Monday, October 24, 2016

Pakistan mother to be Hung for FABRICATED INSULT to Allah......5 Years appeal rejected by Syriah Courts like Malaysia Ms Gandhi....8 years of court take custody of Force convert to Islam Child......Reject Islam, Reject any form of ISlam Syriah, Jakim, Jais and hudud.....

None of the bastard Defender of Islam sultan-agong-govenor melayu, their children bloggers,  UMNO-PAS Bangsat Negara have EVER written of express their concern to the plight of SUCH Insane, EVIL acts of Islam in Pakistan to a   mother being Falsely Accused of insulting a just human Prophet Mohammed.....CRAP!!!

 mother being Falsely Accused of insulting a just human Prophet Mohammed.....CRAP

and now we have this Deception by Islam UMNO-PAS Hudud and Jakim Jais Syriah Courts SHAM rules for muslim only tentacles reaching out to others like Hot Dog not halal and other whims and fancies these IS islam Racist terrorist Bigots thinks are not Halal.  Imagine your building, your hotel, your bus service, your laundry business, your car wash business, your food business, your temple, your churches ...your place of worship can be MADE ILLEGAL and Not allowed to Function.  You have to Appeal to the SHAM Syriah Racist UMNO-PAS-SultanAgong-Govenor Melayu islam courts to keep functioning or ELSE Electricity and Water Cut off....  Its time to DISBAND the Syriah Courts, Jakim Jais and let muslim live according to their own Moral code...Leave judgement to GOD/Allah.....

To All 1% muslim UMNO-PAS -Sultan_Agong-govenor melayu Racist terrorist in Malaysia...better Leave IS islam religion because the you are ALL facing Eternal Death Anyway because all the water and air you breath contains 0.00000000000001% Alcohol and Pork DNA.......You cannot tell your Last Prophet who is Not ALLAH that you are NOT Aware of this FACT of Breathing and Eating NON HALAL Stuff!!

It is a FACT that all water and Food you eat have  0.00000000000001% Alcohol and Pork DNA.  Unless it can be proven otherwise...muslim are Doomed to Hell according to Quran Rules and Islam IS Laws...

Ingat Rakyat Bodoh....  UMNO Najib-Rosmah -PAS Hudud Bangsat Negara Penyokong IS ISLAM Racist terrorist Berdoa agar Puak Terrorist IS ISLAM Kat MOSUL Berjaya menentang Serangan terhadap Mereka....  Dulu Najib -PAS Bangga IS Islam begitu cepat dapat Mosul...Kini semua 1% melayu IS Islam melayu UMNO-PAS-Sultan-Agong-Govenor Terrorist Malaysial Mula takut BANGKIT Rakyat Maalaysia ....Takut Revolusi Rakyat Malaysia hapuskan Agenda Zalim UMNO-PAS Hudud-IS Terrorist Islam!!  MOSUL AKAN Tumbang kepada Kristian dan Revolusi Penentang Hebat Wanita Kurds Perhsmerga..

Kurds Peshmerga Women Fighters ...says go to HELL to 1% melayu Racist terrorist IS Islam UMNO-PAS Hudud-Sultan -Agong-Govenor Syriah courts, Jakim, Jais Evil Ideology!! 

Thursday, October 13, 2016

If Logging Corruption is seen in Penang and Selangor...the Entire UMNO-Bangsat Negara + Sultan-Agong-Govenor IS Islam wants to Crucify the Leaders...But since there is UMNO-PAS Hudud- Bangsat negara ALLIACE with Sultan Kelantan...CORRUPTION OK...hudud o.k , I ok...more $$$$ more OK!!!!! Go to Hell HUDUD and ISLAM Syriah Courts.... Time to END the Syriah, JAIS, Jakim and Islam courts and Re-direct the $2 Billion allocation for these dim wits scumbag Bangsat Islam Religious Organisation tor Poorer Rakyat Malaysia, No Tol, English Lesson, more food better life!!!!

 “Failed states offer unparalleled economic opportunity—but only for a privileged few. Those around the ruler or the ruling oligarchy grow richer while their less fortunate brethren starve. Immense profits are available from an awareness of regulatory advantages and currency speculation and arbitrage. But the privilege of making real money when everything else is deteriorating is confined to clients of the ruling elite or to especially favored external entrepreneurs. The nation-state’s responsibility to maximize the well-being and personal prosperity of all of its citizens is conspicuously absent, if it ever existed.

Road built by Kelantan Hudud PAS-UMNO-Bangsat Negara money allows Illegal Loggers to Steal Orang Asli Logs and trees in Kelantan...But Cannot allow one malay lawyer Siti Kassim to see Orang Asli.....  This is the Sickness of the PAS HUDUD Amar Maaruf Nahi Mungkar Crap that kelantan Sultan and IS Islam Council of Rulers Governor 1% Melayu wants to Rule Malaysia....Go to Hell ...the days are being Numbered and the Anger Are growing against these 1% Melayu hidup Mewah-kaya raya Hina 99% melayu   .... Nahi Mungkar HUDUD keplala Otak Hang!!...siapa Hina Islam.....melainkan UMNO-PAS-Bangsat negara degan izin sultan-agong -govenor melayu IS ISlam Malaysial!!...the 99% melayu is AWAKENING!!!!...UBAH!!...

This is the way MalaySIAL UMNO-PAS Bangsat Negara(BN) use their Law and Order....  Put a Law against Logging but Allow Logging and when the Scam,  Corruption, Stealing is 1MDB...use Road Block, Army, ISA, IGP, OSA sultan-agong-govenor to Blockade the ability to get to the source of the problem..... these 1% Melayu Islam UMNO-PAS scumbags acts condone by Sultan-agong-Govenor then say its under investigation....SO need to Blockade to investigate... 

Good thing TREES CANNOT Grow to COVER UP Illegal Logging in 24 Months...the Crime against UMNO-PAS is Obvious.....the crime against humanity is also Obvious......Lodge a case to Geneva for Crime against Orang Asli Genocide and Humanity!!
 Siti Kasim blocked from entering orang Asli area to provide Legal Aid.....under order from Hudud PAS-UMNO-Bangsat Negara and Sultan Kelantan


The Sultan-Agong-Govenors councils of Malay IS Islam Rulers MUST Apologise to malaysian that they Are powerless and Lack the Resolve and Guts to go after Najib-Rosmah UMNO bangsat Negara Theft of $100 Billion ringgit and all the injustices in religious Jakim, JAIS Syriah Sham, Corruption Sham....etc...But how to Apologise when they are ALL IN THE TAKE ...collection illegal Corruption Hina Allah Money$$$$!!

They have tried to make malays forget who they are via the IS ARAB Islam UMNO-Sultan-Agong ketuanana Islam Religion ideology....but their creation of faction have divided themselves...all for Money that cannot buy safety, survival, wisdom happiness and security.  The Money Faction takes Precedent over all Islam Hudud Syriah Council of Sham Islam rulers.

Seriously do you think the celaka 1% Melayu UMNO-PAS Sultan-agong-Govenor council of CRAP/Sham Rulers gives a Damn about anything you write to them??? the suffering and Future Suffering of your Children....Like During the Surrender to Portugese, Dutch, British and japanese...they sign Surrender for their Children and Family members only...WAKE UP Say Adios to them ask IGP to figure who said adios and Let Crime Spree...Bombs and IS Islam LRT Disruption Terrorism continue...... Yes that LRT Fail Recently was IS Islam Terrorism works...Continuous cover up to Protect Islam..... Time for Malaysia Retak ...12 New District!!

Corruption flourishes in many states, but in failed states it often does so on an unusually destructive scale. There is widespread petty or lubricating corruption as a matter of course, but escalating levels of venal corruption mark failed states: kickbacks on anything that can be put out to fake tender (medical supplies, textbooks, bridges, roads, and tourism concessions); unnecessarily wasteful construction projects arranged so as to maximize the rents that they generate; licenses for existing and nonexistent activities; and persistent and generalized extortion. In such situations, corrupt ruling elites mostly invest their gains overseas, not at home, making the economic failure of their states that much more acute. Or they dip directly into the coffers of the shrinking state to pay for external aggressions, lavish residences and palaces, extensive overseas travel, and privileges and perquisites that feed their greed.”