Wednesday, March 30, 2016

News Report on UMNO Najib Murder Corruption with Sultan-Agong-Govenor IGP Approval!!!

After Kantoi-ted Najib !! News Report on UMNO Najib Murder Corruption with Sultan Approval

 UMNO Najib Murder Corruption with Sultan-Agong-Govenor-IGP Approval

The Sex Exploits and corruption of Ku Li would also be exposed in matter of time.... and IF IS ISLAM UMNO-PAS can accept -terima hidup Haram Korrupsi Ku Li...then Mampus Malaysia...Malaysia is better off as 12 New District with proper law and order.. Zeti also like Sultan Berak... Ku Li -Najib bunuh Najadi??The Person I pity is Nurul as all these WarLords of Celaka melayu UMNO Bangsat Negara in cahoots with Sultan-Agong-Govenor are discussing "Whose Advantage it would be for Anwar Death in Custody"....... If that happens Rakyat should rise up, like Hunger Games, and create 12 District and Obliterate the UMNO-Bangsat Negara and the little IS Islam Armies of their Cahoots with sultan-agong.... The EVIL Must Stop ...Melayu Pun dah mula sedar dan soal apa guna sultan-agong Munafiq melayu Islam.... Sultan-Govenor pun Jaga Kepentingan diri macam masa Jepun, portugese, belanda, british!!  ABU Pecat UMNO-Sultan-BN.... Era Baru!! Get ready for Devastating Economic Collapse in Malaysia!

Malaysia is still in a CONCEPT State...that means its up to US the Rakyat/People to Determine the type of Law and Order, destiny and path to take.  If that means 12 Different district with out UMNO-Bangsat Negara and Sultan_Agong Fake Sultanate and legacy...that can be accomodated.  The Sultanate in Malaysia is Fake because the BIRTH place of Sultan in Malacca now exist without a Sultan....  How come??  Like the Najib-BNM Zeti- IGP-Altantuya-Najadi murder-Morian Murder-TBH-Kugan murder-Penan Murder.....  ALL a Cover UP to continue a Legacy of Lies and EVIL!!
This is the monster the Tun Dr MunfiQ mohd created...his legacy....his crowing glory before Allah calls him....The same DNA is used and same as his Sith Lord.....Replacing the Sith Lord is hard because the Dark Force is strong.....Ku Li the supposedly Yoda is senile and exposed as another potential Sith Lord in the making but age is making all these old Sith Lord practically useless....Its the Gen X, Y, Z......the Internet Generation the new Generation Jedi to fix Malaysial wants 12 district to Break up Dark Force Dominance on each...Divided the Dark Force will DIE!!

 Najib Guna 1% of 2.1 Billion Buy out Anti UMNO-bangsat negara IS Islam Racist terrorist Gormen dengan Izin Sultan-Agong-Govenor agar dapat Kontrol Malaysia Sampai 2020......lepas dah Bayar sultan-Agong $25 Million seorang...semua dah Diam macam tikus....  Lepas Tabung Curi/Haji kebas dari oran g Melayu Miskin...apa Lagi ISLAM Mahu??  Adenan MB Sarawak says he will make Quran Recital a subject in Sarawak soon!!..Undi Lagi UMNO-bangsat Negara ...dapat lagi banjir dan Kebuluran....  Utamakan Konsep tolong Bukan Islam Terdahulu!!

 DEMAND Royal Commission on ALL Property Development, Property Transaction Involving all Leaders from UMNO-BN, Royal Family, DAP, PKR, PAS, PBB, PBS..... all property transaction, including  Tanah Melayu ...suddenly converted to Development Zone High Rise.....  etc.....  Jangan saja LGE...  I too want my day to incriminate ALL!!

kalau Berani...adakan Suruhanjaya di Raja untuk semua Rumah Transaksi oleh semua ketua UMNO-BN, Ketua Bahagian UMNO, MIC,MCA, DAP, PKR, PAS, PBB, PBS, Sultan-Agong, tengku Mahkota, saudara mara.......IGP....Zeti... Nazir, Nazim, Tun, Tan Sri.....

Kita Kena Bina Lok UP Hotel Sg. Buloh Dengan tapak kaki sebesar Pembinaan Warisan Merdeka Kat Stadium Merdeka......satu lagi Warisan Korrupsi

Hello PAS mana dia Amar Maaruf, Nahi Mungkar....  Buat lah satu Sessi Parliament untuk Royal Commission on ALL Property Transactions on all Past and Present UMNO Leaders, Sultan, Crown Prince, Princes, TAIB..Adenan...Musa.........etc.....  Takut kerana Salah!!

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