Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Tun Priorities is Islam matters because he thinks Allah is awaiting to give him some Anugerah.... frankly he can go to Hell with all those World titles from world leaders.....THE QUICKER TUN DR KEMEROSTAN MALAYSIA MAMPUS or DIE...THE QUICKER MALAYSIA CAN RE--CHART A NEW PARADIGM.... TAKE BACK $30 Billion BAIL OUT OF TABUNG HAJI AND FELDA AND USE THAT MONEY TO PAY EFP-KHAZANAH $30 Billion FOR REPEL OF TOL!!......FOREVER!! Time TO GET SOMETHING FOR YOURSELF AND NEXT GENERATION MALAYSIAN!!...DO IT NOW OR FOREVER KEEP PAYING TOL And BAILING OUT ISLAMIC ARAB MALAY Managed Entities and Structure!!...A Systemic Islam Sickness!!

Tun Priorities is Islam matters because he thinks Allah is awaiting to give him some Anugerah....  frankly he can go to Hell and DIE with all those World titles from world leaders.....THE QUICKER TUN DR KEMEROSTAN MALAYSIA MAMPUS or DIE...THE QUICKER MALAYSIA CAN RE--CHART A NEW PARADIGM....  TAKE BACK $30 Billion BAIL OUT OF TABUNG HAJI AND FELDA AND USE THAT MONEY TO PAY EFP-KHAZANAH $30 Billion FOR REPEL-Get Rid  OF TOL!!......FOREVER!!  Time TO GET SOMETHING FOR YOURSELF AND NEXT GENERATION MALAYSIAN!!... Don't Get Screwed....GET EVEN AND GET SOMETHING BACK.....Screw Tabung Haji and FELDA....WE WANT TOL ABOLISHED NOW and ITS POSSIBLE!!  $30 Billion Was Used FOOLISHLY to BAIL OUT SOMETHING USELESS.  Malaysia have DO IT NOW OR FOREVER KEEP PAYING TOL And BAILING OUT ISLAMIC ARAB MALAY Managed Entities and Structure!!...A Systemic Arab Melayu Islam Sickness!!  All Sultan -Agong should used their BILLION to Bail OUT Tabung haji and Felda....If they are True Defender of Islam...Sadly these Rulers are the Leeches of the WORST kind!!

The Sooner Tun Dr Malaysia Demise Pharoah Die ....the Better it is for Malaysia....  The Curse is NOW on for Tun Dr M to DIE Unless He can Return Diksa Prasana - the Force Child Convert to Mum Mrs Gandhi....Before Diksa Prasana turns 18.  We all know the Malay Arab Supremacist Terrorist wants to Win this Conversion Case after Being Belted Proper by the Lina Joy Case....then Under Tun Bangsat Mahathir UMNO-PAS Bangsat Negara Regime.  The PIG IGP Police of Malaysia are beholden to the Islamic Terrorist as they condone and Support like Hamas-Hezbollah-IS Islam, Abu Sayaf, JI, Sulu, Moro, Boka Haram, Taliban......  Mind you also Condone by the Sultan-Agong-Govenor Arab Malay supremacist Race.....  NO WONDER WE  CANNOT WAIT TO SACK MALAYA FROM SABAH - SARAWAK AFTER THE FAILED AND LIED TO MALAYSIA THAT WE WILL BE DEVELOPED NATION IN 2020....Famous Word by the Current Senile Oldest PM and Leader of Corruption and Lies of Malaysia - Tun Dr Pharoah M!!!...Its the Worlds FAULT that Malaysia is NOT Like SINGAPORE Today.....So ALL Foreign Investment ....PLEASE AVOID GENOCIDE Supporting Malaysia.....See how Malaysia Still currently in 2019 Systemically Genocide the Indigenous Orang Asli, Penan, Murut, Iban, Kadazan, Dusun.....Simply because they don't want to convert to Islam!!

So DIE ..DIE...DIE  Firuan Tun Dr Father of Malaysia Demise, Racist Supremacist Leader and Corruption king.....  We had a glimmer of hope after GE14...NOW THE GOODWILL Have Ended because of your Anti Icerd and ICC Stance......and your Foul Mouth to condemn India, China, USA and Russia...... SO GO TO HELL WITH YOUR RACIST Malay Supremacist ISLAM KRAP Agenda & to DIE FAMOUS......ALL THOSE TITLES ARE AS USELESS AS THOSE GIVEN BY SULTAN-AGONG  ...... None are from the People......

There is NO framework to achieve positive good things in Malaysia.  No one have the courage to make the change and face the consequences.  EVERY Leaders Blame Deparment Chief for for every failure, or blame the other leaders for failure BUT NEVER THEMSELVES.....  ALL wants to be GOD like Sultan-Agong-Govenor that Laws must be Enacted like Sedition Laws to Stop Insult because they THINK they ARE ABOVE GODS!!!....GO TO HELL and DIE SOON!!  All looking to have their names carve in the Historical books of Father of corruption, enhance family Wealth via ALL kinds of Shady deals and means, bribe take and yet trying to potrays oneself as God's choosen.

Only framework available for Malaysian is the MRI.......Not a medical device but a RACIST Supremacist Framework Malay Rulers Islam Eternal Damnation Agenda.....Go to Hell and to Hell you will go with this frog under coconut husk mentality as the economic Malaise BOILS YOU TO OBLIVION!!......  The Malay Supremacist Islam Sultan-Agong-Umno-pas-bersatu-warisan-pkr members and leaders will BE SLAVES soon to other race and religion.......like it or NOT!!....that is the DESTINY and PUNISHMENT from Allah for thinking Supremely Supremacist Great of yourself WHN ALL HUMANS ARE CREATED EQUAL....RECTIFY ICERD AND ICC.   Use Sosma to Detain those who Reject ICC and ICERD......otherwise we Continue with OUR SOUL DESTROYING ACT OF BOYCOTTING Arab -Malay Muslim Supremacist Goods like Palm Oil, Business, Food with Halal Symbol...as that is the SYMBOL of Supremacist Repression and Racism..... Let these Racist Arab Malay Supremacist Scumbag look to the FAKE Islam Leaders sultan-agong -govenor for directions IF THEY HAVE NOT FLED THE COUNTRY WHEN ANGER AND HUNGER IS IN MALAYSIA!!...Goog luck with your Running like Rosmah and Najib Attempted Escape to Indonesia After Election for a SHORT HOLIDAY......

Actually Siti Kassim is clever with that remark....she wants the people i.e the Supremacist Arab Malay to understand that these Sultan -agong 1 MDB corruption Leeches and Overseas Bank Account be judge by the people and NOT be Teflon in their corruption to hire MB, RTS land Deals, Condoning Systemic genocide of Orang Asli.....over time the Real Malays will understand the uselessness of these leeches...so call Defender of Fake islam in Malaysia!!  I would support Siti Kassim over Anwar, Wan Azizah, Azmin, Muhiddin, Tun Bapa Hancurkan Malaysia Mahathir,  as PM......Anytime....

Use the period NOW in 2019 to Repel Racist Laws, OSA, SOSMA, SEDITION and all those Draconian, Dictatorship Law and in the Process any unnecessary protest use the LAW to Detain and Lockup.... RATIFY ICC AND ICERD....Put those Trouble makers in SOSMA While it still Exist...Don't try to use Terrorism as an excuse to keep Draconian and dictatorship laws....charge terrorist and FREE THE MEDIA TO REPORT ANYTHING AND EVERYTHING......otherwise Malaysia is Actually Pakistan, Syria, Turkey in the making and getting closer to Pariah State!!

None of the Framework in this Pariah State of Racist Orang Asli Systemic Genocide Malaysia Malay Supremacist Agenda have Freedom of information, Freedom of Religion and Freedom of Press, Freedom from SOSMA, Freedom from Racism, MERITOCRACY....these are the FRAMEWORK for a Better Malaysia.    Lets be Frank and Honest, the Agong and Sultan or Govenor, Shariah, Jakim, JAIS MAIS WILL NOT PROMOTE ANY OF THESE GOOD FRAMEWORK TO BE COME LIKE SINGAPORE......  They enjoy the STUPID DUMB DOWN AND ARAB MALAY SLAVES TO SERVE THEM TILL Year 3000.......its only 80 years more and THOSE WHO READ THIS BLOG THEN, I HOPE THINGS HAVE CHANGED FOR THE BETTER THEN.....IN ITS CURRENT Structure of UNTOUCHABLES......EVEN Year 3333 Malaysia will be A PARIAH STATE....CHANGE IT NOW...UBAH.....INI KALI LAH AND NOW IN 2019!!

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