Thursday, March 10, 2016

Malaysia UMNO Bangast Negara Najib has linked to MH370 Pilot just as he has linked to Sirul the Altantuya Murderer in UMNO Najib's Bangsat Negara Effort to GRAB Power and stay in Power.

Malaysia UMNO Bangast Negara Najib has linked to MH370 Pilot just as he has linked to Sirul the Altantuya Murderer in UMNO Najib's Bangsat Negara Effort to GRAB Power and stay in Power.

March 7 2014 is the date Anwar's appeal to Sodomy Charges Reversed and Sent to 5 years Jail by these bangsatjudges and doctors:

The three-men bench led by Datuk Balia Yusof Wahi, Datuk Aziah Ali and Datuk Mohd Zawawi Salleh unanimously decided that the High Court failed to “critically evaluate” the evidence submitted by government chemist Dr Seah Lay Hong.
The three-men bench led by Datuk Balia Yusof Wahi, Datuk Aziah Ali and Datuk Mohd Zawawi Salleh unanimously decided that the High Court failed to “critically evaluate” the evidence submitted by government chemist Dr Seah Lay Hong. - See more at:
The three-men bench led by Datuk Balia Yusof Wahi, Datuk Aziah Ali and Datuk Mohd Zawawi Salleh unanimously decided that the High Court failed to “critically evaluate” the evidence submitted by government chemist Dr Seah Lay Hong. - See more at:

March 8 - MH370 Disappears in Mid Air  - This is the Act to DISTRACT the WORLD and Malaysian from the Injustice and Focus on Malaysia Judiciary, lies, corruption and incompetence by Najib UMNO Bangsat Negara in cahoots with Sultan-Agong-Govenor.....a false flag to strengthen grip on racist terrorist IS Islam UMNO malay power in Malaysia...deaths of passenger are just part of the colletera damage according to UMNO in cahoots with sultan-agong-govenors!!....

Altantuya death is just colleteral damage to get to the PM throne according to Rosmah, Najib's Evil Wife using her Special Killer Police  personal guard Sirul allowed bail, travel and suddenly in Villawood Australia!!...Mind you this is a Police admitted to murder of Innocent victim Altantuya....  If Asking for corruption money is a Crime punishable by Death...then the Entire UMNO-bangsat negara leaders and their Cahoots with sultan-agong-Govenor should have been C4 by now....thinks about it and if the same application on injustice is carried out!!

The Same tactic was used when a Large Sink Hole Appeared in the Intersection of Pudu Jail due to Corruption and Incompetence ...Federal Territories Minister Datuk Seri Tengku Adnan Mansor Wants to END Soup Kitchen in Kuala Lumpur to Again distract Malaysian from the REAL EVIL that is happening under your nose.

The List goes on with Tun Dr Munafiq M on May 13...Kg Medan and Penan Genocide....Each of these Event happened to CEMENT the IS UMNO-PAS Malay ISLAM RACIST TERRORIST Agenda in cahoots with Sultan -Agong Govenor....and to Create a DIVERSION TO IMPLEMENT MORE DRACONIA LAW AND ORDER BIAS Towards Malay UMNO-PAS  ISLAM Racist terrorist Agenda with 100% Approval from the Sultan-Agong-Govenor ..So called Council of EVIL MalayMyth Agenda Rulers.....Real King Of Malaysia should have Highest DNA percentage link to Parameswara.....time to End the Lies and Myth....Exhume the Bones and make a test for all Malaysian...the Highest DNA linked should be made KING like the Sultanate of Malacca!!!.. 

Murder, Death and Attempted Genocide is still all part of their EVIL Hidden IS ISlam Racist terrorist agenda.  After sacking Singapore in 9 August 1965 and losing BIG on the 1969 election The Razak(Najib's Father) & Tun Murder May 13 M , Harun all conspired with the Sultan_agong-govenor to Cement their Malay IS ISLAM Racist terrorist Agenda position Via an attempted Genocide....Its atempted genocide when the Death of Non Malay to Malay is like 99 to 1 ......99:1....The rest as they say is History......  malay as medium of instruction to Dumb Down Malaysian, Bias racist policy in Education, Sport, business,scholarship.....and now Ringgit is on the Way to being Zimbabwe-Rupiah Ringgit....  Want more evidence of Malaysia going down the ECONOMIC DEATH SPIRAL!!

Nothing change ...this Anti Najib Campaign by 58 Losers to remove melayu UMNO Bangsat Negara Najib...will not change anything...DAP, PKR, Amanah are so so so so Stupid to be associated with Ex UMNO Genocide Murderer Believers like Muhiddin, Tun M, Kadir Jasin......

Its time to CRUSH and Split Malaysia to 12 NEW District .....  We CANNOT AND DO NOT NEED be associated with Government so closely linked with IS Islam Racist Terrorist Ideology and agenda!  ABU UBAH - PECAT MALAYA ... SACK MALAYA ...SPILT MALAYA FROM SABAH-SARAWAK!!

Federal Territories Minister Datuk Seri Tengku Adnan Mansor, - See more at:

The three-men bench led by Datuk Balia Yusof Wahi, Datuk Aziah Ali and Datuk Mohd Zawawi Salleh unanimously decided that the High Court failed to “critically evaluate” the evidence submitted by government chemist Dr Seah Lay Hong. - See more at:
The three-men bench led by Datuk Balia Yusof Wahi, Datuk Aziah Ali and Datuk Mohd Zawawi Salleh unanimously decided that the High Court failed to “critically evaluate” the evidence submitted by government chemist Dr Seah Lay Hong. - See more at:
The three-men bench led by Datuk Balia Yusof Wahi, Datuk Aziah Ali and Datuk Mohd Zawawi Salleh unanimously decided that the High Court failed to “critically evaluate” the evidence submitted by government chemist Dr Seah Lay Hong. - See more at:

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