Friday, February 12, 2016

Start Withrawing your EPF money NOW which ever way possible before Next General Election.....Your EPF money will be Used then To bail out Islam IS Tabung Haji with Sultan-Agong and UMNO Bangsat Negara Approval!

Malaysia UMNO Lackeys like to believe their own press...they TRY to share and frame your mind to their limited choice that you have to choose.....Not realising this World is Blessed by Allah and is an OCEAN....Malaysia is just a PEE Drop.......

Lets not insult our intelligence with the choice Malaysian have.  Only STUPID Zika Brain minded hungry poor Malaysian People when asked to Choose between Hamas and Hezbollah will choose one over the other....  the Smart Clever Blessed by Allah will Choose Isreal over any of these Scumbags.

Don't let your Minds be Framed by the Lackeys Racist Bigot Bias Islam Terrorism Ideology of Malay UMNO - Bangsat negara instruments......Both Are Racist Terrorist IS Islam ..Both are Murderers....both are the Stupid malay born Islam ideology Idiot Sect (IS)... and both are working in cahoots with sultan-Agong-govenor to make Malaysian more stupid....  the Obvious Choice is WITHDRAW ALL MONEY FROM EPF As Fast as you Can(before $1 = $0.10 Singapore Dollar or for Stupid People $1 Singapore = $10 Ringgit....Loser Malaysian...70 years its SGD$1 =  $3 Rgt another 5-10 years  its SGD$1 = $15 Rgt) and the next best choice is Sack Malaya from Sabah-Sarawak...Johor, Selangor Penang, Perak...Malacca(return of the King is happening here!)...IS Islam Celaka melayu UMNO-bangsat negara in cahoots with Sultan-Agong will say Weak Ringgit is Good for Malaysian Slaves!!...think Zimbabwe!!

So there you go......ask yourself  WHY ARE YOUR MINDS BEING FRAMED ??  God/ Allah blessed you with Freedom....Free yourself....Reject Islam and Embrace other Religion and freedom...UN-BRAIN WASH........  Remember the Signal to Carve out your Own Piece of 12 NEW Country  from Malaysia......ALL are Bankrupt....some WILL DO EVEN BETTER than Singapore when the TIME Comes.... 
Nothing Seditious to THINK LIKE THIS.....Only brings Fears to the Melayu UMNO-Bangsat Negara in cahoots with Mythical sultan-Agong-Govenor IS Islam Racist terrorist Followers!!

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