Wednesday, May 18, 2016

Vocal Malaysians should check travel status before going abroad -Go to HELL Nur Jazlan ..another celaka Melayu IS Islam UMNO Bangsat Negara Racist terrorist trying to frighten Malaysia. Tell that to the Sultan of Johor or TMJ....Celaka Melayu UMNO-Bangsat Negara.... Go to HELL!!

Vocal Malaysians should check travel status before going abroad -Go to HELL Nur Jazlan  ..another celaka Melayu IS Islam UMNO Bangsat Negara Racist terrorist trying to frighten Malaysia.  Tell that to the Sultan of Johor or TMJ.   

However Murderers(like Sirul the Altantuya Killer and C4 Explosive expert on her dead body destruction with Najib's Unborn Son...Done with instruction from Rosmah-Najib), peadofile, terrorist IS Islam are free to Travel abroad and hope More UMNO-PAS Malay muslim die in Syria, Iraq, fighting for their New Dead Caliph state of TERROR in the land of Prophet Mohammed.......

PAS Hadi Awang kata Rosmah perlu Pakai tudung, tutup aurat agar Suami dia iaitu Najib Razak boleh dilihat sebagai Pendekar islam macam Mohammed Saw dan Sultan-Agong-Govenor.....Ptui!!!

Ku Li the 4th...and he thot he was D'Artagnan and Rosmah - Milady de Winter....and not forgetting the Sultan-Agong-Govenor Characters too.......Fat hopes... BUT alas they are ALL actually the mother and Father of Malaysia destruction and demise.... All IS ISLAM Racist terrorist Scumbags ...the 1% Melayu Holding the Equity Wealth of 99% Malays...keeping Malays poor so that they can continue to SELL their TRASH IS ISLAM Racist Ideology of Other Race have stolen their wealth.... Give us political power to restore the Equity wealth of forward 60 years later...same old..same old 1% Melayu having the Wealth Equity of 99% malay...  

With bangla, Syrian, Indonesia IS ISlam coming..... good luck to 99% melayu getting any more Wealth Equity....sembayang 5 Kali, terima Rahmah Allah, dengar lagi hak melayu tergadai sambil lihat anak awak tidur lapar..... Kalau cerdik, Bangun, Ubah Agama, Berontak dan tangkap itu 1% melayu yang curi Harta 99% Ekuiti Melayu!! Ayuh..ABU ...UBAH!!


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