Tuesday, July 08, 2014

Allah Federal Court Judgment - is Stupid...NULL & VOID and Unconstitutional....

The judges have ERR Greatly, PERVERTED the course of Justice and have VIOLATED the constitution of "Rukun Negara".....So Judgement is NULL and VOID.......Carry on using Allah in ANY Publication....Only FOOLS, weak minded and EVIL racist humans are confused!!...No need to be Romantics to stupid, dumb, racist, unconstitutional judgement...Continue to Defy...and Disrupt the UMNO- Barang Naik!!

First of the "Rukun Negara" have been Belief in God....

No where in the constitution where does it says belief in God in the manner UMNO-ISIS-Boko Haram in cahoots with Sultan-Agong tells you to belief what the judges says and restrictions!!

No where does it tell you HOW to belief.....

No where does it tell you to believe in a specific language...

Does not even says cannot use certain posture, manner, style , dressing when you belief your God....

If you agreed with the stupidity of the judgement....soon when you bend your knees and worship your GOD, they will call it Kalimah Sembayang...CANNOT!!..!@#$%^&*!

Then Kalimah Makan...some use chop stick, others fork and spoon others hand CANNOT....because you get confuse...!@#$%^&*!

Kalimah Dressing......  CANNOT show skin or cover face or use scarf...you confuse the Weak minded UMNO-ISIS-Boko Haram in cahoots with Sultan-Agong and High Court Judges ...!@#$%^&*!

I will not go into the Kalimah HYGIENE.......!@#$%^&*!

We are dealing with BIAS and Corrupted Judges of UMNO-ISIS-Boko Haram in cahoots with sultan-Agong Judgement...  Corrupted in their education, in their $$$$ and social status seeking ideology.  The one thing we have CLARITY is that the Judgement reflect the STUPIDITY and the Sickness in the UMNO-BN ISIS-Boko Haram-Sulu Islamic terrorist ideology in cahoots with sultan-Agong.

Sometimes in life we NEED NOT agree or Submit to LUNATIC judgement....much in the same manner that when the 2 UTK/Police murderer Inspector Azilah Hadri and Corporal Sirul Azhar Umar(special attache/body guard to Najib & Rosmah)  ADMITTED to Murdering and C4 ALTANTUYA ...... the judgement is still NOT Guilty.  To agree and submit to Lunatic Laws of the UMNO Boko Haram-ISIS Islamic cult Laws is a sign of YOUR Weakening Moral & Logic Compass!!

So don't insult your GOD/Allah  and agree with the judgement....keep using the Allah Word in ALL your publishing, in all your communication...in EVERY manner you CAN possibly think that get to the NERVE of these Islamic NGO and UMNO-BN in cahoots with Sultan-Agong sickness.  INVOKE the CONSTITUTION POWER of Belief in GOD to EXORNERATE your Freedom or ASK the FULL Bench to Declare the RUKUN NEGARA as NULL and VOID much in the same manner that UMNO can be declared NULL and VOID ....yet Malaysia being Govern Illegally for 30 Years by an ILLEGAL Party causing corruption, robbery, crime against HUMANITY in Malaysia with Racial Murder and dumb down.

People of Sabah-Sarawak should Now start Kicking out the BN part of your leadership, arrest them under crime against humanity and SACK Malaya.....don't bother about referendrum......time to USE your CONSTITUTION Powers ...bring back the RULE of LAW in English and SACK UMNO-BN-ISIS-Boko Haram in cahoots with Sultan Agong Racist bigots agenda.  The rest of Malaysi should also start thinking of Selling up and Migrating and populate Sabah-Sarawak and then SACK Malaya....

Lets start issuing new ID card...withou race, religion ....

Use Contra or Foreign Money as medium of exchange and commerce and economy....

Take down or take over the transmitting tower......  SACK MALAYA.......  the word to use is SACK.......Never say "Declare Independent".......say SACK...PECAT Malaya!!...and that is how a rational mind set works.   No need to be Romantics with UMNO-BN that support ISIS-Boko Haram-Sulu Terrorist of Islamic Cult influence in cahoots with Sultan-Agong and all the racist and sick agenda that have RUINED MALAYSIA....  Time to SACK the the Wealth manager, THE Law and Order Referee, the Education Moral Mullah and human resources manager that belongs to you and your Family.....this is the Freedom Allah-God have given you...take Courage....and Sack Malaya and Free yourself from the misery of immoral and illogical way of a proper social order!!!

Stupid Judgement needs to be TREATED with calm, Disrespect, childish manner, laughed at and carry on business as usual and keep Publishing using that Specific ALLAH word in everything and Say the Constitution of Belief in GOD is SUPREME over the 7 full Bench High Court Judges + sultan-agong combined......   I dare UMNO-ISIS-Boko Haram -Sulu Terrorist and Sultan-Agong Change the Rukun Negara and Constitution......like Karpal says.......Don't play-play  with the constitution...or Sabah Sarawak WILL SACK Malaya and CRUSH the Malaya Economy!!!

in light of the UMNO-BN ISIS- boko haram sickness and bullying the POOR......time to Obliterate these UMNO scumbags in cahoots with sultan-Agong.....don't hold your breath from the Defender of Islam Cult on the soup kitchen and helping the poor....  Every human being have dignity regardless of their social status.....  on that note CURSES on the UMNO leaders, their family in cahoots with sultan-agong with terrible terrible family problems....only Allah knows!!

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