Monday, April 16, 2018

660 Years and what have the 1% IS ISLAM MALAYS UMNO-PAS-sultan-agong-govenor racist race got to show.......corruption of Epic Proportion, murder, racism, discrimination, Genocide of Orang Asli that SPIT on Islam in Kelantan, Sabah, Sarawak. ABU - UBAH - INI KALI LAH!!

60 YEARS OF umno-pas-Govenor Melayu IS Islam BN(Bangsat Negara) +
600 Years of FAKE Malay IS Islam Sultan-agong defending Malaya (despite being conquered by Portugese, dutch, China, British , Japan)....No ISLAM MALAY run administration, state or Nation WAS EVER ANY good despite the History.....Go check when was Singapore, Australia, New Zealand, Canada was discovered.....Yet Bloody Malu SIAL still a 3rd world Nation .....1% Racist Islam Malay can claim Head start...WILL ALWAYS Finiah Last because no BLESSING FROM ALLAH to Islam Racism and Islam EVIL Conditioning of OMAR Ideology!! Time to Sack Malaya and have 12 new Nation....No hope in the current form with Sultan backing UMNO-PAS Bangsat Negara!!  NOT Another Year of this  EVIL MALAY Islam Racist "conditioning of OMAR "Rubbish.....  So go to HELL Mega Rich Sultan Johor, Sultan Selangor,Perak and Poor desperate Najib installed Kelantan Agong Throne Robber from stroke Father....What Malay Tradition is this?!  Time to Bury the 1% super Mega RICH Malays in UMNO-PAS-Govenor-sultan-agong Racist Islam Terrorist to 99% malays!!
660 Years and what have the 1% IS ISLAM MALAYS UMNO-PAS-sultan-agong-govenor racist race got to show.......corruption of Epic Proportion, murder, racism, discrimination, Genocide of Orang Asli that SPIT on Islam in Kelantan, Sabah, Sarawak.   ABU - UBAH - INI KALI LAH!! 

BRIM Satu Kali Setahun, GST tiap-tiap Hari sampai Awak Mampus melayu UMNO-PAS Sultan-Agong -Govenor IS ISlam Bangsat Negara Terus Hidup Mewah...

Gula2 1% melayu Bangsat Negara UMNO-PAS IS ISlam 1 kali setiap 5 Tahun, lepas tu Mati kelaparan, tiada kerja, Penganggur 5 tahun, lagi 2 Billion Bangla ambil Kerja dan Periuk nasi Awak, TOL NAIK, GST NAIK 15%..........Mana Maruah Melayu 99%...1% Melayu UMNO-PAS Sultan-Agong -Govenor IS ISlam Bangsat Negara Terus Hidup Mewah...

Not to forget the Deafening Silence form the the Rulers Council, sultan-agong and those ALIGN AND SUPPORT UMNO-pas NAJIB continual destruction of Malaysia.  Question is what are we going to do about it??  There is NO more Pillars to uphold Malaysia apart from an angry and hungry Rakyat.....we have seen how TMJ can cause such chaos in AEON....  AEON should just deliver those rubbish in trolley left behind at AEON to the TMJ and Sultan palace since he paid for it!....or did he NOT Pay??

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