Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Another NEW KALIMAH SCAM SHAM in the form of FREE Quran(1 Million Apparently) given to Malaysia of Non Islamic Race...the HIDDEN AGENDA!!

..and the HIDDEN AGENDA in this Public Funded Free Quran to non-muslim is to CREATE MORE ANGER AND TERRORIST ACTS by UMNO-Bangsat Negara in cahoots with sultan agong.  I call it the ACT of Inciting Anger to create more issues and problems related to Islam Cult UMNO-BN in cahoots with Sultan-Agong....  WHEN THERE IS NO PROBLEMS and the FOCUS is BACK ONTO UMNO-Bangsat Negara and Sultan-Agong.

Sabah-Sarawak the call to SACK Malaya is LOUD and Clear NOW!!  Now Phase 2....trade in Foreign Currency before Ringgit is WORTHLESS!!

Nothing of UMNO-Bangsat Negara in cahoots with Sultan-Agong lifestyle, leadership shows ANY OBJECTIVE Reailty.  Malaysia Reality is about Corruption, Cover up, Mayhem, chaos, murder, and Make citizen Malaysia live a Miserable, Hopeless and Condemn Life of Serving the UMNO-BN & Sultan-Agong Racist terrorist Islamic Cults ELITES!! Who the Hell gave them the Rightsa to Associated with Orang Asli as Bumiputera??  After associating with the "SCAM Rights"...they take the Orang Asli Land and Sell it for the Islamic Terrorist Profit Scam and Stash money in Swiss Bank accounts for the next generation....Sultan Selangor alone have a $200 +POUNDS...no Mistake in British Pound Castle Luxury Life in case Citizen Malaysia Rise up Like Koreans and Nepal and kick ALL those "SHAM Scumbags to the Reality of Life".....  The UMNO-BN in cahoots with their scumbags gives you USELESS titles that are USELESS outside Malaya...Even Sabah-Sarawakians detest those Stupid titles that forces  you to wear a Racist Malay attire just to receive that stupid Datuk, Tan Sri, Dao Seri, Tun..... Crap... + stupid Prejudice protocaol Songkok!!...and you will have a section of demographic and society to pay for the priviledge to be RACIST Upon without their knowledge!1

IT HAS Nothing about Promoting ISLAM in the True sense but TO PROMOTE ANGER in the After event ...after it has been given.....  THe Problem with ISLAM CULT of UMNO-BN in cahoots with SUltan-Agong born malay = Islam and Wear Songkok = Malay Ideology, YOU WILL BE ACCUSED OF NOT TREATING THE QURAN PROPERLY AFTER GIVEN THE BOOK AND BE CHARGED FOR SEDITION...CREATING DISHARMONY AND ALL THE RUBBISH THAT IS ASSOCIATED WITH THE BOOK AND THE MANNER YOU DEAL WITH A FREE BOOK.

Never mind if and when you were given bible, buddish, hindu material previously and was BURNT, Thrown in the bin, longkand, toilet.....ITS Okay If other Religion books, materail given free are treated that way but when it come to the material of Quran inspiring sisi IS, Boko Haram, Taliban, Hamas, Hezbollah, Al Shabab IT MUST BE TREATED with Respect and those that do to Quran like throwing it in BIN, Burning it, throw in the longkang and river or use it as "kacang putih" paper......you INVOKE the Wrath of the Terrorist IS Media, UMNO-Bangsat Negara terrorist sleeper cell and sultan-agong terrorist Islam death cult agenda.

in the Midst of CHAOS UMNO-Bangsat Negara in cahoots with Sultan Agong will invoke the divide and conquer BOGGEY ISLAM UNITY CALL MONSTER.....like when Sirul says Najib + Wife called for Altantuya murder discreetly....or when Malaysia on the default watch and Bankrupt stage.....or when Selangor in another MB Crisis...bring out Hudud, Islam and Syriah and Kalimah Quran, Allah, Shanhandan and what ever Crap these Islamic racist terrorist UMNO-Bangsat Negara with Sultan-Agong Approval can conjour up!!

Akhirnya...Najib pun akan diganti dan KITA MULAKAN Sekali Lagi Pentadbiran UMNO-Bangsat Negara...dengan Pelbaigai Peyelewengan.....Pelbagai Racism dan TERRORIST terhadap Rakyat Sampai Khiamat....  Tak ada yang akan berubah Sekiranya KELAPARAN dan DERITA RAKYAT tak di NAIKAN 1000%......  akan sampai tak lama lagi bila Duit Asing Keluar Malaysia dan Duit Asing Hanya diSAHkan di Malaysia!!....AMARAN!!

Samalah dengan sistem pendidikan...Dulu Kata semua mesti Fasih, Hebat Bahasa Malaysia...Paksa, Dera semua Kaum Fasih...Angkuh Hebat Bahasa Malaysia....DiBELAKANG Orang Melayu Elite...  >>>UMNO-BN & Sultan_agong semua hantar anak2, cucu, saudara mara ke SEKOLAH Swasta yang hanya belajar dalam Inggeris...  Kemudian dapat Biasiswa ke Negara Barat......Sungguh Bodoh Kita Romantik dengan Agenda Kejam Racist Islam UMNO dengan Nasihat dari Sultan_Agong!!..Bangsat Betul!!

Sebab Golongan ELITE, Angkuh Hebat UMNO-BN dan Sultan_Agong dah tahu cara JINAKKAN Orang Melayu Racis Umno 45% yang masih dengar Retorik Angenda Terroristkan Masa Depan orang Melayu...seumur hidup agar Hanya anak Agong-Sultan - UMNO Racis yang berjaya di segala bidang.....  Harap Tukar Agama agar lihat Kezaliman dan Kekejaman UMNO dari perspektif yang lain....Jangan saja KAMPUNGkan sendiri....Allah yang bagi awak kebebasan dan mata....siapa salah!!??  Rupanya yang keliru bukan ALLAH....siapa keliru dengan perkataan Allah dia BODOH....!!

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