Wednesday, July 06, 2016

Islam is Toxic in Malaysia and only Non-Muslim Condemn ALL Islamic Terrorist acts.....Sultan Agong-govenor-UMNO-PAS-Jakim-JAIS-Mufti Mullah ALL Condone these Scumbag Cowards Acts!!

Islam is Toxic.....  Perhaps all zakat , duit tabung haji should be given to DAP then to sort out the celaka Islam Melayu UMNO-PAS-Bangsat Negara Idiotlogical islam that sultan-agong -govenor-IGP Judges Melayu Condone.  
At least DAP condemn ALL islamic terrorist Acts... celaka 1% melayu UMNO-PAS-Sultan-Agong-Govenor-Jakim-IGP-JAIS Mufti NEVER CONDEMN Terrorism, Racism by Islam - muslim born Malay Acts....... ALL these 1% melayu Hidup Mewah only ask to Curb Extremism in islam when they are the same racist Extremist Hudud IS Islam Crap ...that the Defender of Racist terrorist Islam Sultan-agong and Govenor of malaysia Promotes and Condone these Islamic terrorist acts. 99% melayu lapar mula sedar si celaka Islam adalah 1% melayu DARI Keluarga UMNO-PAS-sultan-agong-govenor-IGp-Jakim -Jais. Askar Regimen Melayu pertahankan keluarga Sultan-agong-Govenor Melayu UMNO -PAS Kalau berani bertindak terhadap 99% melayu lapar dan Marah yang akan berarak ke tempat kediaman mereka..!!

Malaysia time to carve out your Space without Islam...12 new district coming..>CHAOS!!! get rid of Ringgit use foreign currency to buy & avoid paying GST that  goes into melayu UMNO-PAS  IS terrorist Islam pocket!!

Its Good Nika Gee Siew Yee and Stanley Clament Augustin playing the UMNO-DNA Goons for More money.......  Sources say  Najib paying  Stanley Clament Augustin $10 Million Ringgit to write the SD to implicate Muhiddin....just like Najib would pay the sultan Perak and the 3 Katak of Perak to jump and make Sultan Berak look so Corrupted.

Same islam Crap that provides the ideology to all the judges to convict Anwar, allow malay Mufti Syriah Courts to Allow the divorce of spouse from grave like ex Sultan-Johor and Selangor....Islam is Damage Goods....

The IRONIC or Moronic thing is that in this 21th Century...with these 1% Melayu UMNO-Sultan-Agong-Govenors Generation of Oxford, harvard and overseas Islamic Universities education having the wealth equity of 99% malay Decide and determine things that are confusing 99% malay only..... Then that Islam Religion and ideology is EVIL... Leave islam and UN-CONFUSE...un Brain WASH!! UMNO Bangsat negara sponsor IS Islam Caliph Malaysia with Sultan Approval.....nak cari mana Pergi Wang Derma Kepada Masjid Kat Kawasan Abu Sayah di Phiillipines jumpa kat Rumah Zahid Hamidi 

The fact that donation money that was raise to buy safety then to be taken by Zahid Hamidi and Family goes to show how Deep the Despicipal nature are these celaka Melayu  UMNO-Bangsat Negara Scumbags sense of Morality.  Theirs is just Evil and We malaysian need to NOT Blink to Obliterate Evil.

Mari kanak2 kita baca Bahasa Kemerosotan malaysia baku tulin Al Islam IS UMNO-PAS
sebelum buka puasa!! Bayar Tol, GSt, BN - Barang Naik kat Hari Raya!!
English              Di Singapura        Di Malaysia
Ransom            Wang Tebusan     Derma
Corruption        Korrupsi Duit     1 MDB
Donation           Derma Penang - Rezal kata Beban kepada Rakyat
Thief                 Pencuri               Perdana Menteri Najib-Rosmah Mansor - UMNO -BN
BN                   BN                     Bini Najib- Bangsat Negara

Macam Sharizat Itu Lembu Korrupsi Beli Kondo dengan duit $250 Million semua 2 anak & keluarga dapat Gaji $240,000 setahun......  Melayu IS ISlam patut Alhamduilah  jiwa dan destinasi hidup 99% melayu terus dikuasai 1% melayu...Siapa Bodoh??...Najib $3 Billion duit Derma kedalam CIMB Lagi Terror...macam Zahid Hamidi cakap $12 MYR derma adalah sama wang tebusan kepada IS Islam Abu Sayah..tapi Gasak $11 MYR....

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