Friday, September 13, 2019

The Sham and Scam of the Sultan-Agong of ALL States in Malaysia can be written as one of PURE RACISM ARAB MALAY SUPREMACIST MENTALITY. We will USE the COMING ECONOMIC AND FINANCIAL CRISIS TO BREAK MALAYSIA UP and Send the Sultan to BE Endangered Specis!!...With $1.4 TRILLION IN DEBT......We WILL Add to IT by BUYING MALAYSIA LAST...ITS PAY BACK TIME FOR THE RACIST SUPREMACIST KHAT Policies.....Matriculation, entry to university, scholarship, business venture, force to embrace Islam Supremacist Useless Halal Rules, Bailing out Tabung Haji in the guise of Felda $25 Ringgit in one Hit, Supporting Shariah, Jakim,Mais, CRAP to the Tune of $30 Billion Ringgit yearly Budget that include Mosque, Surau, Mufti, Mullah salary Pension for eternity.....and YOU WANT MALAYSIA OF SANE MIND TO HELP MALAYSIA??...GO TO HELL TUN DR M and YOUR FELLOW ARAB MALAY SUPREMACIST Mega Rich Bias & 1MDB Corrupted Sultan-Agong Rulers!!

The Sham and Scam of the Sultan-Agong of ALL States in Malaysia can be written as one of PURE RACISM ARAB MALAY SUPREMACIST MENTALITY.  We will USE the COMING ECONOMIC AND FINANCIAL CRISIS TO BREAK MALAYSIA UP and Send the Sultan to BE Endangered Specis!!...With $1.4 TRILLION IN DEBT......We WILL Add to IT by BUYING MALAYSIA LAST...ITS PAY BACK TIME FOR THE RACIST SUPREMACIST KHAT Policies.....Matriculation, entry to university, scholarship, business venture, force to embrace Islam Supremacist Useless Halal Rules, Bailing out Tabung Haji in the guise of Felda $25 Ringgit in one Hit, Supporting Shariah, Jakim,Mais, CRAP to the Tune of $30 Billion Ringgit yearly Budget that include Mosque, Surau, Mufti, Mullah salary Pension for eternity.....and YOU WANT MALAYSIA OF SANE MIND TO HELP MALAYSIA??...GO TO HELL TUN DR M and YOUR FELLOW ARAB MALAY SUPREMACIST Mega Rich Bias & 1MDB Corrupted Sultan-Agong Rulers!!

Why you may ask.....??


Have you realised that NOT ONE OF THESE RACIST FACIST SUPREMACIST ARAB MALAY SULTAN WANTS A INDIAN, Chinese, Kadazan, Orang Asli, Iban...IF THEY are NOT BE A MENTERI BESAR OF THAT STATE.  Even Nizar was kick out quick once the Sultan Berak realised his mistake of his appointment and made the Sultan Berak.....appropriate named after bribing the Frogs to jump....Hello MACC no investigation there???

None wants to lose face to the Other Sultan of Islamic State Malaysial to give in to their Coming Demise....Like What Happened in Malacca when the Admiral Cheng Hoe Arrived.....

Never mind if they are dumb, stupid like the MB of Perak and continue their Systemic Genocide Agenda against orang Asli.  The permaisuri are always used to try to give a more HUMAN face to the Racist Facist Supremacist MALE Sultan Rulers as that is their Use to the Sultan and Agong.  See the Perak queen...doing her Sham to comfort Mejar that was killed ......Where are these Islamic Facist Supremacist Queen to comfor Mrs Gandhi who is still waiting for the return of Diksa Prasana hidden by the Zakir Naik Islamic Terrorist Operative.....??? 

Tun Dr M- ROSMAH-Najib Thermo Nuke on Sultan -Agong and all their Children on the take is the DEMAND OF FREEDOM OF INFORMATION OF ALL FINANCIAL transactions From Malaysia to ALL SULTAN -AGONG Overseas Linked bank Accounts and SINGAPORE Can be the First to Provide if THEY Want to stay Relevant as a Asia Financial Centre....  Why else would PM LEE Visit Tun  Right After Election.....  HOW deal with this $$$ Corruption...affecting my Island state Financial Status??  Please make Sure MACC or judges don't Call us up for Investigation.....Rosmah -Najib Last Roll of dice is to Take Everyone DOWN.....IF PARDON BY AGONG AND SULTAN NOT GIVEN TO HIS 15 Years Jail Sentence! Anwar!  Malaysia Economy and Ringgit is Doomed anyway...Brace yourself for IMPACT with China Lowering Interest rates!!

 BUT...Arab Malays Leaders and Education Minister and their Little Highly Paid MYR$30,000 a month Minions Directors says Khat = BM will Make People united and become Dumber again for Next 62 Years.....  ITS OVER FOR MALAYSIA...Just Brace yourself for Economic and Currency Collapse and Then Agenda 2020...Break up and Sack Malaya from Sabah-Sarawak....Autonomy like East Timor and West Paupa New Guinea...Pointless Hoping for Hopeless!!

Sama-sama   tanggung Asap and Habuk...Panjangkan Usia dan Naikan taraf kesihatan awak...Ini kerana Rahmah Allah kepada Kaum Arab Melayu Islam...enjoy yah!!

 Why so "Kan cheong"....Malaysia is Doomed anyway regardless of who takes over....Only When Sabah-Sarawak Sack Malaya and Malaya breaks up to 12 new Nation will there bw hope...Otherwise Tun Dr Bapa Kemerosotan MalaySIAL together with Sultan Racist Supremacist Arab Melayu Agong.....will watch the coming Economic and Currency Ringgit Collapse + Break up of malaysia FOrever........Tun Racist Supremacist Melayu Will DIE before next GE 15........Malaysian Brace youself for Impact!!

At the end of the day, the UMNIO-PAS Alliace, PKR-Bersatu-Warisan + Sultan -Agong Rulers of Arab Malay haev ONLY ONE GOAL....To Convert ALL to Islam Taliban Terrorist Racist Supremacist Islam Arab Malay Loser.  After ALL These Racist Arab Malay Supremacist like Zakir Naik have NO SHAME of Being Associated with the Murderer Terrorist KILLED Like a Coward (Asking Wife to pull Trigger) when he was cornered in Pakistan.

Now Zakir Naik Wants to promote himself to be the Next Hidden Osama Bin Ladin.. voice of Islamic Jihad..>Enjoying a Mega Rich Life...Making Fools of Arad Malays....but he too is a coward.....however this person circle in Red are Syria IS Islam TERRORIST Allowed to Roam Freely in Malaysia...TAKE HIM and HIS Bunch Down as THEY ARE ALL Hiding Diksa Prasana and her father somewhere in Malaysia.....  If you have information of where they are hiding her.....Let me know as I will take them ALL down like Osaman Bin Ladin/Hamas-Hezbollah-Abu sayaf, Sulu Terrorist supporters and free Diksa Prasana ...... They are all in Malaysia somewhere like Osama was hiding in Pakistan....with IGP Help!!  DON'T Bother Making a POLICE REPORT!!!

1. Tidak seperti undang-undang Malaysia, Perjanjian Malaysia 1963 (MA63) tidak boleh diubah oleh Parlimen Malaysia. Ini adalah kerana MA63 adalah perjanjian antarabangsa, dan bukan suatu undang-undang yang telah digubal di parlimen. Satu-satu caranya syarat-syarat dalam MA63 boleh dipinda adalah untuk semua pihak yang telah menandatanganinya datang bersama sebagai rakan setaraf dan memindanya. Secara praktik, itu akan bererti Sabah, Sarawak, kerajaan persekutuan, dan United Kingdom perlu datang bersama dan merundingkan semula syarat-syaratnya untuk mengubahkannya.

2. Sabah dan Sarawak adalah lebih daripada sekadar negeri di bawah Malaya. Di bawah MA63, Sabah dan Sarawak adalah rakan setaraf dalam pembentukan Malaysia dan bukan salah sebuah negeri seperti di semenanjung. Ini bermakna Sabah dan Sarawak mempunyai autonomi tambahan berkenaan pentadbiran tanah dan imigresen.

3. Tidak harus ada agama rasmi. Penduduk-penduduk tempatan khuatir samada peranan Islam sebagai agama rasmi Persekutuan Tanah Melayu akan membawa kesan kepada kebebasan beragama jika Sarawak menjadi sebahagian daripada Malaysia. Ianya menyatakan bahawa kebebasan beragama yang sepenuhnya akan dijamin dalam Perlembagaan Persekutuan dan bahawa 'Sarawak pada waktu ini tidak ada agama rasmi dan bahawa ianya tidak akan dikehendaki untuk menerima Islam sebagai agama rasminya..'

4. Sabah dan Sarawak mempunyai hak untuk menggunakan Bahasa Inggeris dalam dewan undangan negeri dan prosiding mahkamahnya. Artikel 161(1) melarang apa pun undang-undang yang menghadkan hak Sabah dan Sarawak untuk menggunakan Bahasa Inggeris untuk tujuan rasmi sehinggalah 10 tahun selepas 16 September 1963. Sehingga ke hari ini, Akta Bahasa Kebangsaan 1963/1967 belum lagi dikuatkuasakan di Sarawak. Itu bererti ianya masih belum lagi wajib untuk Sarawak menggunakan Bahasa Malaysia dalam jabatan kerajaan dan kementrian negerinya. 

5. Sarawak dan Sabah mempunyai undang-undang imigresen mereka sendiri.Sarawak dan Sabah mempunyai kuasa untuk membuat undang-undang berkenaan imigresen ke negeri-negeri mereka. Itulah sebabnya rakyat Malaysia dari Semenanjung perlukan permit jika mereka ingin bekerja atau belajar di Sarawak atau Sabah, dan mereka yang dalam lawatan singkat ke Sarawak dan Sabah perlu mengisi borang imigresen untuk pas lawatan 90 hari. Sekatan itu telah dinyatakan dalam Seksyen 66, Akta Imigresen 1959/1963, dan telah disertakan kerana MA63. 

(Diterjemahkan daripada artikel The Star bertajuk, "Key Points From The Malaysia Agreement 1963" bertarikh 16 September 2018)

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