Wednesday, June 18, 2014

The Allah of UMNO ISIS Boko Haram-Abu Sayaf-Sulu Terrorist Islam Cult of Malaysia....

The Allah of UMNO ISIS Boko Haram-Abu Sayaf-Sulu Terrorist Islam Cult of Malaysia....

So UMNO- JAIS- MAIS - ISIS terrorist supporter in cahoots with Sultan-Agong have burnt ..."dispose" of the malay bible?????  Show us the proof that is is habdled respectfully and in good condition...otherwise Sabah-Sarawak....start waking up to the ISIS Ideology of Islam UMNO JAIS-MAIS and SACK Malaya by getting rid of the PBS...the fake christian and the cahoots with UMNO-ISIS-ABu Sayaf-Boko Haram ideology.  Soon you will need to recite Quran to be a servant to Islam sickness like the ISIS of IRAQ terrorist.

Its ok to burn the 30 malay problem because 5,000 more muslim in Malaysia will convert and murtad and get the HELL out of UMNO ISIS Boko Haram Islam cult.  Each day more UMNO ISIS JAIS MAIS  Boko Haram terrorism is being shown by the local media to frighten you like ISIS does in Iraq....

TERROR Back.....  Never Allow UMNO-JAIS-MAIS-ISIS-JAKIM terrorist cult interrupt or enter your premise.  Gang up do a citizen tube and publish their face.  Take copies of their IC, place of resident and publish on the WEB.   Copy ALL their contact in their mobile phone and publish all those mobile numbers on the internet.  Question them, interrogate that when the police come to take them away they have given you enough information to ALLOW a "BAND of Mat Kilau Brothers" to terror back like to those MACC murderers and Police Kugan Murderers......Still looking for the UTK altantuya murdereres......just post a comments as to where their address of residence is.

IF Azmin of PKR and their scumbags wants the MB position and bee seen of LEADERSHIP QUALITY......then start marching to JAIS and MAIS to Raid their office and FREE the bibles to win over Malaysia hearts......otherwise you bunch are no different to Khalid of PKR in cahoots with Sultan Agong agreeing to the JAIS - MAIS actions.  We know UMNO-ISIS-BokoHaram-JAIS-MAIS terrorist is playing a game.  We want to put an END to their STUPIDITY!!!   Do it secretly and after that announce the freed bible.....  DO YOU HAVE THE COURAGE TO BE the Menteri Besar??? @#$%^&*( .......  or do something that shows you have taken the bible from JAIS-MAIS office.......then either UMNO-JAIS-MAIS ISIS Terrorist Cult will have to proof they still have the bible or the Police will then start investigating WHO HAS the REAL Bible......  You can then say it has been given to the people of Sabah-Sarawak.......ask the police to search all over Malaysia.....when called for questioning...  this is called wedge politics...and you have trapped UMNO ISIS Boko Haram JAIS-MAIS terrorist group in their own game.....

 Meanwhile......stupid Malaysian still believe the Cult Islam UMNO ISIS Boko Haram spokesman...

"Proton’s immediate plan would be to change its strategy from being a maker of cheap cars to become a world-standard car manufacturer, said newly appointed chairman Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad".

By MERE WORDS....Malaysia will be IT HUB, R&D HUB, Cancer Hub, World Car Standard HUB.....and low and behold only Islamic terrorist Boko Haram, Taliban Hub is built. ...@#$%^&*

The reality is ALL is LOST like MH 370.....  Ignore the CHEAP TALK and send them all to Jail....especailly this Father of Malaysia Corruption and DEMISE.  So all UMNO-Malay Islam should now celebrate and dance in the streets with approval from Jakim JAIS, Syriah and sultan-agong because Malaysia is the UNDER-world and laughing stock of the world.  Like being force to learn malay, change weekends to, hockey team mainly UMNO-islam malay.....there IS YOUR WORLD CLASS!!!.... ha ha ha ha ha....  Padan Muka ALLAH ada Mata....... ALLAH untuk semua siapa Keliru dia BODOH!!..

Allah have eyes to see and ears to hear...those who are deceived are Stupid.  Sultan-Agong in cahoots with UMNO ISIS Boko Haram Abu Sayaf Taliban terrorist are ALL STUPID......sad but correct OBSERVATION of 60 years of evidence........otherwise show us something wise and good you have TRULY achieved that has not involved some $$$$$$$$!!....some hamper to the poor and played over and over and over and over again in RTM and UTUSEX???? ha ha ha ha....Berambus!!!

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