Sunday, April 01, 2018

This is exactly what Islam did to its conquered non-Muslim subjects throughout the centuries; it imposed negative “conditions of life calculated” to prompt infidels to abandon their former identities and heritage in order to reap the benefits of joining Islam (which included the instant cessation of persecution and discrimination). Indeed, it is no coincidence that the Sharia-compliant “conditions of life calculated” to make the dhimmi’s existence so intolerable were and are known as the “Conditions of Omar.”

Pertama derma kepada Orang Asli kat Kelantan yang sedang di GENOCIDEkan oleh Gologon PAS-UMNO IS ISlam...Kedua derma kepada anak yatim Bukan melayu pakai tudung/songkok Islam....Ketiga Derma Kepada Orang MISKIN Bukan melayu Islam...Keempat Suruh IGP cari Anak paksa masuk Islam Mrs Gandhi dan kembalikan kepada dia sebagai seorang hindu....akhirnya satu sen pun jangan derma kepada anak yatim orang Islam sebab JAIS, JAKIM, Shariah, Sultan, Zakat sepatutnya jaga anak yatim dan orang miskin MalaysiaL... zakat bukan untuk pergi holiday, goda perempuam simpan macam MACC Dzulklifi Ahmad, curi macam MO1, tabung haji, beli rumah mewah...dan lain2. Duit Derma, Makan derma, (kes cuci baju untuk Islam saja) adalah Haram mengikut penganut melayu IS sesak ISLAM UMNO-PAS Kat MalaySIAL kalau awak BUKAN Islam....Jadi Jangan Derma!!..itu saja kesimpulan !!

berapa $$$$$$$ dapat?? Jangan lupa ini Agong curi thakta dari bapak dengan bantuan Najib UMNO-PAS dan UTK Baju Hitam yang Bunuh Paderi Kristian Raymond Koh, Joshua & Ruth Hilmy ... Sama style terrorist, pakaian, gaya dan guna kereta hitam sama.....pergi siasat kepala otak Hang IGP... Siasat CID MYR$1,000,000 tak nak kat Australia.... Agong pun sokong Ketua Polis CID duit korrupsi kat Australia... mana Maruah orang Melayu Islam?? Amar Maaruf Nahi Mungkar...?? semua adalah kenyataan Palsu...Heret ke Mahkamah Ajaran dan Berita palsu Quran...sebab Agong pun tak peduli Rasuah, Niat Jahat!!?? apa HARAPAN lagi rakyat Malaysia Kecuali ABU & ABUT...Asalkan Bukan UMNO-PAS!! Cepat sign dan heret Ketua CID Polis macam Datin Zalimi Pembantu Rumah ke Penjara!!

Like Malaysia....this Project will eventually fail and the IS ISlam UMNO-PAS supported Taliban terrorist will ruin it.... No Racist BIAS Islam Run administration, state or Nation will EVER Prosper.... Islam UMNO-PAS wants malay Girls of lower Caste to pakai tudung in Islam to be Dumb and only have aspire to be like  Rosmahs, Ragad Taib(wife of Govenor Sarawak)...etc and Permaisuri Agong to be mega Rich and powerful like Erdogan....they will all die and Pity not the Retribution to Entire Family in the years ahead..... Where is Yasser Arafat wife with the Billions these days??? Enjoying life somewhere.....supporting IS Islam terrorist!!  ASPIRATION WITHOUT ACTION TO OBLITERATE UMNO-PAS IS ISLAM & their cohorts sultan-agong-govenor Terrorist melayu will mean MELAYU AKAN TERUS Lapar, Pencuri dan Miskin!!  mana maruah Melayu?? 

 Its an Islamic Law making its way into a secular Law encapsulates the “slow-motion genocide”: “Deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life calculated to bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part” .

This is exactly what Islam did to its conquered non-Muslim subjects throughout the centuries; it imposed negative “conditions of life calculated” to prompt infidels to abandon their former identities and heritage in order to reap the benefits of joining Islam (which included the instant cessation of persecution and discrimination). Indeed, it is no coincidence that the Sharia-compliant “conditions of life calculated” to make the dhimmi’s existence so intolerable were and are known as the “Conditions of Omar.”

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