Wednesday, December 07, 2016

We reached a point we need to see a CHANGE in the Status Quo....the 1% melayu UMNO-Bangsat -Negara IS Islam and their cohorts of Sultan_agong-Govenor - PAS Hudud Racist terrorist Ideology have to Go and a New ERA will Emerge.....12 new Independent District would be the Start of NEW Era.....Doom is upon Malaysial!!

So Council of Rulers can deny Tun Munafiq Murder from attending Agong Swearing in??  It goes to Show How low these Rulers have descended and willing to Work with UMNO-PAS Bangsat negara to retain their status, Free Corruption money, give titles to gangsters, murderers, robbers....  Make no Mistake the Rebellion is Gathering Momentum for 12 NEW DISTRICT......  ALL 1MDB, Altantuya murder, May 13, Penan Killing, memali, support of IS Islam terrorist hamas, hezbollah, taliban Abu sayaf, Sulu terrorist, bible stealing, force child conversion to IS islam. have the Approval of Agong-Sultan-Govenor the one malay racist race called islam IS terrorist....working hand in hand with UMNO-PAS Bangsat negara~~~~!!. 

Get rid of Ringgit, Use Foreign Currency and you Get to PAY UMNO-PAS hudud ZERO Tax and YOU Start CRUSHING the UMNO-PAS Bangsat Negara Racist terrorist ideology.  You also get to Sweep the 1 Racist Race and Religion Sultan-Agong Govenor Melayu who condone all EVIL acts .... while Orang Asli gets Bullied and detained, Land, timber gets stolen, Malaysian suffering High living cost, Being dumb down by media  and education system..... TIME TO UNITE WITH ORANG ASLI AND HAVE MANY MASSIVE PROTEST...LET THE WORLD KNOW OF THE PAS-UMNO HUDUD EVIL ACTS AGAINST POOR TRUE NATIVE/BUMIPUTERA OF MALAYSIA!!

The Stupid 1% melayu IS Muslim UMNO-PAS -Sultan-Agong -Govenor melayu Council of Rulers all Going to Hell as water used to wash hands, ice, and in all food ...etc have 0.000000000000000001% Alcohol and pork DNA...... Jangan kata tak tahu....semua HARAM... sekarang dah Tahu Fakta Keluar Islam lebih sesuai.....kalau tidak .... Neraka Tunggu awak.... jangan tipu buat tak tahu >>>  Bongkar Celaka UMNO-PAS makan dedak!

The Sultan Agong-Govenor Racist Terrorist Songkok TITAH and Demand the 1% Melayu Najib UMNO-BN(Bangsat Negara) - PAS Hadi hudud curi Balak Orang Asli to NOT work with TRUMP anti-IS Islam agenda and pro Isreal Agenda..!! Those ISLAM Bias nation will start to suffer...Iran #1 Turkey #2....... MalaysiaL...Self Destruct....who cares as long as 12 NEW District Emerge at the end Sabah-Sarawak to house USA Base if Phillipines withdraw....... Pecat Malaya... Halau Semua IS Islam ke Langkawi..... era Tipu helah SUltan - UMNO mula Retak.... 99% melayu Marah Barang Naik ..Tol Naik, Beras, gula, minyat NAIK Melambung!! Jaga -jaga 1% celaka Melayu bodohkan 99% Melayu!!

 The 1% celaka Melayu IS(idiot Sect) Islam UMNO-PAS Baju Merah, Perkasa, Pekida together with their cohorts and Gang Sultan-Rulers-Agong curi Thakta + Govenor Racis Satu Agama IS ISlam....boleh Mampus Bersama Pribumi...... 99% Melayu Dah Mula Sedar bertapa Munafiq PAS Kat Kelantan Curi Balak Orang Asli dan Makan Dedak..... Amar Maaruf TAHI Mungkar...Kepala Otak..... Hang....! Semua AIR kat Malaysia dicemar 0.000000000001% Arak!!...Masuk Neraka hanya destinasi Islam UMNO-PAS Munafiq Makan Dedak!! Keluar Islam Agar Dapat nikmat Kebebasan......tanpa Was was!~!

Celaka bangsat IGP PDRM...... Please Ask Najib to Bring Riza Aziz back from China for 1MDB Questioning... Since he is in the same Plane to China.....Polis tak tahu mana Riza Aziz, Rosmah-Najib Tahu... Letak Jawatan lah!!

And Also Remand Jamal Red Shirt and Gang as well as IS Islam $2.5B donation is Good and Soros Donation is Bad and seditious....

Makin Hari 1% celaka Melayu UMNO-PAS Hudud sultan-agong-govenor Penyokong IS Terrorist Islam makin takut ...Hari Tindak KILAT Rakyat 99% Malaysia seluruh Malaysia boleh berlaku bila bila masa!!.Semua Barang Sudah Naik...apa lagi mahu komplain??!!

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