Sunday, January 28, 2018

Finally after 10 years... thanks to Internet, Social Media We need to End the ISLAM CRAP in Malaysia or We break it up to 12 pieces...Federal Court: Unilateral conversion of Indira Gandhi's 3 children is null and void. So Bastard IGP, sultan-Agong-UMNO-PAS JAIS, Jakim Demand the child return to mother NOW-IMMEDIATELY or WE RAKYAT EXERCISE PUBLIC ARREST of those Harboring the child.....

Unfit Malays Nasty Judicial Organisation must be obilterated if Ms Indira Gandi Children who was force to convert to Islam is not restored back to Hindu.   Go to Hell ISLAM UMNO-PAS -Sultan Agong Bangsat Negara.

Time to BURN down those NRD and Jakim, JAIS, Shariah Courts tat try hard to Make ISLAM and the Religion Islam the Greatest EVIL in Malaysia!!  Shariah eat your SH*T adn BOW to Secualr Law...disband and save the the $50 Billion needed to maintain the Islamic religious CRAP and Help the Poor hungry Malays....  Help and donate to Non Islam malays first as Islam Malays DON'T EVEN help Non - Islam Orang Asli!!! in Kelantan!!

IF ANY of these judges in Future Approved Force conversion to Islam in Malaysia!! ...they must be treated with Contempt and may their lives on earth end early...Court of Appeal president Justice Zulkefli Ahmad Makinudin,  Richard Malanjum, Zainun Ali, Abu Samah Nordin and Ramly Ali.....  

Kalau Vivian Lee masuk Lokup 6 bulan pasal bak kut teh,,, Ini celaka Zamihan Mat Zin yand nak Kesultanan Malaysia di ganti dengan Ayahtollah atau Mullah Mohammed s.a.w dari Syria.....perlu juga masuk lokup 12 bulan sebagai ajaran kepada semua Jakim IS radical islam penculik Paderi Koh dan Shariah....  Bila ketua MACC Dzulkifli Ahmad masuk lokup atau didenda kerana Khalwat??  bangsat Betul sistem undang2 Sial Malaysial!!

Kalau perlu darah, tanya dulu,itu muslim , muslim kafir atau bukan muslim.

Bila terima wang ringgit, tanya dulu, itu wang kertas siapa yang perna pegang, muslim kafir, muslim atau bukan muslim.

Oh, ya, udara yang masuk keluar hidung itu perlu juga tapis lah.

Nak jalan tugas sebagai muslim, buat baik sentiasa, bukan hanya di mulut.

 Polis = Polis Diraja bangsat Negara....Sekolah Agama Haram Islam Bakar Bunuh 21 kanak2 ....No problem....tangkap aje sesiapa dan bagi $100,000 macam Keluarga Gadaffi di Kota Tinggi...Mati Dibelasah tapi terima $100K mati sebab penyakit racun tikus!! The owner of the tahfiz building is the Federal Territory Islamic Religious Council (MAIWP)...bermakna Sultan Selangor Bersalah BUNUH 21 Kanak2 itu kerana luluskan Sekolah Bahaya Haram....Lagi Sebenarnya yang Baksr tempat itu adalah guru2 Yang suka Merokok dan buang rokok kat tempat masak yang penuh dengan minyak, gas...kertas....ada yang kata pengendali itu dapat bantuan dari UMNO-PAS bangsat Negara. budak yang di tangkap hanya perlu beri Mahkamah tahu, dia tak tahu, dia tak terlibat dan DIDERA POLIS Buat Kenyataan!! Jangan Dipaksa terima Hukuman yang harus dibebankan kepada UMNO-PAS , JAIS, Jakim, Sharia, MAIWP, Sultan Agong IS radical Islam hidup Mewah Kaya....Teruskan berontak...jangan Di Bodohkan Agama Islam!! 

 Better investigate that the Datuk Keramat IS Radical Islam Religious Schools Teachers were the ones who killed the 21 Children of Radical Malay IS Islam by tossing his ciggaretes to the cooking kerosene / oil drum and fire got out of hand. They were angry with the poor conditions and out of fit looking at the happiness of people outside their CAGE, they made that error that Islam under MAIS, Jakim, MAIWp, Sharia, UMNO-PAS Sultan-Agong-Govenor Rulers Bangsat Negara Approved the Set up of Illegal Radical IS Islam Religious School. Shut All Religious IS ISLAM Schools,Sharia, MAIS, Jakim, MAIWP Bangsat ISLAM Organisation DOWN NOW.... And Jamal Lowyat MARA MALL Losers trying to be relavent...his time is coming. ALL IS ISLAM Bias Business/ administration, Government is NO BLOODY Good...Have a look MARA IT MALU!! Berambus Bangsat Melayu UMNO-PAS IS Radical Islam...>Sack Malaya from Sabah-Sarawak!!

Najis pays Raja Berak/Petra to spins lies and we need to entertain Lies...

DOJ procecute MO1-Najis UMNO-PAS Bangsat Negara curi Duit Rakyat Malaysia Facts and No need to entertain Corruption because Sultan-agong-Govenor all in the take to the tune of $20 Million Yearly to SHUT UP!!....Wake up ...and Obliterate the IS Radical ISLAM UMNO PAS from Secular Malaysia!!  Sack Malaya from Sabah-Sarawak...sack the IS Radical Islam supporter Govenor TAIB and Sabah Govenor there and Declare New Nation WITHOUT Referendrum.....and Delay....  Malaysia Economic Collapse coming...use this opportunity to Create a New a Better Singapore 2!! 

 This Bangsat Zahid is so stupid thinking he can't Finish Off Hissapmuddin.... but blood relation with Najis and Sultan Pahang will put an end to murderer Zahid...Killer of son in end the Rulers and Radical UMNO-PAS Jakim JAIS, Sharia Islam racist terrorist UMNO-PAS Grip on Thinking Hungry Malay....Remember in desperate time help Orang asli first...then other race and Religion....LAST of LAST the IS Radical Laundry, tudung, Halal, type ISlam .... No Islam Bias run nation or administration is any good in this world....Sack MaluSial from Sabah-Sarawak.....time for Singapore 2 &3 opportunity...Not Taliban and Failed Nation Bangla, Rohigya, Pakistan, Libya, Syria, Palestine Crap!!

Sack malaya....Invite Isreal/USA/China/Singapore to help establish Army to Fight UMNO_PAS Bangsat negara Radical IS Islam army and SUltan-agong-Govenor Melayu ISlam unleashing of Jihad radical Melayu umno-pas IS ISlam army....don't worry Millions of sleeper cell in Malaya waiting to Sapu the ELITE Lot...and Kick Radical IS Islam Leaders into Langkawi & Kelantan...the 2 state suitible to form MalusiaL!! ....then again maybe not....send them back to Bangladesh and Pakistan and Syria or Saudi Arabia as refugees!!...leave no space for Radical IS Quran Inspired EVIL and racist terrorism!!  Saudi Arabia to accept Jeruselam as Capital of Isreal....Palestine are IS Islam Hamas/Hezbollah Sunni Terrorist State!!

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