Thursday, April 16, 2015

Helicopter EXPLODES in Mid Air....Missed Najib but got his body guard & Najib's Strategist!!

So now the Permatang Pauh focus is let Pakatan Win from those who oppose Najib and Rompin to Make UMNO Lose.....  At the end of the day Tun Dr Murder Mahathir "thinks" he can do whatever he wants in cahoots with SUltan-Agong, PKR and PAS.....IT IS TIME FOR SABAH-SARAWAK TO MOUNT UP COURAGE AND SACK MALAYA ...SUDDENLY!!...Give these Bangsat Negara UMNO-BN a Suprise $1 Trillion Debt and Watch Anarchy in Malaya!...Who Cares!!

What you are left with if you stick to Malaya is the $1 Trillion debt and rising, Demise of GOOD Life have Islamic terrorist sponsored by UMNO-Bangsat Negara in cahoots with Sultan-Agong forcing your conversion or Death like IS racist terrorist in Syria, Iraq, Kenya, Afganistan...etc.  There is no need to be part of the ISLAMIC EVIL IS Terrorist Cult Racist Agenda.  You SACK MALAYA, you sack the Govenor & Sultan-Agong and you have RICHES that will be GREATER Than Singapore....100 times.   

Meanwhile just use Foreign Currency and trade in Sabah-Sarawak and CASH only to GIVE UMNO-Bangsat Negara ZERO GST Money....Zero Ringgit to maintain Surau, Mosque and all their Racist Terrorist Infrastructure and HELP CRASH the Malaysia Economy.......Is is Crashing...and Death due to Political Assasination will Increase!!

Meanwhile Anwar & Najib and Tun Murder & Sons or Wife or Siti Hasmah or grand children...are all in Death Watch like the Sirul Altantuya Murder in Australia......Someone need to UP THE ANTE to Silence the Other side!!  Rosmah working hard/overtime "luangkan masa" to eliminate Sirul with $5-10 million ringgit reward HIT...Any takers??.....Meanwhile Tun Dr. Murder is also working on eliminating a few people to further Progress HIS own agenda of moving his son up..PROTECT HIS EVIL LEGACY....then TUN M is ready to meet Allah.  Tun Murder thinks he can dictate things as he wishes.......Tun Murder Time on Earth is limited but Not Najib and the rest of the UMNO-Bangsat Negara IS terrorist Leaders in cahoots with Sultan-Agong.

Akhirnya...Najib pun akan diganti dan KITA MULAKAN Sekali Lagi Pentadbiran UMNO-Bangsat Negara...dengan Pelbaigai Peyelewengan.....Pelbagai Racism dan TERRORIST terhadap Rakyat Sampai Khiamat....  Tak ada yang akan berubah Sekiranya KELAPARAN dan DERITA RAKYAT tak di NAIKAN 1000%......  akan samapai tak lama lagi bila Duit Asing Keluar Malaysia dan Duit Asing Hanya diSAHkan di Malaysia!!....AMARAN!!

Samalah dengan sistem pendidikan...Dulu Kata semua mesti Fasih, Hebat Bahasa Malaysia...Paksa, Dera semua Kaum Fasih...Angkuh Hebat Bahasa Malaysia....DiBELAKANG Orang Melayu...  UMNO-BN & Sultan_agong semua hantar anak2, cucu, saudara mara ke SEKOLAH Swasta yang hanya belajar dalam Inggeris...  Kemudian dapat Biasiswa ke Negara Barat...... 

Now have not even MASTER One Language...STUPID Education Minister says need to MASTER 3rd he is ALLAH...Just Say and people can Master.....  Master YOUR Bangsat Racist UMNO-BN Head better!!...Go to Hell with Malaysia racist malay Language education...AVOID Malay Language lika a Plague!!  Don't be Stupid!!  Be Smart and Learn ENGLISH and avoid the Islamic IS Racist Quran Agenda!!

Sebab Golongan ELITE IS terrorist Racis Islam UMNO-BN, Angkuh Hebat UMNO-BN dan Sultan_Agong dah tahu cara JINAKKAN Orang Melayu 45% yang masih dengar Retorik Angenda Terroristkan Masa Depan orang Melayu...seumur hidup agar Hanya anak mereka yang berjaya di segala bidang.....  Harap Tukar Agama agar lihat Kezaliman dan Kekejaman UMNO dari perspektif yang lain....Jangan saja KAMPUNGkan sendiri....Allah yang bagi awak kebebasan dan mata....siapa salah!!??  Rupanya yang keliru bukan ALLAH....siapa keliru dengan perkataan Allah dia BODOH....!!

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