Sunday, April 10, 2016

Shocking Sultan-Agong and Council of Rulers + Governor Ordered the LIVE Debate between LGE and Government Minister Datuk Abdul Rahman Dahlan to be Cancelled!!

Shocking Sultan-Agong and Council of Rulers + Governor Ordered the LIVE Debate between LGE and Government Minister Datuk Abdul Rahman Dahlan to be Cancelled!! The Rulers says this is to protect the Good name of IS Islam Malaysia..... WHAT?? Sudah Takut?? Amar Maaruf Nahi Mungkar bongkar Sultan-Agong-Govenor pun ada beli tanah murah, kemudian Jual...... i bet you those celaka melayu UMNO tak malu curi hak istimewah Orang Asli scared/takut LAGI Besar punya Korrupsi antara Sultan dan UMNO di Bonkar LGE.... Rafizi dah bagi LTAT Korrupsi Tanah Jual milik Bongkar kepada LGE...itu pasal DEBAT Siaran Langsung diBatalkan oleh sultan-agong-govenor dan Majlis Raja-Raja sebab takut Dibongkar Siaran Langsung!!... KANTOI - Majlis Raja-Raja melayu dan UMNO !!

Shocking the Council of Lame Rulers of Malay ISLAM IS Malaysia in cahoots with UMNO-PAS - PBB-Adenan-Taib  Demand as condition of debate":...not to mention or say any of the following:

"cannot mention of 1 MDB corruption"
"cannot mention of Allah or any Islamic word, teaching like Amar Maaruf, Nahi Mungkar"
"cannot ask why NO Royal Commission on ALL Felda, UMNO-BN, Sultan - Agong Selling of malay Land to Developers like Suiltan Johor to China"
"cannot mention sultan-agong-govenor and Rulers Conference matters"
"cannot ask about PAST practices of Blatant Corruption and Cow Gate Scandal by Syrizat UMNO Women Chief"
 "cannot mention MARA using Government Fund to Buy property in Australia, Great Britain, Canada, USA, China, Hong KIng, Singapore"

AND DELAYED TELECAST TO ALLOW FOR EDITING!!...> Go to Hell UMNO-Bangsat Negara in cahoots with Sultan-Apagong-Govenor -TAIB-Adenan-MUSA-PBB -IGP-ZETI....

If this this the Outcome of Islam "Amar Maaruf Nahi Mungkar " Then Islam teaching is a joke... ....good luck to prophet Mohd trying to have the true Islam Ever Practice..... No loss to other Religion....Buka Mata Keluar Islam.... masuk agama Lain. Korrupsi, penipuan Niat Jahat di Agongkan, Keiklasan untuk Kebaikan Di Hina!! UMNO-BN-PAS malay IS Islam Racist terrorrist Supporters in cahoots with Sultan-Agong-Govenor bias race can continue their merry ways till the Moment of 12 District...Agenda 2020....if not 2020 can be 2030....Barang Naik - Bangsat Negara-(BN)- sarawak derita / suffering Sabah Suffering .. Malaysian Suffering will UNLEASHED the Hunger Games....time to end the 1% of Malays holding the EQUITY of 99% of Malays!!...Its been game on 5 years ago ... Maruah lagasi Tun Uda dihina cucu dia...tak apa lah...... Tun Uda memang tak penting....yang Penting Generasi Sekarang...Nak Cukup Makan atau suka Sangat sembayang 5 Kali sehari manakala 99% ketua melayu SUltan-Agong-Govenor- UMNO - PAS Hudud Bangsat Negara(BN) hanya sembayang 1 Kali seminggu!!...Buka Mata Keluar Islam.... masuk agama Lain...Pecat PBB-UMNO dari Sarawak!! SACK UMNO - PBB-Bangsat Negara from Sarawak and sack UMNO!!

Same sham being whipped up last time by UMNO-PAS debate on Islam.... and cancelled last minute....Malaysia soccer ranking 175...Pergi Mampuslah Baju Merah penyokong kuat Harimua kucing!! TM Pahang...kalau ada maruah letak jawatan bagi bangsa dan agama selain melayu Islam jago FAM!!... Ptui soccer Malaya!!

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