Sunday, April 20, 2014

The Signs of a Collapsing Economy of Malaysia......

Do your research and make sure you can secure your wealth outside Malaysia.

Many signs are appearing showing Mega Economic CHAOS coming to Malaysia.....Keep Voting UMNO-BN like in GE13 and to those chinese, indian and malays who wanted Peace.

The signs are Law and order breaking down....

Justice systems break downs....

Transparency breaking down ...MH370...dribs drab information to test the anger of the people!

Education system breaks down....

Infrastructure break down water, electricity, traffic jam, transport...

Morality breakdown....

Religion order breakdown...

Racism and Religious Bigots Rising...

Why we somehow ignores the constant stream of Muslim violence and terrorism that occurs across malaysia....rape...incest, kidnap, child force conversion....  WHY  !@#$%^&*

On going War in Sabah, soon Sarawak.....  the enemies can hold guns because thay are UMNO-Sulu-Abu Sayaf terrorist...... If you ordinary Malaysian want to hold gun to defend your turf you are HUNG in the Gallows.  The UMNO terrorist that carries guns are KL if you carry gun you are terrorist arm robber....

The Law of the jungle reign supreme....A.K.A....he who hold guns can do and talk whatever they seem fit regardless of the Anger and Anguish it may cause you...  Like the Hamidi and IGP saying kidnap of NON-Islam convert 6 year old child is OK because Syriah ala Islam don't want to be seen bowing to Secular Christian Laws.....  In Short the time is coming to take matters into your own hands because that is the sort of things a Racist BIGOT UMNO-BN in cahoots with Agong-Sultan wants you to do.  They want to provoke you to break the Law so that these scumbag can take action against you.

We then Need to plan for a Suprise Attack.......that is the Migrate Quietly to Sabah-Sarawak and Sack Malaya......we need to establish a FORT and start the Attack from the Fort...that is the ART of WAR....

We can do it while these scumbag thinks they have everything is in control......but the Sabah War and MH370 have shown how poorly equipped UMNO-BN in cahoots with Sultan - Agong are....60 years of their legacy will Crumble in a few weeks....1987 ...repeat 10 time WORST coming....Zimbabwe Ringgit $100 Billion Ringgit to buy a packet of matches........YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED!!.....

They thought Karpal Death was an accident.....we await the whisper news from the driver and his son in the car.  Very quick for police to decide driver error......and STAR showing picture of lorry on left lane with tail lights on.......all Lies  ..... SPIN and cover up...  how about Lorry Driver member of 3 line, perkasa, UMNO, UTK for UMNO Terrorist with Agong-Sultan Approval?  To Cause Anwar appeal on his Sodomy II to fail...disrupt and send him to Jail???  How about taking out the best constitutional lawyer to push Supreme Agong-Sultan Islam Laws.....under the guise of Hudud, Hadhari.......Start the Migration to Sabah-Sarawak....Sack the UMNO malaya.  Build the Sabah Defence Army against UMNO-Sulu-Abu Sayaf Terrorist defence get the drift....??

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