Friday, December 06, 2019

Padan Muka banjir teruk kat Kelantan, Trengganu....Disember 2019.....derita hidup pentabiran UMNO/PAS Bangsat Negara adalah Rahmat Allah kepada Awak semua Arab Melayu Supremacist. Kalau Lapar Pergi Ceroboh dan ambil duit dan makanan dari Sultan dan Permaisuri Billionaire Trengganu awak dan Millionaier Sultan Kelantan Kahwin Khalwat Cerai Ratu Russia.....INI LAMBANG MEWAH Penderkar Islam Negeri Terrorist Kelantan/Trengganu....penyokong Hamas-Hezbollah-Abu Sayaf-Al Qeada-ISIS Islam......PERGI MAMPUS DAN TERUS DERITA...ALLAH ADA MATA!! Tiada Maaf bagi awak selagi Diksa Prasana tak dikembalikan kepada ibunya Mrs Gandhi sebelum dipaksa Kahwin orang Celaka Islam atau sebelum 18 tahun.....Kalau Nak tamatkan derita awak.....KELUAR ISLAM...MURTADKAN DARI AGAMA Bodohkan awak ini.....

If you know or anybody knows where is Qasem Soleimani is an Iranian Major general in the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps & the quicker the People of Iran get rid of him the better it is for Iran.....He is surely thinking of setting himself up as the Khalifah of Middle East like Turkey Erdogan....  Like Erdogan, the quicker the People get rid of this Anwar Brother hood of Make Islam Great Friend ...the better it is for malaysia we have Zakir Naik, Anwar Ibrahim, Azmin, Wan Azizah, Hamidi, Hisshamuddin, muhiddin, Najib, Tun Taib, MB Berak, Mazslee, Flying Car Krap Minister, ......Looks like Malaysia have more problems of their own and Padan Muka Bencana Kena Negeri Islam Arab Melayu UMNO-PAS Kelantan, Trengganu....selagi Diksa Prasana tak dipulangkan kepada IBUnya Mrs Gandhi serta Merta atau sebelum dia 18 Tahun....Maka terima Sumpahan Bencana Banjir/Asap/kebuluran/ kesengsaraan hidup.... SEUMUR Hidup...Ini Rahmat Allah kepada kaum Arab Melayu Supremacist Zakir Naik Islam!!

In Malaysia Its Religion, Religion, Religion or Islam, Islam , Islam.....the untouchable regardless of corruption, rape-pahang, khalwat-Naza, murder-johor, semburit....all ok sebab Mufti, mullah, Kalifah UMNO-PAS boleh dibeli.....When Arab Melayu Supremacist bertukar agama kepada melayu tulin, asal atau agama lain....barulah perubahan boleh berlaku....adakala perubahan DAH Terlambat....Bodoh Senile PM Tun Terus Merosotkan Malaysia kata...."Malaysia akan belajar dan ikut corak rintik mana man negara maju".......Hello Bapa May 13 dengan Tun Razak....serta gang Pemecatan Singapura dari Malaysia.....  S$1 = MYR$3.15.....Kerana bangsa dan Agama....satu negara kecil Sigapura jumlah pengeluaran GDP lebih dari semua Malaysia....Kalau tak erti Makna di tipu sampai Mati Bodoh Beulang Kali...Maka Terimalah bencana ekonomi dan selagi Diksa Prasana tak dikembalikan kepada ibunya sebagai seorang Hindu, Mrs Gandhi sebelum Diksa 18 Tahun..... Ini Rahmat Tuhan kepada Malaysia ...  Malaysia = Mampussia...Polis pergi siasat bendera Maba...lebih penting dari cari Diksa prasaan!!...Berambus PDRM Hamid Badut!!

Unfortunately Brader Anwar and DPM wife was the start of the Cancer spread when jumped from PAS to UMNO.  From Baku Krap to Khat Krap...  always battling to win Arab Melayu minds and hearts...Azmin and Hissapmuddin is no better either...Neither is Hadi or Ku Li or Najib or Tun Dr Bapa Kemerosotan malaysia....neither is the Sultan-agong-govenor.....all have their own space to own and when cornered have a base to return like PAS...HUDUD, Chop legs, hands.....  The Only Exit is Malaysia economy and Ringgit WILL Collapse and Sabah-Sarawak Sack Malaya and ALL States decide their OWN 13 Nation Destiny like Singapore.....Don't say I did not warn you Malaysian....Brace yourself for impact....anytime...No BELL will be rung when it happens!!  When Tabung Haji-Felda can be Robbed and Not have a Royal Commission...its the sign of COLLAPSE....Lets see how long Malaysia can sustain the Coming economic and Financial Chaos.....NO Race or Religion or Rulers will BE SPARED.....Believe it!!

 Tun will hang on till he Mampus IF he Does not see with Eyes Najib & Rosmah in Hotel Sg Buloh Prison with Zahid, Hissamuddin + other UMNO Racist Supremacist Terrorist Corrupted Warlords.  That is Tun Bapa Kemerosotan I have said many times Allah will Dispose of HIM whether his proposal and objective is Met.....Anwar too have his dream purpose for Islamic Brotherhood of Islam Malaysia......Allah too have his disposal date for Anwar, Azmin, Mat Hassan, Ku light of uncertainty.....Rakyat Malaysia must Learn to Bankrupt Malaysia by Eternal that either ther Eternal SHORT Term BAIL Out of Tabung Haji-Felda, Shariah, Jakim, Jais, MAIS, Masjid, Surau, Sultan-Agong upkeep STOPS.....OR They Prefer TOL Abolished Forever...and

Orang Arab Melayu...Hapuskan Sekolah Tahfiz atau  Agungkan Sekolah Jenis Kebangsaan??

Jawapan awak Melambangkan Kebodohan Awak!!

Patut ada Suruhan Di Raja untuk Adib atau Sekolah Bunuh, rogol, bakar kanak  Tahfiz??

Jawapan awak juga akan Melambangkan Kebodohan Awak!!

Dari Johor Dulu...2017..itu guru Pukul kaki anak itu sampai hitam...sampai kena potong kaki...sampai mati....sampai tipu Puak Arab melayu UMNO-PAS bahawa dia mati kerana Racun Tikus....Bapa-Emak dia terima $$$...Lalu terima Takdir Allah.......itu 21 Anak mati dibakar kat Kawasan bela Sultan Sel_ngor.....Mana Royal Commission.....tapi puak Maruah Supremacist Arab melayu Islam UMNO-PAS-PKR-Warisan-Bersatu....Lebih suka Hapuskan Sekolah Jenis Kebangsaan....hapuskan Dong Sia....Hapuskan Ciptaan Terrorist Hindu LTTE......   Malaysia Perlu DI MAMPUSKAN  Secara Economi dan RINGGIT RUNTUH.....   BOIKOT BARANGAN CIPTAAN ISLAM ARAB MELAYU HALAL MALAYSIA... 

The Kicker of this Islamic Religious Schools Abuse of Kids is more FUNDS from YOUR HARAM TAX MONEY to improve Standards and Communication and more Islamic Education, more Never Ending investigation, MORE Islamic KRAP.........IF Free I don't give a Damn...but because it IMPACT ON MY NO MORE TOL BAIL OUT IDEOLOGY FOR RAKYAT....I SAY GO TO HELL to ANY MORE HARAM MONEY To Tabung Haji, Jaki, Jais, MAIS, Sekolah Agama, Islamic Organisation ...etc....  GET THE SULTAN AS DEFENDER OF ISLAM TO SPEND EVERY DAY OF THEIR LIFE TO IMPROVE THEIR RELIGIOUS LOT....After ALL they are the Example of ISLAM.....NOT!!

 Actually I prefer to See Bodoh PIG IGP H Badut put some UMNO-PAS- Bersatu-Warisan-PKR-GPS hamas-hezbollah-Boko haram, al Qeada, ISIS ADUN Leaders under SOSMA to Compensate the LTTE Tamil Tigers SOSMA candidates to Show Equality of Law in Malaysia.....  more so those PAS Taliban near Thai border who were part of the human trafficking murder, Systemic genocide of Orang Asli....

Tun have used PKR that path for Muhiddin and mukriz is clear, screw Anwar/Azmin,Wan Azizah, Rafizi, nurul and now have those IS Brotherhood of Islam PKR Nitwit Supremacist Arab malay Leaders in a weak position from a strong position......  pity Tun Dr Bapa Kemerosotan malaysia will DIE before any of his hopes and dreams gets played out....Malaysia Brace yourself for the Opportunity for 13 new nation and the opportunity to be Like Singapore or Failed islamic Nation of these world Collectively....Agenda 2020 Sack malaya from Sabah-Sarawak.... No islam Bias Nation, Administration or State is Any good in this world....$1.3 Trillion Foreign Debt of Malaya is Zimbabwe or Venezuela in the making.....Do not ever think that by using backdoor money to constantly prop UP and Bail Failed Islamic entities of Tabung Haji- Felda-Jakim-Jais, MAIS,  MAS, Khazanah, TOL...Surau, Mosque, Sultan-Agong and all these corrupted entities will escape the eyes of Foreign Investors.....who knows  malaysia preparing for Economic Collapse of Ringgit and Economy.....It is a necessary Path to Rid the nation of Deep State, corruption and useless Rulers Scumbags...doing nothing yet pretending to show Twitter Love for Rakyat....You will be targeted next for Supporting ISIS, hamas-Hezbollah-Al Qeada-Boko haram-JI- and Brotherhood of Islam....USA have begun their Sanction on Malaysia....Just that Fools Ministers trying to play it down for Fear the World will take note!!.....Blame it on that card again!!...Enjoy the flood and more natural disaster in North Malaya!!

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