Monday, October 21, 2019

Malaysia PM Tun Dr Racist M HAVE condemn MALAYSIA TO THEIR WORST ECONOMIC CRISIS Since 1987 and Currency Collapse BECAUSE OF HIS FOUL RACIST STUPID MOUTH. DR Racist Mahathir Condemn CHINA Premier Li for his treatment of Uighur Muslim, Invasion of Uighur Muslim Land, Demand China give them the same manner together with Pakistan/Turkey Erdogan condemn India Invasion of Khasmir..Give them Autonomy...But Not Sabah-Sarawak.......and NOW Condemn Trump for his Isreal-Jerusalem Support and Economic Trade War with China Causing Malaysia to Demise........ ALWAYS SOMEONE ELSE TO BLAME BUT THIS BASTARD Father of Malaysia Coruption, Racism and Promoting the SUPREMACIST ARAB MALAY ISLAM FAILURE RACE!!..The Usual ISLAM FANATIC Tools and Ummah CALL TO UNITY WHILE ENRICHING ONESELF AND FAMILY!!...Like Erdogan, Gadaffi, Sadam, Saud of Saudi, Suharto, Soekarno, Najib......Etc!!..THESE ARAB MALAY SUPREMACIST LEADERS OF MALAYSIA DO NOT GIVE A DAMN OF YOUR AND YOUR FAMILY OR YOUR CHILDREN....ITS ALL FAKE Agong-Permaisuri Buying your Social Media Love...REJECT THIER SOCIAL MEDIA WANNABE FAMOUS RACIST SUPREMACIST ACTS.

I have ONE simple suggestion  to Make Malaysia Great Again ...BUT First and Foremost.......NOT Negotiable....not a Race, Religion, or Language thing BUT MUST BE ADOPTED NOW in October 2019!  A matter of thinking and Ideology or Sickness of FALIED MALAYSIA!!  UNFORTUNATELY IT will NOT BE ADOPTED, ACKNOWLEDGE, PRAISED because of SOME SICKNESS, Pride, Shame in the Mentality of the Arab Malay Muslim Sultan-Agong, Mufti, Mullah, leaders of Bersatu, Shariah, Jakim, Jais, Mais, Warisan, PKR, UMNO-PAS FOR teachings for 62 Years.

First and Foremost ACKNOWLEDGE SINGAPORE TEMPLATE AS SUPERIOR TO UNITED 13 STATES Malaysia!!...Surely should be easy after 62 years of Experiments!!  GDP Singapore  > , set and match!!  However Due to Inability for the ALL Leaders Leading Malaysia IN UNISON Acknowledge this Simple FACT.....  The Best Hope For Malaysia is for 13 NEW NATION via the Agenda 2020....>>>>>>>Sabah-Sarawak Sack Malaya  QUICK!!   Like it or NOT because OF TUN MULUT CELUPA and Thinking Arab Malay Islam Nation is that Great...He have insulted INDIA, CHINA AND USA with HIS KRAP.....KHAT THE KRAP FROM HIS MOUTH & Need to be GREATEST OLD LEADER.....TUN WILL DIE BAPA Kemerosotan Malaysia, Bapa Korrupsi Malaysia, Bapa Semburit Malaysia and BAPA Hancurkan Malaysia.  Each time He opens His Mouth on World Events Felda Palm Oil gets Hit and Tax payers have to Bail out Tabung Haji and Felda to another $30 Billion Ringgit ETERNAL BAIL OUT Soon.....  Please Use your own Islam Halal Zakat Money NEXT TIME for Bail Out!!  LASTLY ONE TERM PM AND MB AND GOVENOR....AND MUST ROTATE OTHER RACE & RELIGION INTO THAT SPACE ......

Nothing Happens to Arab Malay Islam Tafhiz Pedophile because Shariah Jakim Jais Mais VC of 4 University Don't have 4 Islam Arab Malay Witness identifying Nur Fitri Azmeer Nordin Henious pedophile sympatizer ...but more than 4 Islam Arab Malay Witness saw the protest and had to do some Aksi Demi Maruah Melayu Arab Supremacist UMNO-PAS-PKR-Bersatu.  Modus Operandi Bangsat Shariah Felda Jakim Tabung Haji Mais adalah perlu 4 Witness.....Biar duit dicuri, dikebas...sebab tak ada 4 saksi.......asalkan tak Hina Nabi Mohammed dan Allah serta Buat UMRAH...semua OK ...  Macam Kes Semburit Azmin....Biar Orang kata, Take that guy to court and SUE for defamation like Nurul and Teresa Kok Kalau Azmin ini Jantan!!

IGP Hamid bangsat Bodoh Siasat LTTE ISlam Arab Melayu Supremacist ni....dalam kanun Section 504 of the Penal Code for intentional insult to break the public peace.....  cepat Buat Laporan polis Kalau warga emas berani....  Lelaki Kurang Maruah Melayu Arab itu sebenarnya adalah Samseng Kawasan situ....Penguat Kuasa DBKL patut Berseragam......DBKL ini Bukan POLIS SB, CIA, FBI.....Rakyat Malaysia Melayu Tulin Yang Tak Senang lihat si Celaka ini Boleh Tangkap Lelaki Melayu ITU....buat "Citizen Arrest"....bawa ke Balai Polis....Ajar Dia APA TAMADUN MELAYU ASLI!!...Kalau boleh sudah tiba masa Keluar Islam secara beramai-ramai seluruh .....kita tunggu bertapa cepat IGP tindak!!

IGP Hamid Bodoh is NOT aware of ALL things concerning Malaysian...Yet via tun Dr M and Muhiddin can come up with LTTE Tamil Tiger play some Racial games.... Video Bukti Khalwat Naza Scion S.M. Faisal Nasimuddin ...Shariah, Mais , Jakim kata tak boleh guna sebagai Bukti sebab Otak Ostard Mullah Police Shariah Jakim Jais Mais kata tak ada Saksi bermakna MELANGGAR Undang2 Islam Quran UMNO-PAS-PKR-Bersatu......perlu 4 orang Saksi ISLAM Arab Melayu Supremacist sebagai Saksi.....Samalah isu orang Masuk Haram....Video, bukti, Tak cukup....Sebab Shariah, Jakim, Mais Jais Police PDRM kata Perlu 4 orang Saksi ISLAM Arab Melayu Supremacist  sebelum Action boleh berlaku.   LTTE terrorist tamil SOSMA adalah alat mainan Muhiddin-Tun Dr M Bersatu...nak Berkuasa sampai mati macam Erdogan........Akhirnya anak2 Ketua puak melayu Arab Bersatu-PKR-UMNO-PAS Supremacist yang akan juga terima balasan mereka.....tengok Libya....Najib-Rosmah...tak lama lagi Hissapmuddin...Ingat dia pandai nak main Harapan.....LatheefaMay Allah give you protection and Strength to take down this Arab Malay Supremacist KerisMuddin...his kick back from Being Defence Minister in a smaller scale than Najib....and Rosmah is Spewing why He is not rounded up yet!!

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