Sunday, January 31, 2016

NO...The $62 and Growing ringgit Billions stolen ...mismanaged are all a VERY VERY VERY hot topic everywhere even in Kampung Melayu Felda....Opps... I see just because the UMNO-Bangsat negara IS Islam Terrorist Propoganda Media in cahoots with Sultan -Terrosit IS Islam do not make a mention means CASE CLOSED...So Confident Call Election and Watch Terror to undo the MAY 13, Kg Medan Killings and Genocide of Penans, Force Conversion to IS Islam UMNO-PAS-Sultan -Agong.........Just that the Sultan-Agong-Govenor are keeping quiet after being Paid $25 Million Each like Sultan Zero of Perak..... Just Because nothing reported on M. Indira Gandhi children Forced to convertion to ISLAM and being Challenged for 7 Years means malaysia accepted the current IS Islam Terrorist Verdict....and forgottten about it... Dream On...... Just WRITE A NOTE TO SCHOOL Principal that YOUR CHILD TAK NAK Belajar JAWI, Baca Quran and Sue the Principal and ultimately UMNO-Bangsat Negara Government!!..>Do It Yearly and Show your Terror Back!! More Job Losses coming in Petronas and banking...Padan muka...More UMNO Melayu redundant naturally........the Rahmat from Allah to a Racist Nation of malaysia...Makan rumput or Revolusi Minda BERONTAK only option...

Because the Fake Malay Sultanate that Started in Malacca...decided to go to their 9 individual Territories with their few Samseng and IS ISlam Terrorist to Terrorise the Kampung Malays into submission, brain washing, Lies and Stupidity.... What Mythical Rubbish that Sultanate Abandon the Centre of universe and go to smaller Kampung they call the NINE States today and agreed to Rotate to be KING..... Queen of England should have Abandon London Buckimham Palace the centre of Universe and establish 9 states and kingdom across Great Britain......think about it. Melayu Bangun, Berontak...Bantai Celaka UMNO-Bangsat Negara yang bersama Sultan-Agong-Govenor yang selama 500 Tahun hanya tahu HINA Hidup Kebebasan awak dengan Agama Islam dan Tamadun. Melayu Yang Hilang Boleh diganti Denga Bangla Islam...Sebab ISLAM = Melayu = Islam = Islam Bangla, Islam Indonesia, Islam Myanmar..Islam Mamak, Islam Cina, Islam India, islam Syria.........
Orang Alsi adalah Bumiputera Tulin...yang lain Penipu.....termasuk Sultan-Agong-Govenor dan melayu UMNO bangsat Negara!!

60 years of allowing celaka UMNO Melayu -BN(Bangsat Negara) Run Malaysia after Independent with Racist Islam Terrorist Rules and you have the porest State of Sabah, Sarawak, Perlis, kelantan, Kedah, Trengganu, Malacca.., N9...The rest of the More Chinese + indian states have helped Malaysia to what it is Johor, Selangor, Penang, Perak a bit better....UMNO-Bagsat Negara in cahoots with Sultan_agong-Govenor are Worried SH!t when Sabah-Sarawak Sack Malaya......after all who wants a Bankrupt Malaya for their Children... + a Soccer Ranking that is Lower then EAST Timor..... Ini PengHINAAN Maruah terbesar Kepada Melayu ..Dunia Bolasepak Racist FAM Sultan Pahang lebih Rendah dari Timor Timor.....Inikah Rahmat yang MalaySIAL Nak.... Sabah, Sarawak, Selangor, Perak, Johor, Penang....SEMUA TAK NAK UMNO bangsat Negara tadbir Malaya samapai kena Makan RUMPUT Padang ..... Keep Using Foreign Currency and keep Lookinf at the GAP of Buying and Selling MalaySIAL Ringgit....70 cents difference...other currency 8-13 Cents.....Ini Bermakna Dunia TAK NAK Ringgit...orang Islam Melayu UMNO terus Simpan Ringgit.....Dunia Pun Tak Percaya MAS lagi...Boycott MAS- Petronas.... MH370 kat Thailand....Siapa Percaya Berita Karut-TIPU MalaySIAL lagi dengan IZIN Hormat dari Sultan_Agong-Jakim-jais-Govenor UMNO BN???

No matter how hard one tries to isolate the Sultan-Agong with UMNO Celaka Bangsat Negara EVIL agenda...their co-Joined Evil Agenda will be undone ... Malays will get them proper for making them Hungry and Angry + Stupid.... Najib trying to get a retiment payout of $2 Billion USA Dollar and Agong-Sultan -Governor all given $25 Million to DIAM.... :agi Suruh Rakyat Malaysia UBAh Corak Hidup agar Kos tinggi boleh dielakkan.... Why Change your lifestyle to ANIMAL Status to support these UMNO-Bangdat Negara in cahoots with Sultan Agong-Govenor Lavish Lifestyle....No guns can Stop 20 Million Malaysian who wants to end their sufering in ONE Day..>We Await the THAIPUSAM Terror Attack by UMNO IS ISLAM Sponsored terrorist in cahoots with Sultan _Agong -Govenor ...every race go and Ignore the UMNO-BN -IGp Threats call to NOT go to Thispusam....... Every Muslim-Malay is a Potential Jihadis terrorist......By terror UMNO Lowyat Created a Mara IT Mall, by Terror May 13 they created Racist ISALM Bias terrorist agenda and Stuff Malaysia proper..>Return the TERROR and Create a NEw Malaysia!!..No need to be Romatics to UMNO EVIL in cahoots with Sultan Bauxite Agong..... Duit Korrupsi MAHU Banyak....Tolong rakyat Lapar-Marah tak nak...terimalah Rahmat dari rakyat Melayu dan Malaysia sekejap lagi...harap ada escape strategy,,,macam Rosmah -Najib untuk Keluarga!!

Siapa UNDI UMNO-Bangsat Negara kat SARAWAK...Dia Pengkhinat SARAWAK dan kepada Mohd SAW.....Sebab Puak Sunni ISLAM IS Terrorist UMNO-Sultan_Agong -Govenor percaya Bunuh cucu Mohammed adalah Betul Macam Sirul dan Azilah C4 Altantuya..... Perbuatan Kejam adalah BAIK Asalkan Sultan boleh Maafkan macam Caliph-Sultan Islam buat terhadap Pembunuh Mohammed SAW.....Organisasi Sultan-UMNO-Sunni Islam adalah satu Pertubuhan yang Kejam, Jahat...EVIL...... Kalau tidak mengapa Ketu Pertubuhan ini boleh terbang dengan Percuma macam tak Payar Bayar TOL???....Mereka bukan Miskin...malah mereka Kaya sampai boleh Guna Bil Lektrik $1 Million Setahun....orang melayu terus sembah IS Islam UMNO-Sultan-Govenor dan Makan Rumput.... Lepas Pecat UMNO-BN Dari Sarawak Pecat Malaya...Jauhkan diri Awak dari Organisasi IS Sunni Terrorist Sultan-UMNO..... Kalau Sarawak boleh Pecat Sultan....MALAYA Pun Boleh!!

 2 Nation Sabah-Sarawak...Can Sack Rouge IS Islam Racist Terrorist UMNO-banggsat Negara supporters in cahoots with Sultan-Agong-Govenor claim to State Malaya.... Get some Blangla and Myanmar Muslim to Whack to IS Islam celaka Melayu UMNO Islam Army-IGP Terrorist and promise them Kedah-Perlis State to create their Utopia..... ..Watch the IS terrorist Islam Malay UMNO plan to disrupt the Thaipusam.....United we Stand against the Malay Born Islam Jihadist......Sekarang Melayu Kesal dengan Islam UMNO-PAS!!

Kalau Sultan Bauxite Pahang bersama UMNO-Bangsat Negara datang bawa Derma - Keperluan SEMINGGU9one week needs)kepada orang Kampung Pahang..Hina Sultan dengan tak bagi dia Muka...ambil Hamper Suruh mereka pembunuh Generasi Orang Melayu BERAMBUS!!

Thursday, January 28, 2016

First Thing on This 2016 New Year is to Make Sure You write a Letter to Your School Headmaster/Mistress all the UMNO-Bangsat Negara Controlled Malaysia School to INFORM THEM THAT YOUR CHILD SHOULD NOT PARTICIPATE OR BE TAUGHT A Single JAWI OR ANY ISLAMIC / KORAN WORDS IN ANY SCHOOL SUBJECT... STOP THE BRAIN WASHING FROM STANDARD ONE!!....Is also not Part of Malaysian Education Curriculum.... Reject Jawi teaching and Reject Idiot Sect IS Islam UMNO-pas - sultan-agong-govenor Racist Terrorist EVIL Agenda!!

Nothing better for those parents starting their kids primary school kids in 2016 with the RIGHT Attitude and Destroy the EVIL IS UMNO-PAS Islam Racist terrorist agenda.  Do it EVERY YEAR TO REINFORCE YOUR ANTI IS ISLAM UMNO-PAS Racist terrorist Evil Legalised AGENDA in MalaySIAL!!  Don't be a statistic one day like M. Indira Gandhi children that can be Forced to convert to ISLAM in School this time and you can do nothing about it....all based on a reciting some Islamic Words that your children have no awareness about....tomorrow he/she is Muslim/Islam...and Celaka Challenge in the Malaysia Justice System Transferred to Syriah Courts @#$%^&*.. Ptui!!!!  

This Act of writing letter to inform the School heaf Master is like Forcing the NRD UMNO Force Islamic Conversion Department to put in your Children ID Card .... I TAK NAK IS (Idiot Sect)Terrorist ISLAM!!  FIGHT Back against the celaka Evil Melayu IS islam UMNO bangsat Negara in cahoots with Sultan-agong-govenor-NRD-Judges-Jakim-JAis-tabung haji and all those Crap IS Islam Racist terrorist Agenda!!

Malaysia Demise is coming.....The Ringgit...then the standard......look at the Football Fifa Standing...Lower than East Timor..... NOTHING that have the Celaka IS ISlam Melayu UMNO-Bangsat negara in cahoots with Sultan-Agong-govenor BIAS racist terrorist Agenda have given any Glory to malaysia....Just don't Forget in your hunger and Anger and point of Demise.....Get those Bangsat negara Leaders, IGP, Army Chief, especially those Melayu Islam Racist terrorist UMNO -Bangsat Negara Past and present...and Never forget their Mentor and Defender of the EVIL racist Terrorist Acts in the Name of islam Raja, Sultan, Wan,....etc.... All have benefitted for 60 Years and Laughing at Rakyat Malaysia Demise.... 

WISE up...Create a New Malaysia...Lets RE-establish ONE REAL Sultanate KINGDOM in Malacca...VIA the USE OF DNA Mapping to those Bones of Parameswara...He who has the most matches is KING Forever and Abolosh the Rest of the State Illegitimate Sultan......enough said!! ABU UBAH...Berontak! INI Semua Fakta...bukan MITOS kesultanan Malaysia!!!

Akhirnya Tun bapa Kemerosotan malaysia = Islam = Melayu = UMNO = Dapat Sokongan Hebat dari Sultan-Agong-Raja2 Melayu.... Selagi majoriti Negara dalam apa Bidang, dari sukan, Penerbagan, ekonomi, pelajaran, di Kuasai melayu = Islam = UMNO dengan 100% sokongan sultan-Islam-Agong + Govenor islam...Maka RAHMAT ALLAH kepada sektor itu ditabukan kepada kaum dan agama lain untuk di HINA, Di Ketawa.... Di Sindir...Melayu yang Tak boleh terima Boleh Hijrah Ke Mekkah, Madina, DAESH...Syria, Iraq, Iran, Afganistan, Pakistan, Bangladesh...supaya lebih dekat dengan Allah awak.... Rahmat Allah terutama kepada golongan IS ISLAM UMNO Melayu + sultan-Agong-Govenor-Abu Sayaf-Sulu Terrorist adalah MALAPETAKA saja + di SINDIR Orang Ramai..Padan muka dan Berambus!!

..makin lama makin Jauh Rupanya PerCepsi yang najib Curi $$$$ dengan Izin Sultan_Agong...tapi rakyat PERCEIVED dan Faham those Elite Royals and Najib are in the same Curi Agenda dan Bodohkan Rakayt Melayu yang Idamkan Surau, 5 kali Loud Speaker panggil sembayang....pakai Tudung....tutup Aurat......Padan muka sengsarra Hidup dan semua Kerja diambil Islam Bangla , Myanmar dan Indonesia.... Lepas Pecat Malaya...Negara Baru Kat Utara Malaysia BanDAH= Kedah... MyanTan = Kealntan, IndoNU = trengganu....kita simpan semua Puak IS islam Melayu UMNO Kat Utara...Macam Isreal Simpan Hamas dan Hezbollah kat Kawasan Tak ada RAHMAT Allah!!

Monday, January 25, 2016

Every Malay Dominated States in Malaysia are technically bankrupt and have the Blessing of that in Hunger you can be controlled by a few bags of rice and some sugar......Rise up and RAID the Palaces of Riches of UMNO-Bangsat Negara and Sultan-Agong-Govenor which have tons of Food and Gold Stored!!

Everything that have graced the hands of the celaka Malays IS (Idiot Sect)UMNO-PAS -Bangsat Negara in cahoots with Sultan-Agong-Govenor have turned into disaster after 60 yearsruling Malaysial with stealing, pillaging corruption, enriching own family first over and above everyone else then cronies and lastly make you submit to the EVIL IS Islam racist terrorist Gang.  Lets hope those leaders BN parts in UMNO-BN(Bangsat negara) get their day of RECKONING in the form of Jail, hell, stoned, death like Gadaffi, Sadam, Morsi and those Scumbags that have DONE their Very Worst to make Malaysia Poor, Hungry but luckily not stupid enough.   Otherwise like north Korea....Malaysian should rather Starve, Drink brown Bauxite water worship the IS Islam racist terrorist sultan-Agong-govenor in cahoots with UMNO-Bangsat Negara!!

Even MalaySIAL Malay Bias Islam Soccer team is ranked lower than East Timor...what else need to be said about the state of Malaysian Economy.???

The celaka Melayu UMNO Bangsat Negara IS islam  run state are now all in bankrupt status being propped up by the smaller Margin from Petronas Money.  With Crude Oil dropping from USA $150 to $30...the time to RID celaka melayu UMNO-bangsat Negara in cahoots with Sultan-Agong is Getting Louder, clearer and Better.  STOP Buying Petrol from Petronas, Boycott MAS ...Boycott banking with Local Racist IS Banks with Foreign Banks if you want to make sure your CASH is still there tomorrow..... DBS, Standard Chartered, HSBC....etc....

Every celaka melayu UMNO-bangsat Negara in cahoots with Sultan-agong Racist terrorist IS Islam  ideology is laid out for all to see and they are ALL EPIC Failure across UMNO Malay BIAS Islam states and soon Sabah-Sarawak will BE WORST!!.  We terror back in this time of Weakness in Malaysia GDP, Economy, Ringgit, Sports  to Create the SPACE we need to Progress WITHOUT the IS Islam Racist terrorist Agenda.....that Means Sacking Malaya...Breaking up Malaya and taking the Best States and Give the muslim Malays from Myanmar, Bangladesh, Syria a new Country in Kelantan, Trengganu, Perlis, Kedah to create their Progressive New Nation.  your Freedom, Progress and AUTONOMY will NOT be given on a Silver Platter.....  FIGHT ..TRASH the IS ISLAM UMNO-PAS terrorist Malays in cahoots with Sultan-Agong-Governor-JIAS-JAKIM-NRD-EC-Sulu Abu Sayaf Islamic terrorist!!

The IT Malay IS Islam Racist terrorist MARA Mall created after the attempted Racial GENOCIDE Riot Lowyat Stealing event (Note: IT Racist Mall  Created after a Terror Stealing Racist Event, IT MARA Racist Mall Ghost Town IT EPIC FAIL Kedai Runcit was created).....  LIKE May 13 Murder attempted Genocide in 1969 to then allow UMNO racist Terrorist najib Tun Razak father to create the BIAS IS Islam Racist terrorist agenda in Business, education, place of worship we have until Today in 2016....  Genocide attempt on Indians in Kampung Medan to Create more Surau in Kampung Medan and less Hindu Temple and take down the Cross Episode...>Every Terror episode in MalaySIAL is more money to create more IS Islam Melayu UMNO in cahoots with Sultan Agong Racist Agenda, business, increase territory for Malay UMNO Business.

To Gain Your Own Territory, space, more ability to build place of worship is to TERROR Back the Racist UMNO melayu in cahoots with Sultan -Agong-Govenor and Claim your Space and freedom and PUT Law and Order that is MORE BIAS towards a Secular RACE and CIVIL Society!!  Time to Fight back against the IS Malay UMNO Liked Islamic Terrorist across Malaysia.  Remember the Islam IS Terrorist are in cahoots with Sultan-Agong-Govenor-UMNO-PAS malay = islam ideology.  Boko Haram, Sulu, Abu Sayaf, Jemmiah islamiah, Hezbollah, Hamas are all in CAMP Happy with melayu Islam UMNO-PAS bangsat negara with sultan-Agong-Govenor-Jakim-Judges-Jais-IGp-Army Chief as their madhi and Spritual Advisor....  NOW YOU SEE THE PROBLEM OF HAVING TOO MANY MALAY BORN ISLAM IN ALL THOSE positions of Government, Law and Order!!!...CHOAS, Anarchy and ongoing racist Islam terrorist Attack on you, your children and grand children from generation to generation until WE RISE UP...Like in THE 77th HUNGER GAMES!! UNITED We END the EVIL of Malaysia !!

Don't waste your time....the mindset is set to protect, defend, gain territory for Celaka Melayu IS Islam UMNO-BN(Bangsat Negara) in cahoots with Sultan-Agong-Govenor and all the ISlam IS Malay institution...... You be better off spending time in your community, Be Bias Helping your Indian community, the Orang Asli, Chinese, NON-Islam Malay.....Myanmar, Nepals, Bangla...and if you have any money left after all the effort give the UMNO IS malays the crumbs .....these IS Islam Racist UMNO malays in cahoots with malay Racist IS SIlam Sultan-Agong-Govenor have been giving your race, the crumbs for 60 Years and of course some MIC, MCA, PBS, PBDS...the BN(the other Bangsat Negara in BN) have been given a bit more to put up a CHARADE and FACADE that unity government is 2016 the Lies and Sham are crumbling.... Go look at Kedah, Kelantan, Perlis, Trengganu and those Islam Hudud IS Malay UMNO-PAS state of development is like the IT MARA MALL and soccer team of MalaySIAL.... EPIC FAIL and TOTAL DEMISE + DESTRUCTIONS......Who wants to do business there? Who Supports Racist IS ISlam Malay Soccer team?? You do not need higher education level to understand the EVIL of celaka melayu IS ISlam UMNOPAS-Bangsat Negara in cahoots with Sultan-Agong-Bauxite -Govenor Corruption constant Destruction of Malaysia..... Standard One level education is More than sufficient!! Do you need another 30 more years to see the Ultimate Demise of Malaysia economy to be lowerthan Zimbabwe like the current Malay Bias IS Islam Soccer team world's standing?? Wake up..ABU...UBAH and Get ready to tumpah Darah like in Negaraku untuk ANAK KU!!

Thursday, January 21, 2016

BAM like MAS should be Shame, Shammed and Boycotted....Like all Halal Food and Help Orang Asli Poor ...other race....and Ignore IS Islam terrorist UMNO Malay poor!! These IS Islam Malay UMNO Terrorist have muslim tax Zakat and your tax money to Help Them!!

Morten Frost, stop trying to Adopt the Religion of IS Racist Terrorist Islam UMNO-Bangsat Negara Ideology.  Chong Wei Feng ranked higher than those malay IS ISlam UMNO-bangsat Negara players was NOT given the opportunity to earn points in the recent Indonesia Open.  The Lame Bias IS Malay Islam Terrorist BAM-UMNO bangsat Negara excuse was to give the UMNO Islam malays exposure and experience over Meritrocracy and rankings.  Each of these tournaments gives you points to selected to dream tournaments like Olympics and more prize money tournaments.  As we speak in January 2016, Chong Wei Feng  is still ranked higher than the 2 IS UMNO Islam Malays...yet have to prove himself to be selected for Thomas Cup qualifier despite ranking Higher than the 2 IS UMNO BAM BIAS Malays badminton players.....Despite Being Left out of Important tournaments That will Earn a Higher points to improve world rankings.  As usual despite all the Pouring of the IS UMNO-BAM Islam money and Bias promotion to so many tournaments with the blessing of the Malay IS ISlam Sultan-Agong-Govenor make IS Islam Terrorist UMNO Malay Great Agenda.....Their rankings remain under Chong Wei Feng ....No blessing from ALLAH is Obvious!!

It is for this reason we need to continue to Boycott MAS and Petronas Petrol, Local banks UNTIL the IS Terrorist Racist ISLAM UMNO-PAS-Sultan-Agong Racist Agenda are removed from Malaysia Earth Forever!!  What use you change the head to some Kwai Loh(Western Foreigner) leeches these CEO, M Frost, FAM will take the millions and leave you a legacy that is STILL IS ISLAM RACIST TERRORIST celaka Melayu UMNO-Bangsat Negara in cahoots with sultan-Agong-Govenor Ideology

So play well enough to get Malaysia into Finals or Semi Finals like in the Japan-Malaysia Thomas cup Finals and take the $5-8 Millions each offered to you to throw the game....that is your pay day in corrupted Malaysia....What is the Point of bringing Glory to Malaysia who glorifies IS Islam Terrorist Racist Acts and Ideology with Blessing from Sultan-Agong in cahoots with UMNO-Bangsat Negara-IGP-Army, Govenor, NRD, Jakim, JAIS and Force conversion to Islam Ideology and Stealth Conversion to Islam Via IC card.   IF You are too Poor to Offer Burial and cannot afford the burial....Just Tell JAIS, JAKIM the Deceased confess to Islam IS Religion and they will find a spot ....Saves you some Money!!!...

Do we care about what is happening in Kedah and rest of the IS racist terrorist UMNO-Bangsat Negara Malaysia... in cahoots with Sultan-Agong-Govenor Sham.??  Who cares....  The sooner they kill and destroy each other in the name of their Racist IS terrorist Islam the better it will be for each State and rest of your lives.

I thought only Agong can Pardon a murderer.??...Looks like the Sultan of Selangor going to Pardon Azilah and Sirul for murdering Altantuya in the name of IS Islam UNITY and doing duty for UMNO Leaders....this is IS ISlam Racist terrorist Agenda at its cahoots witn IS iSLAM CELAKA melayu UMNO-Bangsat NEGARA!! For as Long as M. Indira Gandhi Force converted Children to Islam are not returned to mother and Force islam Conversion NOT Reversed after 7 years.....IMMEDIATELY.... take everything said with a grain of salt...Come Monday there is Going to be Huge Market Crash in Malaysia and lets hope a terrorism IS islam UMNO Melayu celaka make Malaysia worst. Use Foreign currency and Get rid of Toxic Ringgit NOW before too late!! Do your best to Disrupt...disrupt...the IS UMNO Islam Racist terrorist Agenda in cahoots with sultan-Agong-Govenor....

Wednesday, January 06, 2016

2016 New Year Resolve and Battle Hero Award goes to M. Indira Gandhi ...Perhaps the ROSA Parks Award...To galvanise Malaysia to REACT WITH ANGER, TERROR towards UMNO-Celaka bangsat Negara, Judges, Judicial Systems, No Law and No Order and their cahoots of Sultan-Agong-govenor, IGP, Army...

2016 New Year Resolve and Battle Hero Award goes to M. Indira Gandhi ...Perhaps the ROSA Parks Award NOW.......To galvanise Malaysia to REACT WITH ANGER, TERROR towards UMNO-Celaka bangsat Negara, Judges, Judicial Systems, No Law and No Order and their cahoots of Sultan-Agong-govenor, IGP, Army...

From Now on Malaysia of NON-ISLAMIC RACE SHOULD NOT GO into Contract and BUSINESS with IS ISLAM MALAYS UMNO-PAS Racist Child Force Conversion Terrorist with Sultan -agong-govenor-judges-IGP-Army Chief Approval.  EACH TIME YOU SIGN THE CONTRACT AND IF THERE IS A DISPUTE, THESE CELAKA melayu UMNO-Bangsat -Negara in cahoots with sultan-agong -govenor scumbags TRANSFER their CASE to SYRIAH Courts and the CIVIL Courts have NO CHANCE to Interfere.  THIS IS IS RACIST ISLAM UMNO TERRORIST SHam and Stuff UP Law and Order of Malaysia. FOREIGNERS BE QUICK TO LEAVE MALAYSIA....QUICKLY Convert Ringgit to Foreign Currency!!.....ALL Because of M. Indira Gandhi's children being FORCE TO CONVERT TO ISLAM and After 7 Years the Delay in Justice have meant that the Child is Forced and Tortured into the ways of IS UMNO Islam Racist Terrorist Ideology.

We Need to Free M. Indira Gandhi Children by STEALTH and move it to another country for the sake of FIGHTING BACK Against these IS ISLAM UMNO Terrorist Law and Order..... Previously Trengganu Sultan Baharuddin did to his children in lets return in kind!!

MAKE ANYTHING ISLAM NOT APPLICABLE to your Daily Life if you are NOT MUSLIM.  No need to be Romantics to this EVIL IS Terrorist ISLAM Ritual. Eat Pork, touch DOG and No need to be sensitive to Islam.....because no one WAS SENSITIVE to M. Indira Gandhi Feeling for allowing Islam to Kidnap her own Children, Force into Islam Ideology and NEVER a CHANCE able to see her child all the time while the CASE WAS STILL HEARD

M. Indira Gandhi

Lets face it ....Lets Be Real... There is nothing unique, special or worthy of complements from the IS Racist terrorist Religion of Islam UMNO-Bangsat Negara in cahoos with Sultan-Agong-Govenor...

 Koran teaches violence against non-Muslims (Sura 5:33, 8:59 and 9:5).

Many of America’s citizens know that it is dangerous for them to be disarmed and to become totally dependent upon a corrupt, politically correct, pro-Islamic government to protect them.

Nothing is Misprice in cahoots with Sultan-Agong-Govenor tender, bonds, business corruption acts.  ITS MIS-PRICED ON PURPOSE....PURPOSELY OVER PAY.....  PURPOSELY Doomed For FAILURE PROJECT So as TO INCREASE the BURDEN on Rakyat Malaysia...Just Like Law and Order that are PURPOSELY Pust aside with No Further Action!!...Wake up Malaysian!!


Because I Felt cheated by UMNO-Bangsat Negara IS terrorist Islam in cahoots with Sultan-Agong-Govenor....I will follow the Foot Steps of the Malay Red Shirt Islam Terrorist and Start Bashing ALL APPARATUS and Cahoots associated with UMNO-Bangsat Negara..including Army, Police, Doctors, City Hall Workers, JAIS, Jakim, MACC, Judges and Especially target the IS Islam Malay UMNO Sect supporters in order to make a better Malaysia....this is Law and Order in Malaysia ...over cheated with cell phone FAKE False Flag ARacist Agenda in Kota Raya...Justify the ISA, POTA to Keep Terrorist Dictator Najib IS Assad UMNO ISLAM in cahoots with Sultan-Agong Govenor...... Let the 77th Hunger Games Begin in Malaysia...Use Foreign Ringgit and Get Discount....Stupid People go to Ghost Town MARA IT MALL 2kn from Kota Raya......To the Malays Racist traders there.....Kalau Lapar...Buat Terror Lagi atau Makan Rumput!!....Rahmat Allah kepada Melayu Is ISLAM UMNO Malaysia CUKUP Manis!! 

 So you see why the celaka Melayu UMNO-Bangsat Negara in cahoots with Sultan_Agong-Govenors cannot be trusted with the Wealth and Development and FUTURE of Secular Malaysia...Soon it would be the Sultan_agong-Govenor implementing the Sultan BRUNEI HUDUD No Christmas, Chinese New Year, Devali Deco and celebration Laws..... these Scumbags Sultan-Agong including the Bruei SUltan are of the Same IS Sunni Islam MUNAFIQ DNA.....their Business overseas can DO ALL SORTS OF HARAM Things BUT ...among their GRASS Eating Subject IS Islam melayu-Bugis-Indo-Sulu-Abu Sayaf-Boko Haram...they are like the MADHI....Caliph. You need to KELUAR ISLAM, Bertaubat , repent, to see the Obvious Evil of IS ISLAM EVIL!! Just Use Foreign Currency in ALL Transactions to Avoid Holding Zimbabwe Ringgit....If money Changer Don't want to hold better wake up!! No Need to be Romantics to EVIL IS ISlam and follow their SILLY Dress Code.... YOU ARE NOT ISLAM AND MUSLIM!! Reject the Halal Food IF Possible too and keep using the Halal Microwave with Haram Food to Weaken the Munafiq Islam IS UMNO-PAS!

Quick convert Ringgit to foreign Currency...... Whoops too late... Ringgit Crashing !!!

Malaysia Economy in Crash mode......the Stupid Eat Grass...the smart Camp at the Palace of celaka UMNO-Bangsat Leaders and their cahoots of Sultan-Agong-Govenor...pleanty of FOOD there!!... 100,000 Army+Police cannot stop 15,000,000 angry Malaysian!!...Maybe some army will also join in to end the EVIL IS ISLAM UMNO-BN + sultan-Agong legacy?? who knows!!

Sultan Johor also sold to Chinese for $5 Billion ....So ....when the Malay Arise from being STUPID DOWN ....make sure you Whack the Cahoots of UMNO-Bnagsat Negara as well....even Sultan Selangor Sold Land to China.........All Sultan Paid $25 Million Ringgit to Keep Mouth shut on Celaka Najib UMNO-BN.... Now IS TERRORIST Racist Jakim also wants to be on payroll to keep quiet and keep issuing Fatwa.....Latest is Malay CANNOT USE Blood donated by non-Muslim!!.... no loss to non bumi ......Malaysia is DOOMED anyway!!

Malaysian only hope is to Continue to Trade and Commerce in Foreign Currency because suddenly Ringgit will BE WORTHLESS in the Coming Years......Its too late...time to Sack Malaya from Sabah-Sarawak and CONTINUE THE 77th HUGNER GAMES Of Malaysia!!...End the Terrorist IS ISLAM RACIST legacy if UMNO Bangsat Negara in cahoots with Sultan-Agong-Govenor......Like Sultan Brunei....if Not Making your stance NOW....soon Devali and Chinese New Year should be Celebrated in Moderation so as NOT to insult the Weak UMNO Islam IS cover up and use only Halal Microwave for Muslim!! 

No need to be ROMANTICS to EVIL ISLAM RACIST TERRORIST!!..... Help Orang Asli OVER...then other Race.....No need to Help or Contribute to ISALMIC NGO...all a Sham to Support TERRORISM ALL OVER THE World!!.