Friday, September 20, 2019

Go or Don't go to School, you are DOOMED TO DIE OF SMOG...AND ALLAH HAVE INTENDED MORE ARAB MALAY Supremacist UMNO_PAS-PKR-Warisan-Bersatu to suffer More than Any other Race because YOU THINK QUANTITY OF STUPIDITY IS GOOD.... PADAN MUKA...More Arab Malays means more Arab Malays Islam suffering and Sultan agong, Ketua UMNO-PAS bagi awak cakap manis macam Penyokong Terrorist Hamas-Hezbollah IGP Polis Malaysia BADOR the Bangsat Arab Melayu !!

Why Complain about smog, indonesia...year in year Agama , raja,  bangsa bangsat Melayu Arab......when in Singapore most schools are open.   As said the Lies and Damn Lies of these Islam Arab Malay Led Nation have solution of using tabung-Haji Bail Out $$$$ to Air con all Schools is a better option.  Yet the narrative each year is to take Action against those HAZE Terrorist while they sit in the comfort of the air con palace, Shariah Office, jakim office, Mais Office, Felda Corporate HQ.....  Bangsat Betul!!

Year In, Year out other race Not Given university places despite having better result then Arab Malay Racist Supremacist Race...

Year in, year out. matriculation places remain 10% while Malay Arab Supremacist place kept 90% to deny Better Oher race students from progress....

Year In, Year out, Scholarship given to non malay islam race getting fewer and fewer....

Year In, Year out  you COP that Haze and SMOG and skip schools because idiots prefer to bail out those Arab Malay Supremacist Aparatus like tabung-Haji, Felda, Jakim, Shariah, Mais and those Taliban Sekolah Agama......INSTEAD OF USING THE $50 Billion to bail out ISLAM Khat KRAP Organisation...... build Air Con Class For ALL, ENGLISH For ALL, Scholarship For ALL, matriculation For ALL.......END THE EDUCATION RACISM.....So...  TO HELL THEN TO MALAYSIA ECONOMY....LETS ALL SUFFER THE ECONOMIC AND RINGGIT COLLAPSE IN HAZE For Carrying on RACISM, Genocide and Arab Malay ISLAM RACIST SUPREMACIST AGENDA!  Foreign Investors AVOID MALAYSIA LIKE A PLAGUE....The Sultan-Agong and ALL Arab Malay Supremacist Islam Leaders & Apparatus CONDONE  SYSTEMIC GENOCIDE on PENAN, ORANG ASLI, Indigenous People ALL OVER MALAYSIA!...You do have options in life like Vietnam, Thailand...etc....THIS IS A SYSTEMIC GENOCIDE EMERGENCY FOR MALAYSIA!!  May those who are WISE and Prepared Sustain themselves During these troubles Times.......>For SURE THE SULTANATE WILL END!!...Agenda 2020 SACK MALAYA......DREAM THE SINGAPORE TEMPLATE DREAM...ITS A BETTER PATH OVER THE ISLAM ARAB FORCE TO LEARN Arab Islam MALAY JAWI KHAT KRAP!!  

Go or Don't go to School, you are DOOMED TO DIE OF SMOG...AND ALLAH HAVE INTENDED MORE ARAB MALAY Supremacist UMNO_PAS-PKR-Warisan-Bersatu to suffer More than Any other Race because YOU THINK QUANTITY OF STUPIDITY IS GOOD.... PADAN MUKA...More Arab Malays means more Arab Malays suffering and Sultan agong, Ketua UMNO-PAS bagi awak cakap manis macam Penyokong Terrorist Hamas-Hezbollah IGP Polis Malaysia BADOR the Bangsat Arab Melayu !!

Foreigners, Skip Malaysia for their Systemic Genocide of Orang Asli / indigenous people of Malaysia that is Condone by Sultan-Agong(King and Queen of Malaysia) supported by the UMNO-PAS-Bersatu-PKR-Warisan-GPS Sarawak Arab Malay Supremacist idiots!!

Don't be TRICKED By the Housing Miniter  Arab Malay Zuraida CRAP about lowering property Prices for Foreigners.....After lowering it, they Raise it again and FORCE YOU TO SELL AT A LOSS LIKE SO MANY INVESTOR BEING BURNT BY THE EVER CHANGING ISLAM ARAB MALAY ECONOMIC AND OWNERSHIP POLICY...Better Go to Singapore, Thailand or even Better Vietnam.  When Money are flowing in, Like Yemen Terrorist attacking Saudi, they get COCKY and think THEY ARE WORLD POWER until AN ECONOMIC ATTACK HUMBLE THEM TO BE A PARIAH STATE......Malaysia is a Pariah Nation!!...Make no mistake about it....its a Arab Malay Supremacist Genocide Killers of Orang Asli...Have no part in it until MALAYSIA SIGN ICERD AND ICC in UN!!

Keep Borrowing to the tune of $2 Trillion Ringgit to Bail out Tabung haji-Felda, Shariah, Jakim,Jais, Sultan Agong Lifestyle and keep Enjoying the SMOG for ALL.....AND IDIOT THAT IS NOT HAZE ITS UNHEALTHY SMOG....CAN ONLY BE ADDRESSED IF YOU STAY INSIDE AIR CON HOUSE......POOR ARAB MALAY Regardless of you going to school or not WILL SUFFER THE SAME TOXIC.....FAHAM Orang Bodoh Arab Melayu Islam UMNO-PAS Bangsat Negara BODOH!!

Sebab melayu Arab  Bodoh,  Malas, Suka Cuti,  Miskin dan BODOH suka guna duit bela tabung Haji- Felda bankrupt yang diUSAHKAN oleh orang bangsat Arab Melayu.  Kalau $25 Billion guna untuk semua Sekolah DI AIR-KON Kan Maka tak payah Malas buat cuti....Ingat Buat cuti, asap tak akan masuk Rumah Awak....  There goes to show the Corruption of this Tabung  Haji - Felda Bailout in the name of King, Race and Religion Islam have Condemn Malaysia to Pariah.  25 Bilion can easily provide all schools air con across Malaysia....But Idiot Harapan and like UMNO-PAS Bangsat Negara prefer to Use those hard earn Money to Bail out EVERYTHING ISLAM , SULTAN, SHARIAH CRAP!!

Go ask why Malaysia DO NOT FOLLOW SINGAPORE TEMPLATE??  Because Mega RICH AND ATTENTION SEEKING Sultan-Agong, UMNO_PAS Arab Malay Leaders think they can CONTINUE TO STEAL MONEY THAT BELONG TO YOUR NEXT GENERATION.  The quicker YOU RID THESE ARAB MALAY Institution and Leaders....the sooner ALL your Class rooms gets Air Con and your studies not interrupted like Singapore.......+ Buy Cheap GOOD Foreign Cars TAX FREE LIKE Govenor-Rulers-Sultan-Agong....Lets move to be Like Singapore..Smart Nation...Not Bodoh Like Melayu Arab UMNO-PAS bangsat Negara!!

Malaysia Open burning in Pekan... as reported by Malaysiakini.....actually ALL OVER MALAYSIA Kmpung also open burning because people are POOR....GO ARREST ALL OF THEM AND FREE THE REAL PRISONERS......TO Create Space in the Jail!!  .SO BANGSAT TERRORIST IGP ISLAM ARAB MELAYU BADOR PERGI SIASAT DAN DAKWAH ....  Binatang Polis apa ini CAKAP TAK SERUPA BIKIN....BANGSAT BETUL MELAYU ARAB IGP BADOR INI!!

Ustaz BODOH ARAB MELAYU Supremacist Islam Malaysia guna Duit  HARAM bela Tabung Haji-Felda, Shariah, jakim  jais untuk cuti kat Eropah.......Lagi nak kata jimat.....  Kalau awak ni melayu Arab tahu jimat....jangan pergi cuti....buat kerja baik kat Malaysia.....Dah Bangun belum melayu Arab umno-PAS bangsat Negara???....macam ni Ustaz.....Ustaz kepala otak hang.....  Hapuskan Semua SUMBANGAN Kerajaan derma kepada Shariah, Jakim, Jais.....Jangan guna duit Kafir Babi Haram untuk membiayi semua alat2 dan Perkakas islam nin....GUNA DUIT ZAKAT AWAK Sendiri.....

Ustaz BODOH ARAB MELAYU Supremacist Islam Malaysia guna Duit HARAM bela Tabung Haji-Felda, Shariah, jakim jais untuk cuti kat Eropah....

Sultanah Kelantan dengan duit $15 Billion boleh tanggung hebat semua perkakas Islam...>Sultan Mirzam pula tiba2 boleh bersuara tak suka Perangai Jho Loh.....  Masa Dapat Duit dari Najib-Pas Bangsat Negara...tak buat bising Langsung.....  Jangan cuba Nak Keliru Rakyat dan Melayu Tulin dengan Sandiwara Ummah Awak.....Melayu Memang BENCI Perangai Sultan Macam Awak....Berambus dan Pergi Mampus....adalah kawan2 melayu saya yang berotak komen mengenai tindakan awak dan isteri awak kepada Sarawak Report dan Jho Loh......  Pendekar ISLAM Supremacist Arab Melayu...Ptui!....Kawan melayu saya ludah terhadap awak.....  Aku pun berasa terkejut.!!

They would not stop the aggression in the same logic of malaysia islamization Zealots who try for 62 years convert Sabah-Sarawak to Christian for fear Isalm get respect whatsoever for Freedonm of religion.  Only in Bodoh Islam Arab Melayu Malaysia Allah Cannot in Sultan State but Ok in Sabah-Sarawak....Ini undang ideologi/Logik Unta Arab Melayu Shariah yang Mana??  Now in Malaysia the Islam Arab Malay Ideology have created fear diantara puak Arab islam tudung melayu dan golongan melayu tulin tak bertudung.....lepas capai matlamat, tunggu apa....Dahwah sabah-sarawak sampai Islam Kuasai semua pentabiran.......lepas tu bagi political protection kepada puak Mullah/mufti Terrorist macam Zakir Naik, Hamas, Hezbollah agenda serang isreal/USA/China.... kerana kejam terhadap Uighur....

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