Wednesday, April 23, 2014

USA President First Visit to Malaysia .... First time in 45 Years..... How should we use this moment??

World MEDIA PRESENT and WE need to Greet them With Anger because the PLIGHT and MISERY of the PEOPLE are Ignored in Malaysia. Make it the 2 Days that Changed Malaysia!!

Boycott coming and investing in Racist Malaysia Under UMNO-BN in cahoots with Sultan-Agong Rule!! 

We can all come out and greet him and show our DISPLEASURE towards the UMNO-Sulu-Abu Sayaf Terrorist in cahoots with Sultan-Agong leader Najib....

We can turn the greeting to occupy and let the world see the UMNO-BN racist Police Brutality.....

We can then turn the Rally to a Protest to the 2 Law State and Barang Naik Protest...

We can protest the GST and Rising cost of Living...

We can protest the Seizure of the Bible by JAIS and UMNO-Sultan Jakim Sham....and put a note to the International media gathered....

We can protest the Water Shortage and the SHAM that Sultan & UMNO-BN Leaders do not need to SUBSCRIBE to the Water ration....

We can protest the Racism in Malaysia approved by the Agong-Sultan in cahoots with UMNO-BN....

Lets come out and think how to use this moment with the INTERNATIONAL MEDIA present and Highlight the Crap and Crime and Terrible state Malaysia is in.....

Last time Al Gore came it was Refomasi........Now President Obama...should be REVOLUSI!!

Let SEIZE the moment and bring SHAM to the MH370 inept and incompetent....yet racist and corrupted as well as Supporters of the 9/11 terrorist....UMNO-Sulu-Abu Sayaf terrorist in Sabah.   Supporters of Jemmaih Islamiah ....Nordin Top terrorrist and Bali Bomber......and the list goes on what UMNO Supports in cahoots with Sultan-Agong.

Think twice before investing or doing deals with Brotherhood of Islam, Hamas, Hezbollah supporters of UMNO Malaysia in cahoots with Sultan-Agong.......  You have been warned...  Crush Malaysia Economy and Withdraw ALL investment from Racist, Bigots Unjust UMNO-BN in cahoots with Sultan-Agong run Malaysia!!

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