Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Rename ISIS to SISI.... coward, murderers or Sick Islamic, Sham Ideology.... in cahoots with UMNO & Sultan of Malaysia....

As the world now realise that ISIS or this SISI.....i.e sissy.... Islam cult or murderers, rapist and genocide Scumbags needs to be recognise as nothing more than Gays and Queers Ideology Islamic Hybrid Sickos.....

You see they try to highjack Islam via some legitimate Islamac State and no longer some Arabic Al Qeada, Jemmiah, Laskar Crap name to try to Legitimise their EVIL Murderous Ideology ...similar ideology to that of UMNO in cahoots with Sultan-Agong......  Whatever the UMNO-Sultan-Agong try to do, the world must wake up and FREEZE all these Leaders of Malaysia Islam SISI supporters accounts that have over the years gone on to Support Hamas, Hezbollah, Al Qeada and now the Sissy State in Iraq-Syria....

Lets hope the world take notice of the Agong-Sultan of UMNO Malaysia + leaders of Islamic origin and with racist bigots ideology who have bank accounts all over the world in various family, children names sending money to Hamas-Hezbollah, al qeada, SISI and all kinds of SISI NGO with some nice and High Moral Islamic names on the outside but inside full of GENOCIDE Murderers, rapist and ki llers of Islamic ideology.

So After the DISPROPORTIONATE Respond from Isreal to HAMAS bombs in GAZA in 2014...rockets stopped? How come??  Why?  Have HAMAS Sicko Islam terrorist in cahoots with Sultan-Agong UMNO-BN learnt lesson like Hezbollah did.....?  Crush their infrastructure, Crush Islam Sick ideology??  Lets hope the world learn from Isreal in dealing with these Islamic terrorist Sisi in Iraq and Syria......  Lets hope more SISIs gets killed by Kurdish women fighters and bombers and bullet laced with PORK Oil!! The evils of these islamic ideology in cahoots with Sunni Sultan-Agong UMNO Malaysia is laid bare now in the same way  UMNO+sultan-agong SACKED Singapore.....

NOW Lets hope SABAHAS and Sarawakians take courage and start your training, terrority squeeze and expulsion to Obliterate SISIs in Abu Sayaf, Sulu and islamic terrorist in your region.  Its old news that in October 2014 you hear news of those Islamic terrorist in Sabah-Sarawak have terrorist links to SISIs...Al -Qeada and those Laskar terrorist Crap from Indonesia....wake up ....take power....Drive these UMNO-in cahoots with Sultan-Agong Scums OUT of Sabah-Sarawak and SACK Malaya like these Scums did to Singapore!!

When we step into a mosque we have to remove the shoes and slippers....How about removing the Burkah/Hijab and Women slavery to a sick Islamic cult ideology??  ....Food for thought....  Yes these are some women, brain washed beyond repair who will defend their slavery and sickness until some willing to be SEX slaves to Sisi in Iraq, Syria......or whatever these Islamic Cults demands women to do.....  I say to islamic women take up arms like the Kurdish women and make the MEN of Islam Sisi Sunni terrorist frighten and feel inferior.......ALL HUMANS are CREATED Equal!!!  Nobel prize winner Malala is Fighting Taliban, Al Qeada and Sisi of Islamic Sunni male dominated ideology sickness.....just in education these UMNO+ in cahoots with Sunni Sultan-Agong-Jakim-Jais cannot accept this Nobel Prize winner.....They already feel Inferior!!! ha ha ha ha!!  The Rise of Women of Islam to Obliterate the Cult ISLAM of Sisi, sunni, Shia......Taliban, Al Qeada, Laskar Crap, Sulu Islamic Terrorist!!!

IF YOU DON'T LIKE IT,  LEAVE ....... Sabah-Sarawak and Malaysia and return to Saudi Arabia, Indonesia, Syria, Iraq in your DREAM Islamic State SCAM and await your Islamic Champion Calif in white motor bike with flowing robe & RPG and Guns!!!!

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