Tuesday, November 10, 2015

MalaySIAL is UNDEVELOPED Nation in 2020.....Burma to Surpass malaySIAL in 2030......

As Long as the Status quo of  TEAM  melayu IS Islam UMNO-Bangsat Negara in cahoots with Sultan_Agong-Govenor continue to Rule Malaysia in their RACIST Form..... Malaysia Economy is Doomed and Ringgit will Depreciate yearly......before you know it USA$1 = 10 Ringgit and 
$1 Singapore = $8.5 Ringgit.....  GOOD for Kampung and poor Malaysia says the Islam IS Malay Racist terrorist Ideology Team UMNO-Bangsat Negara Leaders in cahoots with Sultan-Agong-govenor !!

Malaysia Immigration Officers are now selling Illegal Immigrants as Slaves to highest Bidders....and is the Sultan_Agong-Govenor Keeper of the IS racist islam Terrorist seal in cahoots with UMNO-Bangsat Negara doing NOTHING about it.  Unlike 1MDb Corruption scandal...now all 9 Sultan_Agong given $50 Million ringgit each have silence their mouth and tongue and their running dog....  Is it ever a wonder MalaySIAL is cursed with Smog, Dengue, Flood, earth Quake, economic disaster upon economic disaster......

MY FOOT no money paid to the UMNO-Sulu-Abu Sayaf Islamic IS terrorist....US$5 Million Changed hands ...about $15 Million Ringgit given to UMNO-Sulu-Abu Sayaf-IS Islam Terrorist to have no issues with USA Obama Visit.... Call it the money to buy LOYALTY in case Sabah-Sarawak SACK Malaya....then UMNO-Bangsat Negara in cahoots with Sultan _Agong-Govenor can invoke their version of Rebels in Sabah-Sarawak to continue their Poverty and Slavery of Sabahans and Sarawakians......

What Rubbish....PAN and the no English Muntahdin by DAP as PM...so Anwar going to be killed or Exiled forever to earn his freedom??...PAN is Non existence under ROS so to confuse Dumb Rakyat looking for PAN banner...there is NONE!.... The UMNO Bangsat Negara Paid bloggers are doing their best to maintain the Status Quo.... UMNO-Bangsat Negara in power together with the Islam Royal Monarchy TEAM ....we need to Break TEAM Islam-Melayu UMNO-Rulers to Lift ALLAH CURSE on MalaySIAL.... You know there is problems when Zahid Hamidi Gave the Sulu-Abu Sayaf IS ISlamic UMNO Terrorist USA$5 Million .....even Islam IS Terrorist wants USA dollar...only Dumb Malaysia keep the ringgit like Zimbabwe Dollar......Banjir Tapi kena Potong Air kat johor.....Inilah Rahmat Allah Kepada MalaySIAL....Lepas hisap asap Kena Typhoid dan Denggi....Rahmat Restu Allah kepada Negara celaka IS ISLAM UMNO kalah 10-0 kepada UAE!!....Sack Malaya From Sabah -Sarawak...before the UMNO-bangsat Negara make more Utstaz as Principal to ALL Government Schools in Sabah-Sarawak to convert you to IS Islam Terrorist!!.   Reject Terrorist and IS ISLAM UMNO malaya!!

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