Thursday, May 29, 2014

Long Live Karpal Singh and Sultan Munafiq Islam Shah Subpoenead to Answers Charges in after life.....

“Ampun Tuanku, beribu-ribu ampun, sembah patik harap diampun.” Dengan Tuhan pun tidak minta ampun macam tu. Dosa yang paling besar yang tidak boleh terampun ialah menduakan Tuhan.

Now in front of God ALL Human are Equal....the GREAT EQUALITY DAY.......Sultan, prince, PM, DIRECTOR, CEO are just mere HUMAN.....ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!!....  (bumi non Malay)

So learn to appreciate all humans also have DIGNITY no matter what status they are in society.....(Ip Man)

But Baton now passed on to another Sultan Munafiq Islam cult UMNO cahoots of Raja Nazrin Shah Ibni Almarhum Sultan Azlan Muhibbuddin Shah.  He succeeds his father, the late Sultan Azlan Shah.  All a sham when he should not ascend to the throne.....theirs is another fake legacy that UMNO in cahoots with Sultan Perak trying to protect....

But the Sham of Star saying he was instrumental to Malaysian Hockey 4th Placing in 1975 is typical of STAR inept and credibility as a media.  All lies as usual and we have lots of Tun and Tan Sri titled humans who will sing praises when paid to do so ly the cahoots of UMNO-BN + Sultan-Agong.    Means nothing when he was instumental of the Destruction of Malaysia Democracy in Perak constitutional crisis.

Bapa Hoki........@#$%^&...soo Sultan Pahang also Bapa Bolasepak Malaysia???  @#$%^&  That is Bapa Rogol...rapisti!!!.

I think a better title Bapa Kemerosotan Perak and Malaysia.  Like Tun Dr Munafiq Mahathir as Bapa Kemerosotan Malaysia.  All these UMNO cahoots are ACTUALLY the FATHER of DESTRUCTION of Malaysia ECONOMY, JUDICAIRY, CONSTITUTION, Law and Order.  Tell them to your children, grand children about the Sultan Azlan Shah TRICKY and Hypocrite legacy as a good judge and Sultan.  He failed the people of Perak at the hour of need and for that We will Black to celebrate your demise.  Go meet your maker and explain to him without the spin and protection from the Evil Gods of Islam UMNO Cults protecting you.   Enjoy the Heat.....

Meanwhile Sultan Munafiq Islam Cult Johor...with his 300 odd cars in air cond like the Panda....asking to Study his STUPIDITY of the move from the usual Sat-Sun day off.  Revert back and don't try to show those poor malays your Islam cult concern with your corruption and Murderous bullying generations of sultan.  At least the Pandas bring some cash back via people willing to pay to see pandas.....  Your 300 odd expensive cars in air cond and special storage....reflects your concern of your own well being and NOT that of Rakyat Johor.......#$%^&*(!!!!  Malays are hungry and living in misery and yet you let your cars live in greater luxury than malays and other race who are equally as poor...that is a reflection of your greed and lets hope you are also answerable Like sultan Munafiq Shah when summon and Subpoenead to the after life....

Malaysia need to wake up the the cahoots with UMNO-BN Racist Terrorist......otherwise your life will diminish, insulted and persecuted till Death.....  Before least show your Anger by Boycott of UMNO-BN Malays Racist terrorist goods and DISRUPT  disrupt...disrupt and Terror Back to those Terrorist UMNO-Boko Haram-Sulu Terrorist Rapist.....PDRM and local media too......all in cahoots with UMNO-BN + Sultan-Agong to make life Misery and slavery for Malaysian!!....Equalise and make them FIGURE BOBBING HEAD!!  In front of ALLAH they are all MERE HUMANS nothing more ...Nothing don't go about having special reverence or Fear of these cahoots and cahoots of Islam UMNO cult religion....  Free yourself and embrace other religion before its too late!!  FEAR GOD / ALLAH is the BEST.......and its Seditious to Allah if Sultan Dare to equate to Allah!! let alone defender of Islam Cult UMNO-BN(barang naik)!!!  Stop Lying of the Mythical status that many other race DO NOT BELIEVE and have moved on!!  Those who hold on the the Myth that you need to seek "Ampun"/forgiveness the moment they see you is in a Dellusion and illusion and sick world of unending brain washing...SNAP OUT OF IT!!  Un - Brain WASH!!

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