Wednesday, October 09, 2019

Malaysia Inhumane treatment and Systemic Genocide of Orang Asli, Penans, indegenius People of Malaysia living in juggles must Stop....and the World Must Boycott everything made by the Islam Malay Halal companies......Just buy from Iban, Kadazan, Indian, Chinese and Non Muslim business and companies...... Shut Down the Racist Arab Malay Supremacist UMNO-PAS in Cahoots with Sultan -Agong Leaders and business!

Malaysia Inhumane treatment and Systemic Genocide of Orang Asli, Penans, indegenius People of Malaysia living in juggles must Stop....and the World Must Boycott everything made by the Islam Malay Halal companies......Just buy from Iban, Kadazan, Indian, Chinese and Non Muslim business and companies......  Shut Down the Racist Arab Malay Supremacist UMNO-PAS in Cahoots with Sultan -Agong Leaders and business! AVOID DOING BUSINESS WITH Terrorist Supporter and Genocide Supporter Tun Dr M together with Erdogan Genocide of Kurds,  Both idiots think they can be islamic Power......Both these Leaders Days are numbered...One may die a Tragic Death Too.........

Time to tranform back ALL Missionary Schools past and present and those Changed to some Racist Arab Melayu Name to Sekolah Jenis Kebangsaan INGGERIS....>ENGLISH Schools.....Surely the English Bias Parents cannot be tricked again by the LIES of Sekolah Kebangsaan to be English Medium.....GO TO H*LL...those BM Khat rubbish schools!!

Mana Defender Islam Maruah Melayu, Agong-Sultan yang Insist MB mesti Islam Muslim kat negeri mereka.....Tak nak bagi Bangsa Lain...Yang Kata Govenor mesti Melayu islam.....Mereka yang kata IGP, Govenor bank negara, Ketua Angkatan Tentera, Cancellor University malaysia... Mesti Islam-melayu Arab Supremacist...jaga kepentingan dan maruah Melayu Arab UMNO-PAS jenis Wahabi, salafi Brotherhood of Islam.....Kononya.....Mereka yang Insist lain bangsa mesti pakai Songkok hadap baginda....duta, orang kenamaan lain tak payah bila menghadap baginda.......Hanya nak Buli Rakyat Malaysia Berbilang bangsa melalui Permainan Helang Mereka........rakyat Malaysia MESTI Mulai Sedar RACIS ada Rahmatnya.....Rahmatnya adalah Malaysia Hampir bankrupt...$1.4 Trillion......Ekonomi dan Ringgit Pasti Mampus...Lagi UMN0-Najib-Mat Hassan-Hamidi berani kata masa UMNO-BN-PAS memerintah 62 tahun dulu...Semua OK....hanya perlu Tukar Kapten Kapal Laut...kata Helang dari Selatan.....Inilah Akibat Agenda Ideologi Racis....Yang tahu kebenaran dan semua siap sedia Alami BENCANA Ekonomi, Ringgit, Asap dan Banjir teruk  atas semua Negeri Maruah MALU-SIAL!!!...Apa Lagi melayu Arab Supremacist mahu lagi....Belum sedar lagi???....Bila Duit Tabung Haji pun berani Kebas....Berontak UBAH ..INI KALI LAH....banyak lagi kena UBAH!!!

UBAH Bermakna lain bangsa dan agama jadi IGP, Govenor, MB, Ketua Angkatan Tentera, Chancellor....Kalau Tak nak kerana Maruah...Terimalah Rahmat Allah melalui Bencana terhadap negara Racis MalaysiaL!!

If the Upper Class / echelon of Rulers - Govenor-Sultan-Agong-UMNO-PAS-Bersatu-PKR cannot acknowledge that the SINGAPORE Entire Template is a success, then there is NO Hope to accept that all are born Such Malaysia need to suffer another 62  years of economic tragedy like Pakistan and Afganistan and a Collapse of Ringgit like Zimbabwe/Venezuela....before hunger and anger takes over and kick out the upper echelon...and a properly divided nation that is allowed to progress on its own space and time like Singapore.  Only Stupid malaysian continue to accept that Agong-Sultan need tax free status on imported cars...are they POOR???  bangsat Betul.....Why Have NONE OF the 9 Sultan-Agong Swore on Quran that they have NOT GOT ONE CENT FROM 1MDB CORRUPTION Money from NAJIB Adminstration whether locally or in their overseas bank account. 

Its easy to verify.....just like all the treaty you have signed for this voluntary disclosure in LHDN.  One can easily match up the Foreign account held by Sultan-Agong to those that they report in Malaysia....and the amount held overseas as a result.......Don't Bully the rakyat with these warning of disclousure.....If i get from my Foreign Sources that Agong-Sultan have overseas account and generating income, what is their punishment as DEFENDER OF ISLAM KRAP???  Nothing right??  That is what they need to be Obliterated because they are LEECHES/Pacat to the Social Order of Malaysia.  Sultan - Agong are all USELESS in Making Malaysia Better IF THEY CANNOT SHAME THE LEADERS THAT SINGAPORE WITH NOTHING HAVE MORE GDP OUTPUT and $$$$$ in Surplus than Malaysia and S$1 = $Myr $3.15.....Apa pasal terus BODOHKAN Rakyat Malaysia dengan Cakap2 Manis Twitter, Facebook Awak tanpa beri perhatian terhadap agama Islam Melayu Arab yang miskin, lapar dan Bodoh.  Sampai tak tahu hitung apa dia kemajuan dan apa dia Korrupsi dari orang atasan Sultan-agong sampai orang basuh Tandas!!

  Time to Fast track the Starting od Sekolah JENIS KEBANGSAAN INGGERIS(ENGLISH) Medium Schools like Tamil and Mandarin......All previous Mission schools back to ENGLISH Jenis Kebagsaan....startt the Ball rolling and demand...demand demnad!!!and WE CAN ALL SAY KHAT THE KRAP of BM Rubbish!!

Show your support....  Keep Battling for the Singapore Template and End 62 Years and Counting of RUBBISH Bahasa Bodohkan Malaysia Awak.....  IF Agong-Sultan Cannot even acknowledge that Singapore Economy is Better than Malaysia in 2019....that is How Stupid the WHOLE Malaysia Sistem have been....  MANA ADA it ever wonder its Bankrupt??

Najib ada banyak Fren Atasan.......semua Sultan Pendekar islam Masih tak Tahu siapa dia MO1....Agong pun Happy dapat beri MO1 Gelaran Maha Sakti Berempat Hebat Helang Pahang!!  inilah golongan Kaya Raya tamadun Arab melayu bagi Tauladan kepada umat islam ...ini tahun 2019...takde satu sultan berani buat janji atas Quran tak terima duit 1MDB.....

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