Wednesday, July 27, 2016

Lahat Datu Sulu Islam terrorist killers of Army, Police Murderers, Treason against Agong-Sultan NOT Hanged..... stupid UMNO youth wants to charge Zeti & co with treason to Agong!!..>Go to Hell UMNO Bangsat negara!!

The sultan -agong council of rulers Govenors have no regards of the Impact of these Illegals and IS Islam Sulu Abu Sayaf terrorist have on Malaysian.  They Live on their Crystal palace with Guards who will shoot to Kill.  Those Abu Sayaf IS Islam Terrorist who are in UMNO-Bangsat Negara pay cheque that have been caught have SO FAR NOT BEEN HANGED despite Killing Sabah Soilders and police....  where the Hell is the Sultan-Agong -govenors useless Council of Rulers to Demand Justice and Royal Commission to these Murderous Acts??   

So now it becomes Obvious that the Narratives of the UMNO-Bangsat Negara Media is to Label these Islamist Abu Sayaf, Sulu UMNO Sponsored Lahat Datu, Sabah Terrorist as Intruders.....Instead of Murderers of malay Islam Police and Army!    So the Malaysian Army and Police Died in VAIN(mati Katak) to preserve the narratives and Ideology 1% Ultra Rich privileged malays of UMNO-PAS _Bangsat Negara(BN) IS (Idiot Sect) Islam in cahoots with sultan_Agong-Govenor, IGP, Army Generals melayu Islam!  No hanging for High Powered Gun Posession and Killing Malaysian Army and Police becaue they are UMNO IS (idiot Sect)ISLAM Army and Sultan-agong-govenor condone this Judgement and Act!!

UMNO-PAS-Agong-Sultan suruh Melayu MATI KATAK Demi Kepentigan 99% harta Kaya dan Hidup Mewah 1% melayu(ia itu UMNO-PAS-Sultan-Agong-Govenor islam, IGPig, Ketua Angkatan tentera dan saudara mara mereka)

The sultan-agong-govenor Alligience to UMNO-Bangsat Negara forms the 1% malays that control the wealth Equity of  99% malays....No wonder despite all these USA, Singapore, WSJ publishing of the 1MDB Corruption money, audit illegals accountings the PAID TO SHUT UP Sultan-agong -Govenors of $20 Million Ringgit each Keeps quiet as if nothing has happens.....  this means that Corruption have reached the highest levels in Malaysia.....  Judges, bankings....council of rulers and the 1% of Malays they represent.  Removal is the ONLY Fix for the corruptions to the Highest levels that includes the Sultan-agong family, Govenors & Family, IGP, Police, Army Generals and Family......UMNO-Bangsat Negara and Family..etc...etc..

Melayu UMNO Najib-Rosmah said the 36 times "official 1" mentioned in the DOJ Civil Criminal case is the Sultan-Agong  as they are the Head of Malaysia ....First lady and commander of the Arm Forces.....  Sultan-Agong -Govenor Condone all this UMNO-Bangsat negara  1 MDB money laundering, Rakyat Terrorising acts.....  T M J johor have given tacit indication that he might join the Bersih 5 Rally in Johor and Warned the Red Shirt to come at their OWN Risk  .....  Which Tengku Mahkota next ..& Selangor? negeri 9 ??    berani red Shirt mari Penang mati katak!!

Everything 1% melayu racist terrorist JAIS-Jakim-UMNO-PAS Islam - Sultan-agong-Govenor  touches means Munich Germany islamic terrorist Killers ...and Its Islam. The sooner we Rid this Cancer, surau, Red Shirt Scumbags the better it will be..... Today I am Going to WHACK Red Shirt of UMNO supporters at SOGO....bring your Lastik...Bee Hive...etc.....CHAOS will descend in K Hell..... and we Wear BLACK on Bersih Rally Soon All over Malaysia to protest CRIMINAL Najis -Rosmah & Sultan-Agong - Govenor who condone islamic corruption and terrorism to Malaysian. Nomore Yellow please!!! WEAR BLACK ON ALL RALLY...Bring Umbrella, water and terror Back the Red Shirt UMNO-PAS Islamic Racist Terrorist!! Criticise JAIS/NRD/JAKIM = Criticise Sultan, then Children Converted to Islam also a Sultan Act.... Bible stolen by JAIS also a Sultan Act...Be Careful what you hope For!!

12 New nations needs to emerge from Malaysia and those IS Islam racist terrorist better choose your space too.... We are determine to CRUSH Islamist and all the ILLS and EVIL of Islam.  No Islam nation or dominated governemnt is ANY GOOD!!...Not even if you have 10% Muslim like the French are finding out...lets hope Sabah-Sarawak Find out soon too!!

We need to Unite and Destroy the 1% Malay United UMNO-Bangsat Negara and those Council of Rulers that Condone corruption, murders, killings so Huge like 1MDB and worst...continue to be Friends of Islamic Terrorist Ideology Clerics, JAIS, JAKIM , IS Sulu, Abu Sayaf islamic terrorist, and those Mufti and Mullah.  A defender of Islam that cannot see the Obvious EVIL of Corruption and Islamic Terrorism against UNARMED Citizen in Sabah-Sarawak and ALL over Malaysia...Are USELESS TO MALAYSIAN and Must be RE_PURPOSED like Nepal KING!!

Erdogan wants to destroy Turkey Secular Demoncracy with Brotherhood of Islam Morsi type Islamist Nation....  Erdogan End is also near ....Fortunately some Army soldiers escaped...they will come back to remove him like what Egypt Army did to Morsi!! BELIEVE IT...UMNO NAJIB -Sultan-Agong-Govenor IS(idiot Sect) Malay Islam days are also numbered!!....  No Islamic Bias Nation is ANY GOOD....There is No Future more future in Turkey!!  Be Bias and help Non Muslim poor FIRST!!

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