Friday, May 18, 2018

Freedom of Religion....Freedoon of Press and Freedom of what was Demanded on 9 May 2018.....Sabah-Sarawak Don't Lose this Opportunity to Claim Back your Right as Nation that is SAME Status to Malaya.....Don't Ever Let Any Govenor like Taib and Juhar Mahiruddin to EXALT themselves to be Eternal KING...END THEIR REIGN of Malay Muslim ONLY Govenor NOW!! That is Condone and Endorsed by the Racist UMNO-PAS-PKR-WARISAN -PBS Bangsat Negara Scumbags!!!

Saya tunggu Kebebasan Beragama....tanpa Halangan Shariah, Jakim , Jais, Tabung Haji dan Institusi UMNO-PAS IS ISlam munafiq TUMBANG dan dikuburkan....macam itu Bangsat Melayu yang boleh Keliru dengan anma Allah dan 100+ lagi perkataan agama lain tak boleh guna pun mesti di kurburkan!! Jangan lupa kembalikan anak Mrs Gandhi tanpa nama Islam ditulis dalam IC dia.....ini saya tunggu.... UBAH dan FULL Force of the Law Applied terhapdap NGO Hamas-PAS-UMNO-Hezbollah- JI-Abu Sayaf-Syria Terrorist yang menyembunyi dia!!.. Agong dah mulakan surat Maafkan Najin 100%...untuk buat huru hara agar sultan-agong terus dilindungi dengan kebodohan orang UMNO-PAS melayu.... cam mana ni??

Malaysia Negara Sekular....Si Bodoh Bangsat nak negara Islam Contoh...Kan dah Kata " TAK ADA NEGARA PENTABIRAN ISLAM DI DUNIA INI ada APA KEBAIKAN"... lupakan Hasrat Racist Bigot INI...Contoh Kepala OTAK AWAK....selagi Mrs Gandhi tak dipulankan anak Pakasa masuk Islam tu....Masih tunggu 8+ tahun walaupun diPerintah Mahkamah TInggi untuk Pulangkan sebagai Hindu!!..Berambus ..dan Selagi ada Shariah, Jakim, Jais Kahwin 4 dan Pakai Songkok Racis mengadap sultan-agong untuk orang Bukan Islam dan azan speaker tak dikurankan nada macam Singapura ......tak dimansuhkan.....Awak Pergi Hijrah ke negara IS ISLAM Contoh Terbaik Hari INI dan Buat laporan Kat sini Selepas 5 tahun.....Kita hitung selepas dapat Laporan itu!!... Berambus!!

Jadi Anwar, Najib, Tun boleh buat DEAL di belakang rakyat yang Hendak Kebebasan Beragama, Kebebasan Media dan Kebebasan Racisme??? Inikan Amalan Islam...Amar Maaruf Nahi Mungkar?? Semi Perpaduan Islam...??? Islam tu Agong?.... Jangan lupa Rakyat akan turun padang pada hari pilihanraya.....INI KALI..Rakyat akan turun Padang dan Tangkap dan serbu rumah awak sampai Akhirat....UBAH bermakna ...NO DEAL...>Sabah-Sarawak Guna Peluang ini DAN HAPUSKAN Ideologi Zalim Pilih Kasih DNA UMNO_PAs sultan agong-Govenor IS Islam Racist terrorist serta di sana Serta Merta!!

Dr M reminded of Harapan's 'one role for PM' promise in manifesto

Good...Good...let them all gather in that UMNO DNA Warisan Boat and We Rakyat Sabah sink them in the coming General State Election..... Happy to Sink PBS, Warisan, UMNO, PAS and all those IS Islam racist terrorist Force convert your child to Islam Sympatizer. PKR....Just Abandon your UMNO-DNA Party and form a Sabah Party coalition...Sure Menang!! ..Ayuh...UBAH... No Islam bias administed state of Nation is Any good in this world.....Look Indonesia IS Syria trained Terrorist is continuing thier Madness and these UMNO-PAS DNA Goons never Condemn.....Tell them to Go to HELL!! Sabah have a window of Opportunity to be NAtion Sabah of Equal Power to Singapore, Sarawak Malaya....yet so stupid and being tricked 61 years to carry on this tradition!! CHANGE = UBAH Pecat UMNO dan DNA UMNO from Sabah!  

Lastly....please don't forget to donate to Hussein Hamid Click Here to Donate to Hussein Hamid current need for wheel Chair and Also to Siti Kassim for her work in Helping Orang Asli Fight the UMNO-PAS Bangsat Negara Government in Kelantan...doing their Best to Force Convert Orang Asli there and Genocide them and RIPPING them OFF of their livelihood of ILLEGAL Timber Logging ....ALL UNDER THE APPROVAL OF SULTAN-AGONG-Govenor IS Islam terrorist Team Genocide UMNO_PAS- hudud- RU355 and ALLAH for muslim Crap...Like the Manifesto for TUN !! The Bias is Obvious with with Harapan Integrity in the coming Days ....but it is good that they continue their path of "Conditioning of OMAR" in Sabah-Sarawak.... How come Sabah-Sarawak NOT Keliru with Allah Ruling but West Malaysia can be fooled for 61 Years..... Yet EAST Malaysia can be Fooled by UMNO DNA PAS IS Islam type Ideology but not WEST Malaysia????

Seems HARAPAN OK With WARISAN UMNO-DNAPKR UMNO Melayu Islam Shafie can Hold 2 POST AS CM and Finance but NOT to PM in West Malaysia as Part of the HARAPAN UBAH DEAL......Are Malaysian and Sabah-Sarawakians So stupid to Keep these IS ISLAM Parasites with DNA-UMNO-PAS-PKR type Islam racist terrorist type Ideology!!

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