Tuesday, September 02, 2014

UMNO is Supporting ISIS, ISIL, Hamas, Hezbollah, Sulu Terrorist and PDRM Terrorist in cahoots with Sultan-Agong.

In time of high crime rate the UMNO-ISIS-ISIL Terrorist PDRM cracks down on Penang (Pakatan state oppose to UMNO-BN federally)  Voluntary patrol.  They call it DAP sponsored crime patrol.  So the Scumbag UMNO Islamic ISIS-ISIL PDRM terrorist wants Malaysia to depend on Sultan-Agong to protect you.  FAT Hopes.....  Just like after Sink hole, Ban soup kitchen in Pakatan States....STEAL BIBLE...ALLAH Word Sham....

Do you see the trend.....no crime or evil happens in UMNO controlled states like Sabah(Sulu UMNO Terroist War), Sarawak(murder of British Medical Student by UMNO-Sarawak Thugs), Johor- Crime Spree capital, Pahang, Negeri 9, Malacca, Perak all Darul TIPU Helah....

So you see, the time to put UMNO-Sultan-Agong support of ISIS, ISIL, Hamas, Boko Haram terrorist in the Name of Charity is about to explode.  Lets hope the International Financial Sector Freeze these UMNO Evil scumbags Racist Genocidal terrorist like ISIS/L, hamas, Boko Haram...then we see them slowly BOW LIKE Dhimmi to a more Civilised world.

Only in Malaysia where a good night patrol of people, guarding your safety can be arrested.....this is SICKNESS of the UMNO-Bangsat Negara Regime in cahoots with Sultan ISIS/L, Boko Haram, Hamas wants you to understand. ......  NO NEED TO BE ROMANTICS to their Hidden Agenda to make you their beliver of Islam Cult Terrorist justice and Sham.  This is where you need to take the fight and start the Migration to Sabah-Sarawak....Kick UMNO-Bangsat Negara Out and SACK Malaya...we have all the time....in 20 years we will send malaya packing...like malaya did to Singapore in the Past for Racist Bigots reason .... committed by UMNO-BN in cahoots with Sultan-Agong.

How come nothing comes out of the Defender of Islam in Condeming the Boko Haram, Sulu Islamic terrorist, ISIS/L..Hamas....but in Selangor for an MB position that does not cost lives.....all sorts of insult and muttering and whisper can be played by the UMNO-Bangsat Negara Media??  Enough evidence that the UMNO-BN is working in cahoots with Sultan-Agong to continue thier Rape of Malaysia wealth and dignity, making you a Miserable Slave while you admire their wealth, terror and greed....  NO NEED to Be Romantics or Fear their Power...  When Injustice becomes LAW, RESISTANCE IS DUTY......Do not be in position like Yazidis running for lives....start the migration to Sabah-Sarawak Now......time is by your side!  then gather and strenghten each other to repel the EVIL of UMNO-ISIS/L islamic sickness genocidal agenda in cahoots with Sultan-Agong.!  The People Will Rise in Hunger and Anger at the right moment....and send them packing.....have Faith in Doing good like Crime Patrol, Feeding the poor in soup Kitchen, adopt and convert the Muslim to other religion and BOW not to the UMNO-Bangsat Boko Haram ISIS/L , Hamas Islamic terrorist Genocidal agenda in cahoots with Sultan-Agong....

Keep Disrupting the banks cash flow by using other foreign banks, petrol station, local media, ....boycott and do DDOS attack on ALL UMNO-Bangsat Negara Web Site and Boycott ANYTHING UMNO-Bangsat Negara related in cahoots with Sultan-Agong...including celebration, open house and all theose LAME Rubbish!!!....

UMNO-BN in cahoots with Sultan-Agong in Malaysia are after all a supporter of the ISIS/L Islamic terrorist SICK Genocidal Agenda.....  No cry from Tun Father of Malaysia Demise M like Bosnia Genocide ...for the Yazidis??  There Lies the sickness of the cahoots(UMNO-BN + Sultan-Agong) of ISLAM Cult in Malaysia!!@#$%^&*...  

EVERYBODY Boycott Malaysia Palm Oil, products!!  SMASH the ECONOMY!!

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