Tuesday, January 07, 2020

General Qassem Soleimani WAS ASSISINATED BY THE AYATOLLAH Sayyid Ali Hosseini Khamenei of Iran, Hassan Rouhani - President of Iran, President Erdogan, Tun Dr Mamakthir and Hassan Nasrallah of Lebanon....All were instrumental in feeding USA operatives of Qassem Soleimani movement....knowing USA and Sunni world wants the Balance Restored to favour Sunni over Shia....

We all know of General Qassem Solemani legendary fighter/tactitian in working with USA and fought the Saudi & Turkey Bred Hybrid Scumbags of ISIS. In Order to get the upper Hand these SUNNI IS ISLAM SCUMBAGS have been always trying to eliminate General Solemani to reduce the rise of the SHIA power in Middle East.

The Ayatollah and President of Iran are afraid the people revolt to overthrow Ayatollah and Hosseini due to economic crisis and hunger in Iran.  Ayatollahs ARE AFRAID that they WILL Install General Qassem Solemani as the President of Iran and do away with the Useless Religious Order of Ayatollah and their Islamic religious rules and regulation.....Never forget this idea of Eternal Ayattollah was taken from the Playbook of Erdogan Brotherhood of Islam Turkey who stage a FAKE Coup...Massive Crying Funeral ceremony for the hundreds dead like in IRAN...and retain POWER FOREVER ...Something like a Khalifah standing that appeals to those Dunggu Bodoh Arab Islam of that region like those Arab Malay Muslim, Zakir Nut of Malaysia......

At the end of the day, that is what Islam the Religion of Endless War is all about.....After having some Dominance, this Fallen and Shun Religion of Relentless Persecution to those NOT following their Ritual, Education, submission and taxes will be made to pay a high price for the ability to continue Existing in that country and region....NO DIFFERENCE MALAYSIA.   See how Tun Mamkthir wants to stay in power FOREVER and hand over Job to Mukriz while trying to Kill of his 3 potential people of Azmin, Anwar and Muhiddin.... More of that later.

The question the muslim and internatioal Media need to ask is not what Trump Ordered...but ask WHY are these WAR MONGERS always Killed in region NOT their home country....  They think by being somewhere else, their actions and operations can be made hidden from the world.  Osaman Bin Ladin killed in Pakistan....ISIS Leader Abu Bakr al-Bagdadhi killed in Syria ISIS stronghold.... Malaysia Murdering PDRM of Pastor Koh, Ruth, Helmi, Amri,....providing protection from discovery of Diksa Prasana...the Force convert Child from Hindu to Islam...now into the 11th Year...and Jawi Khat Loving Agong-Sultan-Governor Arab Melayu Islam Never Twit for her Release to the Natural Mother as REQUIRED BY LAW!!

Turkey is trying to emerge as the so called 3rd Force of the Islamic world with thier FAKE Rubbish Brotherhood of Islam CRAP....  Turkey is in dire economic woes just like Iran.  Nasrallah is getting old and senile and losing the Hamas-Hezbollah unity control that he once had.  Erdogan and Nasrallah are afraid that General Qassem Solemani, once he is a state Leader of Iran, His Influence in the Middle East will surpass each Turkey and Lebanon(Hamas-Hezbollah) path to Eternal corruption into their own pocket like KING ERDOGAN  Palace. So they have been feeding USA operatives General Qassem Solemani movement and where abouts for a long time.  Hoping USA will be enticed to their Dream to prolong their PITIFUL existence above ALL ELSE!!....And Malaysia have Anwar Ibrahim waiting to emulate the Murderous Erdogan with his Brand of KHAT Jawi National Treasure KRAP!!.......Malaysia is moving backwards with tudung, Bahasa Baku Krap since his days as edcucation minister...No Wonder not many wants ANWAR AS PM!!...Make it All a 1 Term...PM, DPM, MB, Governor...ALL 5 YEARS MAX and Rotated to ALL RACE AND RELIGION.......No opportunity to Ruin the nation and be corrupted like Tun Mamakthir, Najib, Azmin, Anwar, Muhiddin, Taib, govenor, sultan -agong....etc.  Malaysia is Stuffed anyway with $1.3 Trillion Foreign Debt...WHY NOT DISRUPT THE POLITICAL SCENE like the TEKSI UMNO Lesen Corruption is Disrupted by Ride Hailing of ALL KINDS......

No Islam bias run Administration, State or Nation is ANY GOOD in this World!!  
Follow the Singapore Method and Admit Malaysia Method is EPIC Failure...

Yet Jawi is National treasure...berambus Rear Admiral Anwar Ibrahim.... 

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