMNO-Sulu-Abu Sayaf terrorist....make no mistake about it.

When things start breaking down in malaysia....I hope Foreigner AVOID Malaysia, Avoid Investing in Malaysia and Boycott Malaysia Racist UMNO-BN goods and services.....  Barak Obama visit to Malaysia should be greeted with RACIST UMNO-BN issues and see if this useless medicare USA president can see some light of his legacy to the world.  In short we malaysia should do its best to embarrass the host (UMNO-BN) and the guest USA and hope Foreign investment continue to leave GST (Gasak Semua Tahu) Malaysia....  time to fight like Mat Kilau...!!

Malaysia Government is PRINTING MONEY, its Zimbabwe in the making....Take note!!

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