Monday, June 02, 2014

If Sabah-Sarawakians not careful one day your weekend days too will revert to Fri Sat if you do not follow the dumb down UMNO-Boko haram-Sulu terrorist racist agenda like force to learn in Malay language when you had it good in ENGLISH!!!!

 Sickness of Malaysian and Malaysia and the INABILITY to Reject the Sickness...

Malaysia HAD English as the medium of education until Tun Dr. Munfiq Mohd and Razak decided to start the era of Malay UMNO Racist glory after 1969.........  These "Strategist" in cahoots with sultan -agong then reverted to malay and the Stupidity of Sabah-Sarawak followed.  Today we are witnessing the demise of Malaysia together with Sabah-Sarawak.

Then they tried to bring back English as the medium of education and yet again to unite the Malay race the UMNO racist Najib-Muhuddin togethert with cahoots of UMNO-BN islam sultan cult reverted it back to Malay with a promise to improve English with their MAGIC power of Cheap we are again witnessing the demise again together with Sabah-Sarawak.

Now you have this stupid Sultan Johor (whose birth is from a western British mother unlike his other siblings and now because his step mother mistreated him, wants to sack her from the Royal household. The whole family is actually no good and that is noted in this blog) wants to do a study on how to improve welfare of the SUDDEN switch from Saturday-Sunday weekend to Friday-Saturday.  Where is the stupid study of the welfare of people when you switched from Friday Saturday to Sat-Sun in the past and again back??..and the subsequent switch back apparently the sultan now wants to be seen as Holy righteous among their UMNO-Malay muslim living in misery people.  Leave Johor and invest in other country like Cambodia, Vietnam....Boycott Malaysia and their Stupid laws, regulation and increasing crime and UMNO-BokoHaram-Taliban terrorist in cahoots with sultan-Agong!!

The current sultan of Johor move to FORCE the Sat-Sun move to Fri-Sat is again the sickness and madness of this UMNO type stupidity drive like in English Education.  Now the stupid sultan want IMPACT Study on his stupid move??@!#$%! need any study... it was a stupid move and Johor state will suffer more demise...Allah will not bless sultan Johor Fake Allah Seeking Move!!!  I hope the private sector will defy as in the past the stupidity and force the muslim in private sector to either quit or look for government jobs.  The majority of the world works Mon-Fri and rest on Sat-Sun..   Sultan Abu Bakar (bapa johor Modern is Flipping in his grave with stupidity after stupidity move and the legacy he left behind) The malay muslims will have to choose the norm or be a Stupidity sultan murderer legacy follower.  Don't worry about Sultan children or grand children...theirs is a life in Sat-Sun English medium private schools and straight to overseas for the best of ENGLISH education...while you are still perceived to be trying to improve your English language.  Its like a DUMB down racist agenda by UMNO-BN in cahoots with Sultan-Agong.

If Sabah-Sarawakians not careful one day your weekend days too will revert to Fri Sat if you do not follow the dumb down UMNO-Boko haram-Sulu terrorist racist agenda like force to learn in Malay language when you had it good in ENGLISH!!!!  That is why we need to sack those UMNO-PKR-BN from Sabah-Sarawak, REVERT Back to English Education and sack malaya.  Sabah-Sarawak is the few states in Malaysia WHO HAS the POWER to REVERT to ENGLISH regardless to what malaya Does......that is the POWER of your Malaysia Agreement.  Why Sabah-Sarawakinas choose to be slaves to UMNO-BN brain washing, misery making and DUMB Down Agenda is a worry.  Break Free..un BRAIN WASH and Fight to keep your space and terrority from the UMNO-BN -Sulu-Abu Sayaf Islam cult terrorist in cahoots with sultan agong.

That is why we need to migrate to Sabah-Srawak and sack UMNO-BN and then malaya if this is the stupidity and misery we have to tolerate for generations!!  Wake up and SACK the UMNO Terrorist of Sabah and Sarawakians.....then SACK Malaya!!...the power is in your need referendum...Just Sack malaya like malaya did to Singapore!!   Do it soon before you are poor, useless and filled with UMNO Boko Haram - Sulu-Abu Sayaf-JI -Taliban Islamic gun carrying Terrorist making you PAY a PRICE for Protection and safety.....there is None and FIGHT back Hard to remove these scumbags!!

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