Tuesday, September 26, 2017

Murderers of 21 Children at Datuk Keramat Religious school is actually UMNO-PAS JAKIM, JAIS, MAIS, Sharia, MAIWP....SHUT THESE USELESS OUTFIT DOWN THEN ALL ISLAMIC IS ISLAM RELIGIOUS SCHOOL LATER..>SAVE $10 Billion of HARAM Money from Tax payers of Pork, Haram Food Eaters!!

Murderers of 21 Children at Datuk Keramat Religious school is actually UMNO-PAS JAKIM, JAIS, MAIS, Sharia, MAIWP....SHUT THESE USELESS OUTFIT DOWN THEN ALL ISLAMIC IS ISLAM RELIGIOUS SCHOOL LATER.....>>SAVE Yearly $10 Billion Ringgit of HARAM Money from Tax payers of Pork, Haram Food Eaters, Non Romatics to ISlam Ideology!!!! ..And give to Genocide Victims of Orang Asli, Penan, Iban across malaysia under the Administration of Buddist, Christian and Hindu people.....  Islam malays cannot be trusted...neither can Bangla, Rohingya, jawa, bugis, Iban, Kadazan, Murut Islam bumiputera!!


The owner of the tahfiz building is the Federal Territory Islamic Religious Council (MAIWP)


As usual like the Johor Religious School who abuse and sodomised a kid till death with Rat Poisoning....and have Links to JAIS, Jakim, Sharia, Sultan-Agong-UMNO-PAS Bangsat Negara Relatives...the Cover up is complete now and death sentence to the Teachers who abuse the boy Mohd Gadaffi to Death are Smiling at allah and have done an Umrah Mecca Visit to Cleanse their Soul that is Approved by the Radical IS ISlam UMNO-PAS Dung Poo Sharia of Malaysia...Approved by Council of Malay Rulers and Sultan-agong.....

Now the Datuk Keramat Murderers of 21 Kids in another IS Radical Islam UMNO-PAS condone and Approved Religious School is Actually a Government Body call MAIWP....(click MAIWP to read more)  and Whatever Acronym JAIS, JAKIM, Sharia, MAIS, JAIS tear down Surau in Johor because buddist monk prayed there.....is Abhorrent.   UMNO-PAS-Sultan-Agong-Govenor of Malays Is radical Islam Race says killing of 21 Malay Radical ISlam Kids is Martyrdom and we need to commemarate it with a bribery to parens to the tune of $100,000 to keep them Praising Allah IS radical Islam that  DUMB YOU DOWN DAILY and MAKE YOU weep and Suffer. .

Where is the RCI on IS Islam UMNO-PAS Sultan -Agong-Govenor bangsat Melayu stupid ROYAL COMMISSION (RCI)?????...Go oto Hell You UMNO-PAS-Sultan-agong-Govenor Malay Islamic murderers


You need to Sack the UMNO-PBB Bangsat Negara from Sabah, After election Victory.. Storm the Govenor Palace.....Sack Him as Well and take him as Prisoners.....Then SACK Malaya..&;Declare New Nation Sarawak......and Be prepared for War Against IS radical ISLAM Army From Sulu, Indonesia, Abu Sayaf.....  All sponsored by UMNO-PAS Bangsat Negara and Sultan-agong-Govenor Melayu Bangsat Radical Islam!!  The only way tp Progress like Singapore is to Sack malaya, Rid Islam and Bahasa Stupid-kan You Malaya...Bring Back English...and Never Revert back to Sharia, Jakim JAIS Rubbish.....  NO ISLAM Bias Administration or Nation is Any good in this world that is Worth Migrating let alone Visit!!......Ayuh...Ini Kali Lah!!

Sabah - Sarawak should just Pull out and Fight IS radical Melayu UMNO-PAS Islam Bangsat Negara, Abu Sayaf, Sulu Terrorist whom the Sultan-agong-Govenor Melayu Islam Support nad Condone!  No Islam Bias run administration or nation is any good...How Sabah - Sarawak have been left poor and stupid with the use of bahasa MelayuSIAL like peninsular....only those with English are Better off.....Wake up before Sabah-Sarawak will become a RAKhine/Rohingya/Bangla/Idonesia Jemmiah Islamiah Radical IS Islam state in 20 Years time with UMNO-PAS Project IC for Sarawak and Sabah after GE 14!!...Like it or not its going to Happen sooner than you think and Sacking Malaya ...making house arrest of Govenor and Judges Align, Army and Police Chief align to UMNO-PAS Sulta-Agong is the only way to Create a New Nation.....Ayuh...Ini Kali LAh!!

Malaysia on the verge of Economic Collapse and so Ringgit will Depreciate like Zimbabwe Dollar.....  Malaysia is Bankrupt with $1 Trillion Debt.....Good luck to those who still have Faith in the Ringgit....Better Park your money in Foreign Curreny and Sell all your Property and asset...Collapse is coming for a Failed Nation and IS radical Islam emergence.....No Islam Bias nation is ANY good in this World!!



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