Friday, April 29, 2016

German Born MAS CEO Resign due to not wanting to Participate in Najib Demand for short term money movement to 1 MDB to the tune of $2.1 Billion Ringgit.....

German Born MAS CEO Resign due to not wanting to Participate in Najib Demand for short term money movement to  the BANKRUPT, Debt Ponzi Scheme of Najib's UMNO 1 MDB fund to the tune of $2.1 Billion Ringgit.  Of course there is fear he might end up like DEAD AM Bank Najadi or Morias MACC murder that will never find any responsible perpetrators or criminal.  The simple answer is that they are ALL Linked to Najib- Hamidi-IGP linked Crime syndicate.  So better Resign, enjoy the payout and live a few more years with family in Germany.  Unlike najib's and the 1% UMNO-Bangsat Negara Malays.....their day of reakoning comes when 99% Malays wants their ENTIRE 1 % malays who control the EQUITY Wealth of 99% malays to Die....

German Born MAS CEO Resign due to inability to keep Paying Corruption money to UMNO-Bangsat Negara Cronies that include the untouchable Sultan-Agong-Govenors and their Children. So in that BRIEF period of  Christoph Mueller resigning for a few weeks who can sign BIG Checque to Najib-Rosmah-Taib-Adenan 1 MDB Corruption account criminal enterprise????  

You got it ....some Corrupt Muslim UMNO Malay in Khazanah.....or Najib himself or someone willing to do it for $2 million ringgit free money..... Like the 1 MDB Fiasco and so many other Corruption...the CEO will resigning if the money trail gets near the Criminal Muslim UMNO Bangsat Negara malay.   IF nothing is found keep the Malay Muslim Corrupt CEO....  Like Keeping the Sultan-Agong-Malay Muslim Govenor isolated because ALL their Bank accounts are overseas and Bank Negara Zeti Approve the Transfer....Documents destroyed ...and Repeat the Operations until Malaysia Economy Totally Collapse soon within 2 years from 2016!!......who knows how fast Malaysia can collapse when Zimbabwe collapse within 1 year and inspite of Mugabe not being thrown out and HANGED for the Atrocities his Zanu PF & Army Cronies did....  Malaysia MUST RESPOND with TERROR and POWER towards these UMNO-Bangsat Negara and their cahoots of Sultan-Agong-Govenor, IGP, Army Chief, Zeti, Chief Judges ...and all those 1% Malay with the wealth of 99% of malays....

We must end EVIL of Malaysia like we need to End Evil of Hitler, Assad, Gadaffi, Pol Pot, Sadam, Osaman, Mugabe.....and Never be weak in making a new 12 District Nation with their own NEW Freedom Rules...Freedom of Religion, Freedom of Marriage, Freedom from Corruption and FREEDOM FROM THER DUMB Down MALAY IS ISLAM Language!! At least not ranked 175 in FIFA soccer rankings....

Sultan Selangor is Racist IS Islam UMNO-Bangsat Negara(BN) Bigots Ideology ... WHY NOT INSIST of A NON MALAY MB...?? With ISLAM Malay as head here and still get Water, electricity, Barang Naik, Jam, Smog, Soccer rank 175 by FIFA...Corruption in tabung Haji, Bank Negara IGP ISLAM IS Daughter doing Arms Trade with IS Terrorist..Abu Sayaf, Sulu.... Apa lagi 99% melayu Mau... Mau lagi diperbodohkan oleh 1% Melayu??

After all the IGP daughter is given a gun selling license and Malaysian needs a good think and education about the task involved in obtaining a license to sell GUNS and arms ... to know how DIFFICULT it is for a non- muslim malay...let alone malay with no linked to the Crime and corruption ENTREPRISE of UMNO-Bangsat Negara, IGP, Sultan-Agong-Govenor, Taib and Adenana of Sarawak, Abu Sayaf, Sulu Islam ic terrorist and south Thailand Islamic Terrorist sponsored by UMNO -PAS of Malaysia.

In spite of being owned and money pumped into the MAS operations in the recent capitalisation move of $6 Billion ringgit  by the IS Islam UMNO-Bangsat negara backed investment arm KHAZANAH.  Khazanah is nice Islamic name that does lots of money transfer to Abu Sayaf, Najibs Account, Hamas, Hezbollah, Saudi, 1 MDB, Sultan-Agong-Govenor Taib of Sarawak and all kinds of Human Trafficking and money Laundering activities.

Azmin said $90 milion ringgit corruption money in overseas bank account is NOT sufficient to jump back to UMNO-bangsat the Perak 3 Scumbags........and PKR in Sabah-Sarawak are still so dumb in being in PKR..... YOU NEED TO RID YOURSELF of the UMNO-Bangsat Negara DNA........ To Neutralise Azmin in Selangor...DAP will have a few malay candidates in the coming GE and We Rid Selangor of Racist IS ISlam Sultan Agenda....

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