Thursday, April 26, 2018

With Fake news law now implemented UMNO Najis-PAS Hadi -BN(Bangsat Negara with approval from Govenor-sultan-agong) will make Islam Quran as the ONLY True News and all you Christian, Buddist, Hindu, Sikh teaching as a Criminal Offence in Public....Need Permit to practice your Religion!! The sooner Sabah-Sarawak Sack Malaya and join Singapore...the brighter your future....

With Fake news law now implemented UMNO Najis-PAS Hadi -BN(Bangsat Negara with approval from Govenor-sultan-agong) will make Islam Quran as the ONLY True News and all you Christian, Buddist, Hindu, Sikh teaching as a Criminal Offence in Public....Need Permit to practice your Religion!! The sooner Sabah-Sarawak Sack Malaya and join Singapore...the brighter your future.... No malay Islam bias run administration, state or Nation is ANY good in this world...."the conditioning of Omar" aka slow genocide is in place ...go ask the Kelantan Orang Asli......Fight these IS Islam UMNO-PAS Racist bigot terrorist terrorist till Death!!

ABU  UBAH - INI KALI LAH and Send Najib Rosmah Zahid, Jamal , Nazri, Bung Mokthat, Musa Aman, SultanRogol, ShitRizat, Tun Taib....etc...etc...etc to Prison for a LONG time

That is the problem with Living in MalayHell under the Ideology of "conditioning of Omar".....Yet we must continue to be like Ninja Mat Kilau...Fight back and change unseen, unheard, undetected and unknown..... We need to Bring an end to the ideology of Quran inspired racist terrorist Islam melayu UMNO-PAS-sultan-agong-govenor of for Race only...this GE14 and beyond...we need to work to Obliterate this sickness and create 12 new nation like Singapore....660 years of apparent fake Malay rules legacy and ideology ...cannot even be on par or surpass Singapore, USA, Australia, Canada, New Zealand and those western newly nation founded only 200-300 years ago...SPEAKS Volume of the SH*T of maintaining MaluSial fake Malay Racist terrorist IS Islam Quran Inspired Legacy another year longer......No Islam bias run state, nation, organisation is ANY good in this World......We should continue to Battle the Religion Islam and NEVER let these Scumbags IMPOSE their Will on is 3rd World War Terror ..a Battle of Believe systems contrary to Islam!!

Just imagine Mrs Gandhi, 8+ years and still have not seen her child yet despite being asked by High Courts to return to her mother minus the ISLAM Conversion Crap!  IGP does nothing like Sultan-agong-govenor UMNO-PAS-PKR-Amanah-Jakim-Jais, Shariah all SH*tting quietly until after GE14.....WHY??  How is it that MaluSial can descent to SUCH Low Human dignity....I am still waiting for someone to tell me where the kid is hidden by IS ISLAM NGO supported by Hamas, PAS, UMNO Taliban Groups, Shariah, Jakim, Jais, jabatan Agama and Sultan-agong, YOUR TAX HARAM dollars + Govenor and IGP........  I will take them all Down via citizen Arrest or IF MUST with Prejudice......No Evil must be allowed to fester in MalaHell like what happen to Palestinian Lecturer IMAN Drone and Rocket maker (under protection from UMNO-PAS-Sultan-agong-Govenor)....Next Zakir Naik and those Sulu, Abu Sayaf, IS islam terrorist thinking they can have a safe Heaven.....Get Lost From Malaysia you Scumbags Islam IS Terrorist.... Malaysia is a Secular nation!!

Hina Allah dan Nabi Mohd adalah amalan dan ideology Bangsat Negara Sultan-agong, UMNO-PAS Govenor dan PM MalaySIAL...itu sebab Negara Makluk Islam Racist terrorist macam Syria, Yemen, Hamas, kemudian MalaySial akan Bankrupt dan Hina Rakyat dengan GST 12% dan lagi Barang naik selepas PRU14.

ALhamduilah itu Bangsat Terrorist IMAN Dr Fadi Albatsh IS ISlam Hamas yang UMNo-PAS-sultan-agong-govenor melayu Islam, Shariah, JAKIM, JAIS sokong dah Mampus...Dunia akan lebih Aman dengan Rocket dan Drone yang dia bina untuk Yemen serang Saudi Arabia..Alhamduilah....InshahAllah Zakir Naik bangsat ,.... Bila Lepaskan anak paksa masuk Islam kepada Mrs Gandhi dari cengkaman NGO IS ISLAM UMNO-PAS sultan-agong?? ABU UBAH Pecat Malaya...Bakar semua Bagunan SPR, ROS!!

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