Tuesday, June 27, 2017

Government shutdown in Malaysia Looming.....the Flow of Money is interrrupted like Qatar....No money...soon.....Sultan-Agong-Govenor and council of Rulers have Demanded that UMNO-PAS Must Ensure the annonimity and opportunity of Malays Muslim who return from fighting in Syria, Libya, Phillipines and War torn Nation to be kept as OSA....Only the Malay muslim IGP and Army muslim General need to know who they are so as to Serve the nation Better..... GO TO HELL Radical Islam Supporters!!

Sultan-Agong-Govenor and council of Rulers have Demanded that UMNO-PAS Must Ensure the annonimity and opportunity of Malays Muslim who return from fighting in Syria, Libya, Phillipines and War torn Nation to be kept as OSA....Only the Malay muslim IGP and Army muslim General need to know who they are so as to Serve the nation Better.....  GO TO HELL Radical Islam Supporters!!

No effort is being made by these Sultan-agong-govenor UMNO-PAS Melayu bangsat Negara to Curb and Destoy Radical Islam across all Government bodies, School and Religious Islamic Schools in Malaysia!!

UMNO-PAS Sultan-agong-Govenor Islam of Malaysia Today like Qatar is supporting Radical Islamic IS groups like those in Sabah, Sulu, Abu Sayaf, Phillipines IS Muslim....the World needs to Boycott Malaysia, remove economic ties and isolate 9/11, London,Paris and Manchester Bombing terrorist Radical Islam.....like 1 MDB all have links to EVILS of Islam in chicken Bak kut teh Ramadan.....  

Better start stock piling and buying baby milk, rice and watch Malaysia Crumble under the UMNO-PAS-Sultan-agong-govenor Radical Islam support of IS and all those Sick London, Paris, USA, Afganistan, Iraq, Pakistan, Egypt, Phillipines Terrorist acts.  We need to KICk UMNO-PAS Bangsat Negara out from Malaysia Politics together with those Sultan_agong-Govenor of ONLY Malay Race and Break Malaysia UP to have a better life.  The outcome of 12 new District would look like 9 sultan fighting each other to Rule langkawi and Kelantan...to carry out their Radical Islam Terror Acts!!

History shows us – just like it is in Venezuela – that governments try and debase the currency to pay off the debt with cheaper dollars. But it destroys wealth and purchasing power of average citizens, and leaves a trail of financial tears in its wake.

PAS Hadi Awang going to meet Ayahtollah and president of Iran is the same act of Najib UMNO, Sultan-agong-Govenor Radical Islam approve the funding of hamas, hezbollah, IS Islam terrorist in Phillipines and in Sabah!! ...All part of the Brothehood of islam and Extremist Turkey Erdagon and Egypt Terror..... Get RID of UMNO-PAS Bangsat Negara and Sultan-Agong-Govenor Radical Malay Islam Rulers for a better 12 new District!!..

Indian mother whacking child remanded, Sekolah Agama Kota Tinggi School Principal & staff participated in Whacking Mohd Tahfiq to Death Nothing Happen......  The other guy is not even a teacher for crying out loud and given permission to Whack and KILL...does it make sense.???  The Kota Tinggi School Principal is Dreaming of Being a Mufti and Jabatan Agama Islam high Ranking Tax payer funded Sharia job....  The Kota Tinggi Islamic School Principal must have links to Sultan-Agong-UMNO-PAS High Ranking relatives to be OVERLOOKED....GET HIM like we are Not Being Romatics in Getting RID of Zakir Naik who Supports Iran Hezbollah, Hamas IS islam and Qatar hidden Agenda!!

Please also check former Lord President Salleh Abbas's interpretation of Article 3 in his judgement in 1988 or thereabouts. Salleh Abbas in his judgement stated that Islam is the religion of the Federation as a symbol and as a formality for official ceremonies only. Outside these limits, Islam is NOT the religion of the Federation of Malaysia, especially in the sense that the ketuanan Melayus had made it to become.

Tun Fuad was Killed by USNO-UMNO-PAS IS Islam Radical Islam Agenda and ideology to make Sabah submit to Islam......like the Mindanao and Sulu and Abu Sayaf Islamic Radical Jiba Terrorist!!....Just win the State election and SACK Malaya the next day together with thte Govenor and Don't worry about Following protocol,,,procedure....  IS radical Islam have no procedure and protocol to follow.......when people are Dead Protocol is Useless....go ask Tawfiq who was Killed by UMNO-PAS Sekolah Agama Islam and condone by Sultan-Agong!!...No Islam Bias Run adminstration is EVER Good or ANY good...The sooner you Rid them the Better for your grandchildren!!

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