Thursday, November 08, 2018

WE VOTED FOR UBAH...and Like it or NOT IT MUST UBAH FROM Current Status Quo....till Shariah, Jakim, MAIS, JAIS and all those State CRAP Islamic Organisation paid by non Malay Money ALL OBLITERATED AND FUNDING STOPPED from Christian, Buddist, Hindu, Orang Asli Tax Money!!

Stupid Sabah-Sarawak Christian Deluded PKR Leaders....Just ask for Proof of House in Damansara being Mortgage out to Fund Election....  Nothing of that sort happened as I have checked with ALL Banks and also from Jabatan Tanah to show the HOUSE IN DAMANSARA in UNENCUMBERED...that means no banks holds it a Gurantee....NOT MORTGAGE  LIAR LIAR Pants on FIRE..Anwar Erdogan Ibrihim, Wan Azizah and Nurul....  Lets MAKE THE TERM OF PM 5 Years and NO MORE...Cannot BE CONTINUED BY WIFE OR CHILDREN UNTIL AFTER 15 Years!!  These Erdogan Anwar Brotherhood of Islam SHAM thinks they can MILK THE SYSTEM AND SET UP ALL FAMILY MEMBERS LIKE NAJIB DID......Time WIll TELL of HIS COMING DEMISE IF HE DOES NOT CHANGE QUICK!!.....  PKR Election is a SHAM and ROS Must MAKE PKR Office Bearers that were Elected NULL and VOID including Anwar..... !!

Some Reliable Sources HAS IT THAT ANWAR IS WANTING TO DO DEAL WITH NAJIB WHEN CONVICTED, HE GETS PARDON LIKE ANWAR...NAJIB PAYS ANWAR $8 Billion Ringgit Hidden in Overseas Frozen Accounts that have almost $100 Billion Ringgit in Najib Family Members according to Deepak!!  Imagine Anwar Family Benefitting like Sultan-Agong_Govenor Melayu ISLAM from this $1.2 Trillion 1MDB Tragic Debt and Economic Armegeddon coming to Malaysia!!

The  Malays have a self-deluded supremacy psyche, they will forever be afraid of their own shadows while the world has moved forward. 

It is not a sadness, but a sickness that is Dangerous to maintain as it will evolve into a racist terrorist IS ISLAM Terrorist Acts like those in Zimbabwe, South Africa, Pakistan and all these backward moving 4th world nation going to the 5th world like Yemen, Syria, Somalia, Sudan and those borders of Pakistan and Afganistan.

Useless being holding on to believe of their DELUDED SUPREMACY like Ku Klax Klan yet trying to promote their Language,  Fake Sultan and Fake Culture....  The Malay Culture is DEAD Replaced by ARAB....  the Sickness and sadness of the UMNO-PAS-PKR-Bersatu Malay Mindset warp in some parrell universe of Self Deluded Greatness that is being continued by the Harapan Government...

WE VOTED FOR UBAH...and Like it or NOT IT MUST UBAH FROM Current Status Quo....till Shariah, Jakim, MAIS, JAIS and all those State CRAP Islamic Organisation paid by non Malay Money ALL OBLITERATED AND FUNDING STOPPED from Christian, Buddist, Hindu, Orang Asli Tax Money!!

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