Sunday, February 23, 2020

Malaysia Imminent Economic and Financial Collapse coming March 2020 LED BY STUPID FOOLS Created by the Supremacist RACE OF UMNO_PAS-Sultan-Agong Arab Terrorist to SELL YOU MIMPI/DREAMS that Cannot be Achieved! Now we know why these scumbags of Muhiddin and IGP and Tun did not arrest the ICC and ICERD Demonstrator ....NOR THE ISIS Returnees or Revoking their Citizenship & Zakir Naik so as to ALLOW TERRORISM IN MALAYSIA WHEN NEEDED.....BRING IT ON TO BRING ABOUT 13 NEW NATION.>WE ARE READY TO COLLAPSE THE NATION... ABU ...UBAH INI KALI LAH!!! that these Arab Mal;ay Supremacist CAN FORM THEIR ARAB MALAY RACIST GOVERNMENT in 2020 for Malaysia......... A Failed Developed Nation LED BY TUN BAPA KEMEROSOTAN MALAYSIA!! Watch the Ringgit COVID - 20 Collapse and the Economic Collapse NOW!!

 Malaysia Imminent Economic and Financial Collapse coming March 2020  LED BY STUPID FOOLS Created by the Malay Supremacist RACE OF UMNO_PAS-Sultan-Agong Arab Terrorist to SELL YOU MIMPI/DREAMS that Cannot be Achieved!  Now we know why these scumbags of Muhiddin and IGP and Tun did not arrest the ICC and ICERD Demonstrator ....NOR THE ISIS Returnees or Revoking their Citizenship & Zakir Naik so as to ALLOW TERRORISM IN MALAYSIA WHEN NEEDED.....BRING IT ON TO BRING ABOUT 13 NEW NATION.>WE ARE READY TO COLLAPSE THE NATION...  ABU ...UBAH INI KALI LAH!!! that these Arab Mal;ay Supremacist CAN FORM THEIR ARAB MALAY RACIST GOVERNMENT in 2020 for Malaysia.........  A Failed Developed Nation LED BY TUN BAPA KEMEROSOTAN MALAYSIA!! Watch the Ringgit  COVID - 20 Collapse and the Economic Collapse NOW!!

More Stupid HUB DREAM From the Arab melayu DREAM Stupid Arab Malay Islam Race and Religion....  Super Corridor hub, Esport Hub, Muti media Super Hub, Soccer Hub, Badminton Hub, MH370 Hub, Murder Hub, Enforce Dissaperance HUB and the CHAMPIION OF CORRUPTION HUB....

Click Here and Sign Petition to Sack IGP Hamid Bador of Malaysia for Supporting Terrorism in Islamic Kidnapping!!

Since Tun too Proud to say Sorry for 60 Years of Racism and support of islamic terrorism Hamas-Hezbollah-ISIS-Taliban....We will have to Part Ways and Break Malaysia up 13 New Nation....   The Hope / Harapan is OVER...NOW IS THE COMING RINGGIT and Economic Pandemic CRISIS....Pull OUT OF MALAYSIA NOW IF YOU Have Any Investment....The writing have been on the WALL OF Racism for 60 Years.....HOW MUCH Longer do Malaysian Need to Be education that ISLAMIC TYPE Systemic Genocide to Orang Asli Racism IS THE WORST KIND???

Many Malaysian DO NOT Share your Synpaty of Palestine Hamas-Hezbollah Terrorist Struggle as Money Donated goes to Tabung Haji-Felda Corruption Terrorist hand to be Bailed out by Malaysian again and pay more TOL till you DIE.....  Better DIE Tun so that TOL Can be Abolish and NOT BE GIVEN TO ANY OF HIS CRONIES, Family, Friends like Erdogan is Doing to Turkey...Time to Boycott STAR and ALL Local Papers if you have Intelligence of KILLING OFF Terrorist Supporters Malaysia!!

Tun Bapa Kemerosotan dan Bangsatkan malaysia can Stay for as long as he wants but Allah have a DATE with him....His 2nd Change to DO GOOD have been to continue HIS Evil and Protect EVIL.....I am ok because HE WILL DIE Before GE15 and Malaysia in Ultimate Financial Chaos and EASY to BREAK UP to be 13 New nation.....

Cut the CRAP in KHAT and NAP(Its TIDUR LAH BANGSAT TAK BOLEH HARAP TUN Love To make Malaysia POOR and bankrupt POLICY) national automative Policy Rubbish and Just Abolish the TOL and Stop your Idiot Support of proton, Perodua, 3rd Car Crap......ABOLISH Bumiputra Property Discount KHAT KRAP...this is 2020.....  Tun Racist Policy have Failed once , twice, three and many more time to come if Stupid MALAYSIA have not woken up... Wake up and GET TOL FREE As Number one Priority...than any Extra Money $$$$$  Bail Out ALL your ISLAM Corona RACIST VIRUS Tabung-Haji-Felda, Proton, Khazanah, hotel Masjid KRAP!!

I too want to be the Private Eternal Bail Out Government Sponsored Entities Khazanah, Tabung Haji-Felda to bid for 3rd National Bangsatkan Malaysia Car Project....and TOL to Bangsatkan Malaysia.....the time to add to the woes and Pain to ANTI ICERD NAD ICC Malaysia is By Boycotting Halal Food and Make the Arab Malays Supremacist suffer like those LTTE Fake Terrorist....  HOW About REVOKE THE CITIZEN OF ALL ISIS Returning to Malaysia and Let them ROT IN SYRIA.....Jenis ini Bangsat Melayu Arab Terrorist patut di SOSMAKAN.....MUKA DITaburkan kepada Media dan bagi Rakyat CAM mereka......baik baik....

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