Tuesday, August 14, 2018

Anwar Ibrahim PKR President Condemns USA for steel Tariff against Turkey Erdogan. After some Sham operation which was actually a gathering of Brotherhood of Islam Founders and Anti Isreal meeting, the IS Islam World Corporate Leaders still continue to push their convert Sabah-Sarawak to Islam. What Sabah-Sarawak can do is to Simply SACK Malaya and Leave Malaysia with $1 Trillion Debt.

Anwar Ibrahim PKR President Condemns USA for steel Tariff against Turkey Erdogan.  After some Sham operation which was actually a gathering of Brotherhood of Islam Founders and Anti Isreal meeting, the IS Islam World Corporate Leaders still continue to push their convert Sabah-Sarawak to Islam.  What Sabah-Sarawak can do is to Simply SACK Malaya and Leave Malaysia with $1 Trillion Debt.  This Debt WILL NEVER BE REPAID Because MALAY-SIAL is still a Islam Bias Run State that condone Legal Pedophile as long as YOU CONVERT TO ISLAM.  Can even Marry 4 Child Bride according to Sultan-Agong-Govenor-Erdogan-Anwar- Shariah, Jakim Jais Mais and ALL THOSE align to EVIL Islam!!  Keep up the Boycott of Malaysian Goods until Evil IS ISLAM AGENDA is Eliminated from Malaysial!!

Erdogan built himself a 1000 home palace like Sultan of Brunei....He is an Islamic Kleptocracy Leader like
Najib.  Why Muslim all over the world thinks that is good deserve to suffer and keep suffering!!  The Sultan Erdogan thinks he is the Caliph of Middle East....he will DIE soon and so Will all his followers and Corrupted Regime.  Imagine own son-in-law as Finance Minister of Turkey!!  Go to Hell Turkey

Never Forget Sultan Erdogan STAGED his OWN COUP, Killed Innocent victims like those mati Katak Malaysian Army in Sabah war with Sulu Abu Sayaf IS terrorist and then sacked and imprisoned 280,000 leaders of society....Turkey Deserve the Suffering NOW for ushering a new CALIPH KLEPTOCRAT and Dictator with ONLY HIS FAMILY INTEREST at Heart!!

Erdogan did not do a swap with Isreal the pastor Branson that was in place for the Turkish women terrorist.  After Isreal released the women, Erdogan put the pastor in house arrest awaiting a trial for 20 years.....instead of a swap....YOU Cannot trust these Brotherhood of ISLAM Scumbags like Anwar Ibrahim....  And you get the Damage to Turkey Lira like Malaysia will if it Does not Pull back the MYR$29 Billion Ringgit investment in Turkey.  erdogan thinks he is a the Caliph of Islam with his Grand High Life ...Hidup Mewah Lifestyle while the Malays like turkish islam people of sultan-agong-govenor melayu thinks UMNO-PAS PKR bangsat negara will look after them in the years ahead.

Turkey economy is collapsing like Iran like Malaysia if YOU KEEP UP THE ISLAM TERRORIST Shariah, Jakim, Jais Mentality.

Awak ni tukar agama lebih baik....pergi sokong gabungan Insaf Brotherhood Islam islam Erdogan-Anwar ibrahim....Hidup mewah macam Erdogan ...Rumah 1000 Bilik...Berambus bangsat Pendatang melayu islam jenis Zahid Hamidi!!

Azmin Ali’s son is now married to Mazreen Shanim Datuk Seri Shaheen Mirza Habib, the sister in-law of Nizar Najib, the son of the former Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak.  That means of the 2 girls now married...one married Azmin Ali Son, the other to Najib's Son and all in a big happy Rich and powerful family for continuous corruption.  Word have it that Azmin was about to do an Anwar during PAS time and jump to UMNO....but GE14 ended that.   Sources Said Azmin would be given Finance Ministry later in 2020 after Najib ends the PKR rubbish of Anwar, Rafizi, Nurul and Azizah.  Goes to show how Stupid the PKR of Sabah-Sarawak are in thinking PKR Brotherhood of Islam have Sabah-Sarawakians heart in disbursement of Money and OIL money.  The money is used to Prop UP the Erdogan caliph of Turkey to the Tune of MYR$29 Billion....and that trip of Anwar to Turkey was to assure Malaysia continuous investment in Collapsing Turkey!!  Sabah-Sarawakians will always play second fiddle and poor cousins as long as YOU DO NOT SACK MALAYA SOON....like in 2020!!

17 Years ago Turkey also asked IMF for money and that started the rise of AKP Party that Erdogan was part of.  Today this Brotherhood of Islam Kleptokrat Sultan caliph Erdagon wants to do a Najib, Marcos to their people.  Even hire his own son in law as Finance minister.....Go to Hell PKR Anwar Ibrahim for Supporting Kleptocrat!!  Turkey trying to create a Political Solution like Tun M to resolve an Economic Solution.....remember 1997 currency Crisis....Go to Hell UMNO-PAS-PKR -Bersatu Islam trying to Help Turkey IS ISlam Agenda.....Sabah-Sarawak get power ...Sack PKR-UMNO-PAS-Bersatu....sack Malaya from Sabah-Sarawak......

Its always a HUGE RISK with Islamic Leaders and ISLAM BIAS Run Nation....make no mistake about it.  Erdogan like ISLAM reneg on Deal when they have political power but no Economic Power!! ...then Islam double down by blaming the west and lack of Islam agenda for the ILLS the nation is facing....GO TO HELL WITH ISLAM....  NO  ISLAM BIAS RUN ADMINISTRATION, STATE OR NATION IS EVER GOOD.....EVEN FOR MALAYSIA!! 

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