Monday, October 24, 2016

Pakistan mother to be Hung for FABRICATED INSULT to Allah......5 Years appeal rejected by Syriah Courts like Malaysia Ms Gandhi....8 years of court take custody of Force convert to Islam Child......Reject Islam, Reject any form of ISlam Syriah, Jakim, Jais and hudud.....

None of the bastard Defender of Islam sultan-agong-govenor melayu, their children bloggers,  UMNO-PAS Bangsat Negara have EVER written of express their concern to the plight of SUCH Insane, EVIL acts of Islam in Pakistan to a   mother being Falsely Accused of insulting a just human Prophet Mohammed.....CRAP!!!

 mother being Falsely Accused of insulting a just human Prophet Mohammed.....CRAP

and now we have this Deception by Islam UMNO-PAS Hudud and Jakim Jais Syriah Courts SHAM rules for muslim only tentacles reaching out to others like Hot Dog not halal and other whims and fancies these IS islam Racist terrorist Bigots thinks are not Halal.  Imagine your building, your hotel, your bus service, your laundry business, your car wash business, your food business, your temple, your churches ...your place of worship can be MADE ILLEGAL and Not allowed to Function.  You have to Appeal to the SHAM Syriah Racist UMNO-PAS-SultanAgong-Govenor Melayu islam courts to keep functioning or ELSE Electricity and Water Cut off....  Its time to DISBAND the Syriah Courts, Jakim Jais and let muslim live according to their own Moral code...Leave judgement to GOD/Allah.....

To All 1% muslim UMNO-PAS -Sultan_Agong-govenor melayu Racist terrorist in Malaysia...better Leave IS islam religion because the you are ALL facing Eternal Death Anyway because all the water and air you breath contains 0.00000000000001% Alcohol and Pork DNA.......You cannot tell your Last Prophet who is Not ALLAH that you are NOT Aware of this FACT of Breathing and Eating NON HALAL Stuff!!

It is a FACT that all water and Food you eat have  0.00000000000001% Alcohol and Pork DNA.  Unless it can be proven otherwise...muslim are Doomed to Hell according to Quran Rules and Islam IS Laws...

Ingat Rakyat Bodoh....  UMNO Najib-Rosmah -PAS Hudud Bangsat Negara Penyokong IS ISLAM Racist terrorist Berdoa agar Puak Terrorist IS ISLAM Kat MOSUL Berjaya menentang Serangan terhadap Mereka....  Dulu Najib -PAS Bangga IS Islam begitu cepat dapat Mosul...Kini semua 1% melayu IS Islam melayu UMNO-PAS-Sultan-Agong-Govenor Terrorist Malaysial Mula takut BANGKIT Rakyat Maalaysia ....Takut Revolusi Rakyat Malaysia hapuskan Agenda Zalim UMNO-PAS Hudud-IS Terrorist Islam!!  MOSUL AKAN Tumbang kepada Kristian dan Revolusi Penentang Hebat Wanita Kurds Perhsmerga..

Kurds Peshmerga Women Fighters ...says go to HELL to 1% melayu Racist terrorist IS Islam UMNO-PAS Hudud-Sultan -Agong-Govenor Syriah courts, Jakim, Jais Evil Ideology!! 

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